Video from MSN on Head and neck cancer


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Watched it earlier.....

    While I'm glad that they got it out there, and it's starting to be noticed..

    I was a little disappointed that they seemed to emphasize that it was sexually trasmitted. While that is a a major thought, I have not read anywhere that it is difinitely and the only way that it is derived....

    Also, they didn't mention the thought that it can lie dormant within the body apparently for decades without turning on.

    The lady that was interviewed ahd two small children around 10 - 12 years old. I'm presuming married....

    I just wonder how many people that get the disease will be thought of or questioned concerning infidelity.

    But all in all, like I said, I am glad to see that it is becoming more recognized and that they are leaning more at also giving it to boys.

    I'd be inclined to consider it similar to how vaccinations were once given knowing that the virus is on the rise.

    Thoughts, opinions....

  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    Skiffin16 said:

    Watched it earlier.....

    While I'm glad that they got it out there, and it's starting to be noticed..

    I was a little disappointed that they seemed to emphasize that it was sexually trasmitted. While that is a a major thought, I have not read anywhere that it is difinitely and the only way that it is derived....

    Also, they didn't mention the thought that it can lie dormant within the body apparently for decades without turning on.

    The lady that was interviewed ahd two small children around 10 - 12 years old. I'm presuming married....

    I just wonder how many people that get the disease will be thought of or questioned concerning infidelity.

    But all in all, like I said, I am glad to see that it is becoming more recognized and that they are leaning more at also giving it to boys.

    I'd be inclined to consider it similar to how vaccinations were once given knowing that the virus is on the rise.

    Thoughts, opinions....


    that bothered me too, but am
    that bothered me too, but am glad for the info to be out.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Skiffin16 said:

    Watched it earlier.....

    While I'm glad that they got it out there, and it's starting to be noticed..

    I was a little disappointed that they seemed to emphasize that it was sexually trasmitted. While that is a a major thought, I have not read anywhere that it is difinitely and the only way that it is derived....

    Also, they didn't mention the thought that it can lie dormant within the body apparently for decades without turning on.

    The lady that was interviewed ahd two small children around 10 - 12 years old. I'm presuming married....

    I just wonder how many people that get the disease will be thought of or questioned concerning infidelity.

    But all in all, like I said, I am glad to see that it is becoming more recognized and that they are leaning more at also giving it to boys.

    I'd be inclined to consider it similar to how vaccinations were once given knowing that the virus is on the rise.

    Thoughts, opinions....


    So now we've got "the sinners' cancer"? You gotta smoke ciggies, drink booze or fool around to get it? I really hope that's not what people are retaining, but if it makes them get vaccinations for their kids, OK. If it helps folks decide to not start smoking, drinking or having unproteced sex, it's a bonus. Doesn't mean I won't be disappointed some day if it occurs to me that everyone assumes I'm a chain smoking, bed hopping absolute lush. This is America - we wanna feel safe - "Oh, I had monogamous, protected sex and never drank or smoked, so I'm safe". We don't wanna consider the notion that folks who got that cancer could have done so because of a random fungus or pesticide sprayed near your childhood playground.
  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    I agree with Pam, just
    I agree with Pam, just another way of condemning head and neck cancer patients to being self inflicted sinners. Really iritates me that these TV doctors only give you part of the facts, but I guess they can only say so much in their 30-60 second spot.

    I am glad that the word is getting out about prevention however.
  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    Pam M said:

    So now we've got "the sinners' cancer"? You gotta smoke ciggies, drink booze or fool around to get it? I really hope that's not what people are retaining, but if it makes them get vaccinations for their kids, OK. If it helps folks decide to not start smoking, drinking or having unproteced sex, it's a bonus. Doesn't mean I won't be disappointed some day if it occurs to me that everyone assumes I'm a chain smoking, bed hopping absolute lush. This is America - we wanna feel safe - "Oh, I had monogamous, protected sex and never drank or smoked, so I'm safe". We don't wanna consider the notion that folks who got that cancer could have done so because of a random fungus or pesticide sprayed near your childhood playground.

    I'm safe.....I didn't/don't smoke. :>)
  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    jim and i said:

    I agree with Pam, just
    I agree with Pam, just another way of condemning head and neck cancer patients to being self inflicted sinners. Really iritates me that these TV doctors only give you part of the facts, but I guess they can only say so much in their 30-60 second spot.

    I am glad that the word is getting out about prevention however.

    Part of the facts

    Agree seams like all the TV dr’s want is a bigger audience, so they put in only half the info and leave the real information out.

  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member
    Hondo said:

    Part of the facts

    Agree seams like all the TV dr’s want is a bigger audience, so they put in only half the info and leave the real information out.


    I didn't get a negative vibe from the report. Getting HPV is nothing to be ashamed as it is something that a majority of people get at some point in there lives. It is what it is and now my only concern is beating it and doing what I can to protect my kids.
    If someone wants to think that I deserved cancer because of my behavior then God bless them.
  • RushFan
    RushFan Member Posts: 224 Member
    Joel4 said:

    I didn't get a negative vibe from the report. Getting HPV is nothing to be ashamed as it is something that a majority of people get at some point in there lives. It is what it is and now my only concern is beating it and doing what I can to protect my kids.
    If someone wants to think that I deserved cancer because of my behavior then God bless them.

    Agree with Joel
    I'm with you on all of the above.
    Also: Men's Health has an article about same, titled "The New Sex Cancer"...
    (Sorry, don't know how to link correctly.)

    One quote of interest:

    "However, simply kissing someone who has oral HPV can also lead to infection, according to many researchers who believe that it's possible for HPV to be transmitted through saliva."
  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Joel4 said:

    I didn't get a negative vibe from the report. Getting HPV is nothing to be ashamed as it is something that a majority of people get at some point in there lives. It is what it is and now my only concern is beating it and doing what I can to protect my kids.
    If someone wants to think that I deserved cancer because of my behavior then God bless them.

    In total
    agreement with your post.

  • RogerRN43
    RogerRN43 Member Posts: 185
    I saw it last night too and
    I saw it last night too and I didn't find it offensive, and as stupid as it sounds, I hope that's the kind I have.
    I think people realize it only takes one partner, even sharing a water bottle to get it.
  • staceya
    staceya Member Posts: 720
    RogerRN43 said:

    I saw it last night too and
    I saw it last night too and I didn't find it offensive, and as stupid as it sounds, I hope that's the kind I have.
    I think people realize it only takes one partner, even sharing a water bottle to get it.

    I still feel funny about it
    I still feel funny about it...not offensive. Just wish it was not associated with HPV.
    Not for any logical reason..just feel self conscious.
  • Marty36
    Marty36 Member Posts: 84
    RushFan said:

    Agree with Joel
    I'm with you on all of the above.
    Also: Men's Health has an article about same, titled "The New Sex Cancer"...
    (Sorry, don't know how to link correctly.)

    One quote of interest:

    "However, simply kissing someone who has oral HPV can also lead to infection, according to many researchers who believe that it's possible for HPV to be transmitted through saliva."

    I had a long conversation
    I had a long conversation with my oncologist at Georgetown about HPV when I first met him. He's been doing research on the issue and was very up on the current findings. His sense was that it may not be a traditional STD because it lacks some of the usual characteristics. He also mentioned kissing and said it is possible that it's just change in the virus. He noted that what made it look different form other STDs was that it occurred less in African Americans (who have higher rates of STDs but more often do not begin sexual "careers" using oral sex) and there was no evidence that gay men have higher rates (who do have more oral sex and higher rates of STDs than heterosexuals).

    Ultimately, most sexually active adults--even those who may have even a tiny number of sexual partners or even just one--have HPV of some sort. I don't think women with cervical cancer are stigmatized by having BPV-related cancer, so there's no reason we should allow it to stigmatize us.
  • timreichhart
    timreichhart Member Posts: 194
    staceya said:

    I still feel funny about it
    I still feel funny about it...not offensive. Just wish it was not associated with HPV.
    Not for any logical reason..just feel self conscious.

    I would like to disagree on that whole thing.
    I would like to disagree on that whole thing about the symptoms of this HPV cancer is also linked to EBV (Epstein–Barr virus)as well as NPC (Nasopharyngeal carcinoma) like my cancer because my symptoms started as sore throat then moved to a cold then moved to a mass ear injection in the right ear then there was a lump on my right side of the neck.

    Yes these all the things I found out myself that 2 doctors missed before the 3rd doctor found out there was 2 masses that showed up in a MRI/CT scan.

    Dont forget the EBV is also linked to Head and Neck Cancers.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    staceya said:

    I still feel funny about it
    I still feel funny about it...not offensive. Just wish it was not associated with HPV.
    Not for any logical reason..just feel self conscious.

    Same as you Stacey, I'm not ashamed, embarrased, or anything others mentioned, it is what it is....

    Like Hondo mentioned, I just would have liked them to give more information....especially on the incubation period.

    As reported it didn't really give a time frame for contraction and the very long time before it may become active and develope into cancer.

    There was recently a report that stated nearly 75% of the population under 40 have been exposed to HPV.

    Which also supports the one MD on the MSN report that stated he is seeing a large number of patients in their 30 - 40's compared to a traditional H&N Cancer patient in their 60 - 70's...

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    I would like to disagree on that whole thing.
    I would like to disagree on that whole thing about the symptoms of this HPV cancer is also linked to EBV (Epstein–Barr virus)as well as NPC (Nasopharyngeal carcinoma) like my cancer because my symptoms started as sore throat then moved to a cold then moved to a mass ear injection in the right ear then there was a lump on my right side of the neck.

    Yes these all the things I found out myself that 2 doctors missed before the 3rd doctor found out there was 2 masses that showed up in a MRI/CT scan.

    Dont forget the EBV is also linked to Head and Neck Cancers.

    Hi Tim
    That is correct that the EBV virus is just another one that can cause cancer in Head & Neck as in my case. All the information needs to come out so people can understand that H&N cancer is not only from the HPV virus. HPV is only one of many types of cancer of the H&N.

    I like John am glad to see it is becoming recognized and people are getting aware about early detection and treatment to prevent getting some types of H&N cancers.
