PCNS Lymphoma

I was discovered to have this ugly disease. I am only 24, no AIDS, never smoke or alcoholic.
7 tumars are in my brain. The biggest one is 3cm. Now I finished first chemo with MTX and then cytarabine.
I know most people with this cancer can survive several years, but when it comes back, it took their lives. Is there any exception?


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hello Peter
    Big Hugs to you.
    You are young which gives you an advantage from the very
    start. There are tons of loving and supporting people on this site.

    I did some quick digging and hopefuly these will help you:

    I found PCNS under "Brain Cancer" ( http://csn.cancer.org/forum/165 ) on this site.

    These people are dealing with it and may be good to reach out to:


    Also, this site might be useful to you as it's devoted to brain tumors, etc.

  • subito
    subito Member Posts: 4
    surviving cns lymphoma

    Even if it comes back you can treat it with MTX again. My husband had it and we met many people who live with it chronically. Of course I hope it never comes back! But you have youth on your side. That makes a huge difference.

  • subito
    subito Member Posts: 4
    surviving cns lymphoma

    Even if it comes back you can treat it with MTX again. My husband had it and we met many people who live with it chronically. Of course I hope it never comes back! But you have youth on your side. That makes a huge difference.
