maryjanice Member Posts: 10 Member
edited March 2023 in Leukemia #1
My daughter is 42 and was just diagnosed with ALL she needs a BMT


  • tosadtofightagain
    tosadtofightagain Member Posts: 1 *

    I'm 51 years old, I survived ALL diagnosed in 1971. Used St. Judes trial at the time of chemo and radiation at the age of 18 month old. I have mutated genes and holes in my bones, I lost a child to spinal muscular atrophy, survived breast cancer, brain tumor surgery and am now dealing with depression and anxiety. Feel like I should be living in a medical research building so they can figure out why i'm still alive and maybe what I get to survive next. If god dosn't give you more than you can handle, he must think I freaking wonderwoman.

  • jerkyok
    jerkyok Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you for sharing your story. I was just diagnosed with ALL on 1/03/22 and I meet Thursday with Mayo to discuss the BMT I need. Best of luck!

  • capmarie
    capmarie Member Posts: 1 *

    Im 40 and was just diagnosed in November with AML. I finished my initial treatment and currently in remission. I just finished all my tests for BMT clearance that is scheduled for late January. Mentally, Im not ready and Im nervous as this whole process has been so fast. I thought I had a sinus infection and after they tested my blood in the ER, I was told the news. It's been A LOT. Wishing your daughter and YOU much strength and peace in this journey.

  • MsYouCanPeriod
    MsYouCanPeriod Member Posts: 3 Member

    I am so glad I am able to respond to your comment which means you are still here for a reason. After all you have been through, yes you are a wonder woman! A woman who others glean from because of your strength, tenacity and resilience. I feel the same way at times, but am reminded that others have died from what I have survived now 3 times. While I understand the name you have chosen, I would like to encourage you to continue fighting. Thank you for sharing parts of your journey. You have encouraged me to continue on mine! You CAN.(PERIOD) #RemoveTheT

  • MsYouCanPeriod
    MsYouCanPeriod Member Posts: 3 Member

    I was diagnosed with ALL in 2018 at age 39 and had a BMT in 2019. I know the unknown is uncomfortable but you both will get through this. If I can help in any way, please let me know. I just found out about this resource and wish I had known sooner. I have always found comfort in speaking with others but did not have people to talk to that was going through or had gone through this journey I found myself on. My cancer relapsed twice but I am now in remission again and refuse to give up on me because I am still here for a reason. You and your daughter will get through this. You CAN.(PERIOD) #RemoveTheT

  • MsYouCanPeriod
    MsYouCanPeriod Member Posts: 3 Member

    I pray all went well with your BMT. I too found out about my ALL diagnosis by visiting the ER. The journey is just that -a journey but always remember You CAN.(PERIOD) #RemoveTheT

  • G_RD
    G_RD Member Posts: 2 Member

    I went through the same thing. I'm so sorry:(

  • midn8t
    midn8t Member Posts: 12 Member

    I got T cell ALL in 2012 was 33 i had a stem cell transplant in 2019 during research trail participation stem cell transplant bone marrow with no radiation treatment at the UWM Health, worked pretty well for me.

    just have to take things day by day it can be a big kick in the pants thought.