His ship has sailed; raise a glass to the Captain



  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    Thank you and God bless you...
    Thank you for one of the most beautifully written and touching and moving things I have read on any of the discussion boards yet.
    Your story touched me deep inside and made me less afraid of my own journey. It has been inspirational to read about his courage (and yours, too) and to know that things can go peacefully and quietly.
    I will continue to pray for you and I hope you will continue to be a part of the discussions here as I can tell you you have added something to my life with your posts and I know it has had to have helped others as well.
    May God bless you and keep you in peace, real peace.
    If there is anything you need I hope you will post it here.
    Thank you again, for helping me with MY journey, and for taking the time to share that beautiful post. It really helped me. I know he is in a better place without any pain now and you have BOTH been an inspiration to my wife and myself. You have given us strength to endure this with you. I am a better person for having read your posts! I am grateful to you for that.