FSH Level too High and please advise me

Hello All,

Most of people know me here and My mother was diagonesd in may 2009 with endo adenco stage 3 c grade 1. she had finished chemo in sept 2009. she is in remission with grace of god.

In april her ca125 was 7. she went yesterday for her exam. Doctors has ordered her FSH test.

Is it test for cancer. Her level come high 60.8. Is anyone has done test and she had complete radical hyst.... what was ur value?

do i need to worry about it? she is coming uk next month to visit me.

Her ultrasound was clean with CBC.

Please advise me and god bless u all.

Thanks Kumar


  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    Dear Kumar
    I don't think this test is used as a cancer gage. I thought it was to determine if someone was menopausal or when dealing with fertility issues. Your mother's CA no. is awesome and you say she had a clean ultrasound. I think these questions are best asked of her dr. Did they not tell her why they were doing this test?
    Big hugs,