CIN I, Worst Symptoms

Hi there,
It's been quite the confusing summer! And now, it's only getting worst. I hope someone has some advice! Or even just kind words, really.
I had my annual pap smear this past June. Two weeks later I got the results and was told it was abnormal, but I was not told why. After nearly a month of struggling to find a gynecologist, I had a colposcopy done. The results came back and I was told that it was CIN I. I was also told I would need no treatment and to just keep up with a regular pap smear. I found that odd considering CIN I signifies pre-cancerous cells as present.
Since getting those results, I have now missed my period twice. The first time I missed it I took multiple pregnancy tests and had blood work done. All results were negative. This month, I've missed again and once again all tests are negative.
I've decided to see an oncologist but no one will talk to me. I've called three separate offices and they all tell me either they'll call me back or to call back in a few weeks to see if they're accepting patients.
Has anyone had the same experience? Any suggestions? Anything would be very much appreciated. Thank you!



  • beckyracn
    beckyracn Member Posts: 322
    I'm sorry to hear

    I'm sorry to hear what your going through. Dealing with doc's when your already stressed is not a fun game to play. If CIN 1 is your diagnosis, then you are in a wait and watch period. They should be doing a pap every six months to keep an eye on it...nothing else is required at this time. It is the belief that it may clear up on it's own. And your chances of getting into see an oncologist are very low. You need a referral from you gyn or primary GP to get an appointment. I wish you luck on your endevor.