
cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
I am five weeks out of treatment and the anxiety is becoming overhelming. This site has been very helpful, but I haven't found many questions answered about the emotional healing.
I understand my body is still in the throws of radiation. The Cancer Center in Rhode Island has been wonderful with support, but I'm still feeling lost. Which is difficult on my family. They have been supportive through treament, but I need them now more than every. Feeling anxiety when I need to leave the house. Is it a good idea to start work part-time? Lost in myself in Rhode Island. ~Carol


  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    Hi - I found going back to work to be an enormous relief. It made me feel like I was back to somewhat of a normal life. And it was really good to see the people again and get back into a more social atmosphere. It may depend on what your job is (how busy is it? is there a lot of stress?) and how supportive they are. Part-time is good. You're probably still somewhat weak and/or tired from all you've been through.
  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member
    RoseC said:

    Hi - I found going back to work to be an enormous relief. It made me feel like I was back to somewhat of a normal life. And it was really good to see the people again and get back into a more social atmosphere. It may depend on what your job is (how busy is it? is there a lot of stress?) and how supportive they are. Part-time is good. You're probably still somewhat weak and/or tired from all you've been through.

    What you are experiencing is what many of us have. I felt that way for at least 3 months and to be honest my anxiety level first started to go down following my first scan post treatment. My doctors had me on something mild to help with the anxiety. I went back to work about 3 weeks post treatmetn and that helped me a lot. But when my mind wasn't busy I would revert to thinking way to much about it.

    Once you get past the first set of comprehensive post treatment scans, tests, etc. I'm hoping you will experience the same degree of decrease in anxiety.

    Wishing you well,
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Post-treatment anxiety
    This is completely normal! I think most, if not all, of us go through that. I describe it as a feeling of abandonment. You go from having people take care of you every day, such as going to radiation, to being on your own (or at least that's how it feels!). It gets easier as time goes on. Your work will help you get back in the stream of things. Best wishes!
  • sissy310
    sissy310 Member Posts: 300
    I agree with Liz and
    I agree with Liz and Martha...the anxiety is normal. I did not have less anxiety until after my first set of scans and a subsequent biiopsy. I still have anxiety from time to time before a set of scans or if something comes up 'abnormal' or even if there is a tiny bit of blood when I got to the bathroom. I take ativan on those occasions and find that it helps get over that hump. Keeping busy is also a good idea. It does make one feel more normal and back to 'normal' so to speak. Plus you were around medical people for 6-7 weeks straight almost every day and then suddenly, it diminishes. It kind of makes you feel out there and alone. But you are not alone. The group is still there if you have concerns and we are here to help minimize any anxiety or fears you have or simply to listen if you want to vent. Marilyne
  • alis7910
    alis7910 Member Posts: 80
    have you thought about having therapy? It helps to have someone who can be objective just to talk about your feelings.I went back to work once the pain diminished because I felt restless and needed to get out of the house. Also, body work like massage, acupuncture and/or Reiki helps balance out your energy and body, mind and spirit.
  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    alis7910 said:

    have you thought about having therapy? It helps to have someone who can be objective just to talk about your feelings.I went back to work once the pain diminished because I felt restless and needed to get out of the house. Also, body work like massage, acupuncture and/or Reiki helps balance out your energy and body, mind and spirit.

    Getting Help
    I have been seening a social worker at the Cancer Center. I will find out today when I will be having my scan. Thank you for your sharing your experiences and support.
  • nonichol
    nonichol Member Posts: 170
    emotional helaing
    I found the emotional aspect after treatment to be the hardest part. It was like my brian was finally able to start processing what I had gone through. And being fatigued from treatment, financially strained, and thrown into to menopause (probably the worst part).

    I had to go back to work 6 weeks after treatment, I was afraid I couldn't make it, as I travel 4 days a week. The first time I had to drag my suitcase with me through the airport I was exhausted, not to mention I could barley lift the suitcase into the overhead bin (people giggled as I was trying to lift it and I just thought "if you only knew", but looking back work helped me emotionally and physically. We do what we must.

    Oh yeah, I also had to accept the fact that people who haven't been through this can't relate to me and frankly I got the feeling it made them uncomfortable to discuss. That is why I still check in here, I know, you all know what it is like.
    Hang in there!
  • 7243
    7243 Member Posts: 249 Member
    I too was overwhelmed with anxiety after treatment. I had always been a confident, independant woman, yet I felt such overwhelming anxiety and my confidence was dealt a devastating blow. I found it difficult to even leave my home and meet friends for lunch after treatment ... when in treatment we have the support of the radiation oncology team, chemotherapy nurses, etc. and when treatment is over we tend to feel abandoned and alone, not to mention we now are focused on "did the treatment work"? This anxiety and stress is well documented ... there is an NCI publication, "When Treatment is over" you might find helpful. Here is the link:

    Check it out ...

    I continue to struggle with anxiety and I'm 6 months out ... I also suggest you see if there is a center for integrated living that might offer something like Mindfulness Meditation or Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction classes. I'm stating an 8 week class ... Guided Imagery is also helpful: There is a great woman who's tools you may find helpful: Bellruth Naparstek is her name. I use the anxiety, general wellness tools and others. I load them on my ITouch and listen routinely and when stressed. See what you think.

    Hang in there. Keep up with your counseling and best of everything. I really understand. It does get better with time, so be loving and patient with yourself. XO
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    7243 said:

    I too was overwhelmed with anxiety after treatment. I had always been a confident, independant woman, yet I felt such overwhelming anxiety and my confidence was dealt a devastating blow. I found it difficult to even leave my home and meet friends for lunch after treatment ... when in treatment we have the support of the radiation oncology team, chemotherapy nurses, etc. and when treatment is over we tend to feel abandoned and alone, not to mention we now are focused on "did the treatment work"? This anxiety and stress is well documented ... there is an NCI publication, "When Treatment is over" you might find helpful. Here is the link:

    Check it out ...

    I continue to struggle with anxiety and I'm 6 months out ... I also suggest you see if there is a center for integrated living that might offer something like Mindfulness Meditation or Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction classes. I'm stating an 8 week class ... Guided Imagery is also helpful: There is a great woman who's tools you may find helpful: Bellruth Naparstek is her name. I use the anxiety, general wellness tools and others. I load them on my ITouch and listen routinely and when stressed. See what you think.

    Hang in there. Keep up with your counseling and best of everything. I really understand. It does get better with time, so be loving and patient with yourself. XO

    Book recommendation
    I might also recommend a book titled "You CAN Beat the Odds" by Brenda Stockdale. I attended her seminars and got lots of good advice which is all included in the book.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. . .you won't need to ask us if it is right. You will know. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.
  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    Angela_K said:

    I just started back to work this week almost 7 months post treatment. I understand your anxiety and suggest don't push yourself too much. I re-entered the workforce doing something I enjoy and is not overwhelming or too stressful. You will know when the time is right for you. . .you won't need to ask us if it is right. You will know. I did it on my own time and in my own way. For me 5 weeks following treatment would have been way too soon as I was experiencing some confusion and memory problems that have now subsided.

    Although I have been a Pilates fan for many years, I just discovered a series of excercise videos by Trudie Styler (the wife of musician Sting) that calm and center me. They include yoga, Pilates, ballet, cardio . . .and all have modified moves to accomodate everyone. Very soothing and effective delivery. You might find them helpful as well.

    Blessings to you! Keep us posted.

    Starting to work today
    Well, I'm taking the big step this morning and going back to work part-time. I will be able to set my own hours. I work at a local college for the dean of the school of nursing. The dean was an oncology nurse, so she understands and has been very supportive through the cancer and 3 times with my husband. But it is a scaring step to take. I've been in my own world for 12 weeks and now I have to re-enter the world that did not stop. Hope it is the right choice. ~Carol
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    cap630 said:

    Starting to work today
    Well, I'm taking the big step this morning and going back to work part-time. I will be able to set my own hours. I work at a local college for the dean of the school of nursing. The dean was an oncology nurse, so she understands and has been very supportive through the cancer and 3 times with my husband. But it is a scaring step to take. I've been in my own world for 12 weeks and now I have to re-enter the world that did not stop. Hope it is the right choice. ~Carol

    Good luck!
    Wishing you the best as you return to work today, Carol! I'm sure all will go well. Your boss sounds like the best!