Where is Eric?



  • rose20
    rose20 Member Posts: 258

    Joel and EVERYONE responding (Except the FLAGGED idiot on the political rant! ARG!),

    Yes I am okay and I sure was moved to log in tonight and see all of this love for me.
    I am in tears.
    I NEED ALL OF YOU TOO, and DITTO to everything that was shared; back at ya'!

    What was it like to meet with hospice?

    It will be the BEST thing that EVER happened to you AND you wife, Joel!
    I can't remember who said it, but HOSPICE ROCKS!! DO NOT FEAR CALLING THEM NOW!!!!
    They are wonderful. I was put on Morphine simply because the Tennessee TennCare system will not approve almost any pain meds for terminal cancer patients. I think it is some sort of inside cruel joke. Anyway, as a result I was put on Morphine for no other reason than that, when the Oxycontin/Oxycodone was working wonders, I was pain-FREE and happy. Arrrrg!

    I asked my Oncologist on Wednesday the 14th for a referral to Hospice and she agreed that was a good idea (That's HOW you get them involved by the way). She said they have NO rules on the pain meds and any other meds too-and they DON'T! They get you what you need, fast.
    Hospice called the morning of the 15th (Thursday) and then the Hospice nurse came out Friday. She WOULD have been out Thursday but I was not around! THAT'S how fast they respond to your needs!

    I had my good old Oxycontin and Oxycodone immediately afterwards! THAT was the fastest and easiest prescription I have ever had to date. They do it a little different in each city, but that's just semantics. They will refill my scripts every two weeks (without asking or fighting or claims!) so it's easier to change the dosages and meds as needed, they give me more than I actually need (so you NEVER run out) and they get you extra things, like a RECLINER to sleep in, and they will come out any time 24 hours a day, they help with counseling for Michelle and for me, grief counseling, aftercare for the family and Michelle for when I am gone, they can help with HOUSING needs, transportation, gas, food, bath aids, oxygen, J-Tube food supplies, IV hydration on 24 hour call and on and on the list goes. They are wonderful. Best part, since Hospice is designed as end-of-life care, there is NO CHARGE for anything they do. No co-pays, nothing! I just picked up my latest prescriptions today and they just handed them to me. Easy-Breezy!!! Believe me, I could go on. They have a Chaplin coming out tomorrow to discuss spiritual issues with us. They have a social worker coming out tomorrow as well, to talk about burial issues and many other things we need to think about, dealing with my life for the next YEAR or two. These are not people you call in the last weeks of life folks, that is a BIG misconception!

    YOU WANT HOSPICE involved from the DAY you either STOP chemo and treatment, or the day you are diagnosed (as I SHOULD have) if you are incurable and not seeking curative treatment. THAT is the only requirement; that you are not seeking a CURE. You can STILL do CHEMO and radiation with most Hospices around here, as long as it is PALLIATIVE and not curative!
    WOW! Did I say Hospice was cool? LOL

    THAT is how Hospice works my friends. So ANYONE debating calling them, do yourself a HUG FAVOR...STOP and CALL NOW! They have taken SO much of the BURDEN off of Michelle!!
    They are the greatest thing since William and Loretta! LOL

    Love to all. I will post again starting tomorrow!

    Eric ~ Glad you are having better days!!
    Hospice sounds like what my brother needs.
    His wife (Kathy) has to work and she hates to leave him and has cut down on many hours at her work but she can't afford to lose her job because of the insurance.
    Can you expound a bit more on your comment, "You can STILL do CHEMO and radiation with most Hospices around here, as long as it is PALLIATIVE and not curative!"
    Thank you so very much!!
    And pray you continue with pain free days!!
  • json_2011
    json_2011 Member Posts: 100

    Thank you Barbara!

    You touch me every day in ways you don't even realize. I look forward to our next emails as well. Thank you for this loving email. You are truly a saint, a gift from God to me.

    Love you,

    You are an inspiration
    Im so glad you had a good day yesterday! I know it means alot , the little things in life can be so big when you feel good. We have not talked one on one so to speak but I do keep up with everyone here sooner or later. My mother has stage iv and we are in battle. I was flatened at first - talking with people hear that told me what is in store. I finnaly told myself that its all in Gods hands and in Gods time. Hospice was always a scarry word for me , thankyou for enlighting me on this subject. I will jot down all the ideas you have posted that i had no idea about. My mother gave me a kidney in 07 ! We also have the same birthday - just maked it so very much harder on the bond we have and to see Mom go through this. Keep us posted when you can , someone posted that it seems we are a family - WE ARE!! Hope you have anorther good day.

  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236

    Good morning to everyone!

    I am going to catch up and read posts now!

    I am having the most excellent PAIN-FREE Tuesday morning now!
    Waiting for the Chaplin and the Social Worker from Hospice today and it is BEAUTIFUL outside!

    The sun is shining and the trees are turning colors and Michelle is happy and the coffee is good.

    Thanks to all of you for the love and support. I am back. I am happy, and I am enjoying my life again, as it should be.

    Thanks be to Hospice, Sherri, and ALL OF YOU, my family, for the love, support, and encouragement.


    Good for you, Eric!
    I'm so happy that your pain is under control. When your pain is so intense, nothing else is going to be okay. I don't know much about hospice yet but will more than likely get there eventually. Hopefully later instead of sooner. My husband had a scan today two weeks after completing radiation. His pain is pretty well controlled too and I'm told that EC is a symptom driven disease. If that's true, then his symptoms have been much improved after radiation. He's able to eat and drink and his weight has stabilized for two weeks now.

    Anyway, congrats on getting the pain under control. I'm happy that hospice is working so well for you.
