Today is my one year anniversary of my new diagnosis

camul Member Posts: 2,537
Today is one year since my pet scan that revealed my bone met's. And what a year it has been. Two different chemo's for 25 treatments so far, bone marrow biopsy, skin biopsy, 2 additional mri's and bone and pet scans, radiation therapy 2 separate times on my hips, pelvic and tailbone.

Moved into an apartment, had to give back my condo. Now on SSDI, with a small pension from grocery, and on long-term disability to make up the difference to 60% of my regular wages with my company, of which I am off active payroll as of October 2nd (this is when the long-term begins).

Was blessed to see both of my sons graduate from college and know the path that they have chosen for their lives. Have also been blessed to spend time with almost all of my brothers and sisters (there are 10 of us living), and reconnected with old friends who were such a part of my life growing up, and strengthened existing friendships as well as learned how many can't deal with my illness, but just the same, know that they are loved and love me in their own way, and have made many new friends through this journey.

But best of all, I have surpassed the lifespan that the doctors believed to be my destiny. I have been able to enjoy this time on the good days, and have accepted that there will be a lot of bad days!

And now I have almost an inch of hair, not fuzz mind you, but real curly white hair growing on my head, and have 3 eyebrows so far on one and 5 on the other! Still can't find eyelashes but they will come at some point I Life is good.

Had chemo yesterday, got some steroids with the anti nausea and am so hyped up one would think I was on a really good trip! Planned a trip and a move back to California (I am sure it was the meds, but also the thought of being home-bound for another winter)!
Starting to come back down, so it won't take long and the effects of chemo will set in.

Thank you all for being here on this journey as I have had many ups and downs and appreciate all the love and support that has come off this board. Everyone's posts, whether good news or not, keeps me grounded and thankful.



  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    Carol, I can't believe the year you've had
    After reading your posts, I can see what a strong, determined woman you are. With all you've gone through, you continue to fight like a girl and prove how wrong the doctors with their statistics can be.

    You truly inspire me and all of us here. Keep fighting, sweetie. And if you need a day or so to be down, then be down but get right back up and fight some more. Sounds like you have a big, wonderful family and a slew of friends to prop you up when you need it. We are here for you always and I pray that this treatment is the one that kicks cancer's butt to the curb for the last time.

    Hang in there.

    Warm hugs, Renee
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    missrenee said:

    Carol, I can't believe the year you've had
    After reading your posts, I can see what a strong, determined woman you are. With all you've gone through, you continue to fight like a girl and prove how wrong the doctors with their statistics can be.

    You truly inspire me and all of us here. Keep fighting, sweetie. And if you need a day or so to be down, then be down but get right back up and fight some more. Sounds like you have a big, wonderful family and a slew of friends to prop you up when you need it. We are here for you always and I pray that this treatment is the one that kicks cancer's butt to the curb for the last time.

    Hang in there.

    Warm hugs, Renee

    God Bless..
    You,'ve really been through " uncle Guido" could have gotten your chair quicker for you....haha..

    Hang in there..know we care
    Hugs, Nancy
  • epark
    epark Member Posts: 339
    MAJW said:

    God Bless..
    You,'ve really been through " uncle Guido" could have gotten your chair quicker for you....haha..

    Hang in there..know we care
    Hugs, Nancy

    I'm so blessed I met you on this board..I love to read your post and SOOO HAPPY that you have proven your doctors wrong...thats all that fight and determinaton you have....always thinking of you.....

    take care and god blessed
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    YOU are an inspiration and an amazing person.

    God Bless,

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    epark said:

    I'm so blessed I met you on this board..I love to read your post and SOOO HAPPY that you have proven your doctors wrong...thats all that fight and determinaton you have....always thinking of you.....

    take care and god blessed

    You have certainly had quite a year!
    And may you continue to do well.

    Love, Suzanne
  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    Well now it is one year and one day....
    Hi Carol,
    Didn't see your post until now. I can't believe a year has come and gone. You have been so strong and I have gotten strength from you. All my Prayers are with you for more good days.

    Love, Diana
  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Carol, you are so brave. What ladies like yourself go through as horrible as it is, gives us so much strength just when we need it. You are amazing. Good luck to you.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Thanks everyone...
    It has been a long year, but in some ways a good year! Diana, Eva, Sylvia, and everyone else your support has helped so much, now shooting for year 2.

    Love u all!
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    missrenee said:

    Carol, I can't believe the year you've had
    After reading your posts, I can see what a strong, determined woman you are. With all you've gone through, you continue to fight like a girl and prove how wrong the doctors with their statistics can be.

    You truly inspire me and all of us here. Keep fighting, sweetie. And if you need a day or so to be down, then be down but get right back up and fight some more. Sounds like you have a big, wonderful family and a slew of friends to prop you up when you need it. We are here for you always and I pray that this treatment is the one that kicks cancer's butt to the curb for the last time.

    Hang in there.

    Warm hugs, Renee

    Thanks Renee
    I try not to stay down too long when I get there. Thank you for always being so supportive. It means so much.
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    MAJW said:

    God Bless..
    You,'ve really been through " uncle Guido" could have gotten your chair quicker for you....haha..

    Hang in there..know we care
    Hugs, Nancy

    Yeah Nancy
    we need Guido to kick some cancer a** while he is at it!
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    camul said:

    Thanks everyone...
    It has been a long year, but in some ways a good year! Diana, Eva, Sylvia, and everyone else your support has helped so much, now shooting for year 2.

    Love u all!

    Carol sending you a big hug
    Your positive attitude always amazes me, you are inspirational example for all of us showing how to handle challenges with pride and grace. Thank you and very more years to come.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Carol sending you a big hug
    Your positive attitude always amazes me, you are inspirational example for all of us showing how to handle challenges with pride and grace. Thank you and very more years to come.

    Your zeal, poise and grace is so inspiring to us
    all. Thank you for sharing your life, journey, struggles and joys with us. I am in awe of you, and your strength.

    Gentle hugs, dear Carol.

    Vicki Sam