Finished day one of chemo...Sort of

CindyGSD Member Posts: 190
edited September 2011 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1
Had my first chemo treatment today…finally.

I’m getting Ifosfamide three days in a row and Taxol on the first day only. Today was suppose to be my Taxol day but within three minutes of starting the IV, my lips went numb, my chest felt tight and I had half the hospital staff in my room. In the end, stopping the pump and flushing my system with saline solved the problem. Unfortunately, the decision was made to put off trying Taxol again until tomorrow. Strange how one simple change in treatment has sent me into a minor depression. I’m actually looking forward to chemo tomorrow.

On a humorous note, after I received my pre-treatment dose of Benadryl which sent me into la la land, I was sure that the noises from the IV pump was a song from someone’s radio and when the speed or tempo of the pump changed, it sounded exactly like Thunderstruck by AC/DC.

Have others here had serious allergic reactions to Taxol and were you still able to get it despite it?



  • Fayard
    Fayard Member Posts: 438 Member
    I had a mild reaction to taxol during my last cycle.
    I was not able to breath well without coughing.
    I also had like pressure in my chest.

    The nurse simply cut off the iv with taxol, gave me some iv fluids for about 15 min, and then continued with taxol at slower pace.

    I hope you feel better tomorrow, so you can continue with treatment without delay.
  • CindyGSD
    CindyGSD Member Posts: 190
    Second time is a charm
    Tried again with taxol today...This time giving me the benadryl right before they administered it. The nurse sat with me for the first 15 minutes and other than a minor scare that ended up being a hot flash, I had no reaction too it.

    Weird that I'm so happy it worked. Apparently I can handle the cancer, I can handle the treatment...I just can't handle any setbacks, no matter how minor they are.

  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member
    CindyGSD said:

    Second time is a charm
    Tried again with taxol today...This time giving me the benadryl right before they administered it. The nurse sat with me for the first 15 minutes and other than a minor scare that ended up being a hot flash, I had no reaction too it.

    Weird that I'm so happy it worked. Apparently I can handle the cancer, I can handle the treatment...I just can't handle any setbacks, no matter how minor they are.


    Taxol vs Taxotere
    Dear Cindy

    There is a chemical in the Taxol that makes it soluble in water that causes the bad reaction. If you find you cannot tolerate Taxol at all in the future, ask the doctor to try Taxotere.

    Taxotere is like a cousin to Taxol and some people tolerate it better.

    good luck!

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    CindyGSD said:

    Second time is a charm
    Tried again with taxol today...This time giving me the benadryl right before they administered it. The nurse sat with me for the first 15 minutes and other than a minor scare that ended up being a hot flash, I had no reaction too it.

    Weird that I'm so happy it worked. Apparently I can handle the cancer, I can handle the treatment...I just can't handle any setbacks, no matter how minor they are.


    I had a severe reaction as
    I had a severe reaction as soon as they started taxol. I saw stars and had burning in my chest, my BP was way high, and I started hallucinating. They immediately stopped the treatment and gave me the benadryl or something and then sent me home since I was so out of it. They waited a week, but decided to give me Gemzar and Carboplatin instead of taxol. That solved the problem.

    I am glad you are fine now and it is working for you!
