Anyone have any suggestion how to make this pain go away?

n2summer Member Posts: 17
edited September 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
I had a bilateral masectomy on aug 31. I have now developed a protruding large vien or something under armpit that tightens so much when I raise my arm it is impossible to do. My breast hurt so bad that I can hardly stand anything to touch them. I called plastic surgeon and he says take 4 advil and see if it helps. The advil is making me sick to my stomach. Any Suggestions.

Oh I also had immediate reconstruction and the placed implants with silicone in me. My skin and nipples were saved.

Any suggestions?


  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Hmmm... I am so sorry you
    Hmmm... I am so sorry you are having such issues. Sounds like it might be maybe some form of lymphedema to me. I had a double mastectomy (skin sparing, no nipple) with immediate reconstruction. I had tissue expanders put in and have since had them inflated. Having a double mastectomy is a major surgery, one of which has left me numb all the way down the sides of my torso, up under my armpits and clear around to my back. If you had lymph nodes removed that could be your culprit. Unfortunately until you are given the okay you can't push the exercises to help the pain subside. Give it a few more days and if things don't improve I think another call to the doctor would be the best advice. Did he not give you something stronger for pain after your surgery? If Advil is making you sick, maybe try tylenol. That always did the trick for me.

    Some people rebound back from this type of surgery so quick and others need lots of time to heal. I was a quick rebounder... I'm sorry you are in such pain though. But given two weeks post OP, you shouldn't be lifting your arms any higher then chest level. Maybe you are doing to much too soon?

    I hope you do better in the upcoming days.. otherwise place another phone call, maybe Doc can prescribe something stronger.

    Good Luck.. keep us informed on how you are doing and get lots of rest.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    There is a post mastectomy
    There is a post mastectomy condition called axillary web syndrome. I'm not saying this is what you have, but it seems like it would be worth checking. The following website has some good information on it.

    Whether it is or isn't axillary web syndrome, please ask for a referral to a physical therapist. Look for a PT who has experience with mastectomy patients. They are the experts at helping you to recover your range of motion.

    I hope this helps, and I hope you feel better soon.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    There is a post mastectomy
    There is a post mastectomy condition called axillary web syndrome. I'm not saying this is what you have, but it seems like it would be worth checking. The following website has some good information on it.

    Whether it is or isn't axillary web syndrome, please ask for a referral to a physical therapist. Look for a PT who has experience with mastectomy patients. They are the experts at helping you to recover your range of motion.

    I hope this helps, and I hope you feel better soon.



    Good advice
    Linda give you the best advice, yes find a physical therapist who specialized in mastectomy patients. Your surgeon should give you referrals. it usually a combination of stretching and massage. Gradually it will be better. Three years later I still need to do stretching every day.
    Let us know. Hugs
  • n2summer
    n2summer Member Posts: 17

    There is a post mastectomy
    There is a post mastectomy condition called axillary web syndrome. I'm not saying this is what you have, but it seems like it would be worth checking. The following website has some good information on it.

    Whether it is or isn't axillary web syndrome, please ask for a referral to a physical therapist. Look for a PT who has experience with mastectomy patients. They are the experts at helping you to recover your range of motion.

    I hope this helps, and I hope you feel better soon.



    Thank you so much.. This
    Thank you so much.. This information is great. I am calling the doctor back today.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    n2summer said:

    Thank you so much.. This
    Thank you so much.. This information is great. I am calling the doctor back today.

    I'll add...
    Never take Advil or ANY pain meds on an empty stomach...that can make you sick to your stomach....

    Hoping you get some relief soon....
  • Corinna11
    Corinna11 Member Posts: 75
    MAJW said:

    I'll add...
    Never take Advil or ANY pain meds on an empty stomach...that can make you sick to your stomach....

    Hoping you get some relief soon....

    Yes! I had the same thing
    Yes! I had the same thing and the drs were clueless. Mine was a blood vessel that had been manipulated during surgery and was now tight and swollen. I did very gentle stretches like yoga to increase flexibility in the area. Over my head, behind my back, anyway you feel a resistance then stop. Did this many times a day 30-50 and also used lavender or grapeseed oil to massage my entire arm including underarm area from fingers to shoulder only in that direction very lightly but enough to feel your muscles. It will get better but it takes time.Please let me know if I can help any more. BTW. Tylenol is better for your stomach. Warm compresses can help too. Cory :)