What do I do now?

padee6339 Member Posts: 763
My Oncologist pleaded guilty in Federal Court yesterday that she illegally exported drugs not approved for use in the United States. They raided her office and found several boxes of unapproved drugs, including some with labels and packaging in Turkish. She faces up to a year at sentencing. What do we do? Her patients? We trusted her. We put our lives in her hands. Now this? I have an appointment on Friday with her. I feel betrayed.


  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Oh wow...
    First of all you are still alive, so maybe her course of treatment prescribed to you has been up to snuff. Maybe these illegal drugs are "experimental" drugs used in other countries successfully? Who will ever know...

    First thing you need to do is find a new Oncologist. Like other pink sisters whom were dissatisfied with their Noncologists, they feel happy and blessed to have been forced to make that decision. You will never have peace of mind with the "what if's" unless you can move on now to a new doctor and get a second opinion.

    How terrible that your MO put her patients through this.. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and what decisions you make. I am sure there will also be lawsuits in that doctors future...

  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763

    Oh wow...
    First of all you are still alive, so maybe her course of treatment prescribed to you has been up to snuff. Maybe these illegal drugs are "experimental" drugs used in other countries successfully? Who will ever know...

    First thing you need to do is find a new Oncologist. Like other pink sisters whom were dissatisfied with their Noncologists, they feel happy and blessed to have been forced to make that decision. You will never have peace of mind with the "what if's" unless you can move on now to a new doctor and get a second opinion.

    How terrible that your MO put her patients through this.. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and what decisions you make. I am sure there will also be lawsuits in that doctors future...


    Thanks - she's been such a great doctor. I still trust her. She made me well with the taxotere/carboplaten chemo diet, she is always available to talk to - I don't even need an appointment to get in to see her. She is not in a medical group, she is an independent, has her own office and staff whom I've gotten to know like family. I talked to her this morning and she is also devistated. I am hoping this will all be cleared up soon. She has not lost her license or her practice. She thinks they are aiming higher than the doctors who purchased from this corporation. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. But right now I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach and will wait to made a decision. I am only on a blood booster now, trying to bring my blood levels back to normal. But you are right, I need to make a decision. And soon.
    Hugs -
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    padee6339 said:

    Thanks - she's been such a great doctor. I still trust her. She made me well with the taxotere/carboplaten chemo diet, she is always available to talk to - I don't even need an appointment to get in to see her. She is not in a medical group, she is an independent, has her own office and staff whom I've gotten to know like family. I talked to her this morning and she is also devistated. I am hoping this will all be cleared up soon. She has not lost her license or her practice. She thinks they are aiming higher than the doctors who purchased from this corporation. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. But right now I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach and will wait to made a decision. I am only on a blood booster now, trying to bring my blood levels back to normal. But you are right, I need to make a decision. And soon.
    Hugs -

    Am praying that everything works out!
    If you still trust her you're right in waiting to make a decision. If your relationship is as good as it sounds I think you can have a pretty open and frank discussion with her. How did she get involved in this mess? I think I'd start with that. Obviously what she did for you was right so her answer to your question should tell you a lot.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    skipper54 said:

    Am praying that everything works out!
    If you still trust her you're right in waiting to make a decision. If your relationship is as good as it sounds I think you can have a pretty open and frank discussion with her. How did she get involved in this mess? I think I'd start with that. Obviously what she did for you was right so her answer to your question should tell you a lot.

    If you have insurance .. I would call
    explain the situation -- and get another opinion. Get copies of all your medical records and take them along with you

    I am in shock .. Chaos and Confusion is going thru my mind right now. I can only imagine what is going thru your mind.

    Please take care of you .. Put yourself first - go see another Oncologist.

    Just my humble suggestion. All other Federal issues etc, will iron themselves out in the months to com.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    VickiSam said:

    If you have insurance .. I would call
    explain the situation -- and get another opinion. Get copies of all your medical records and take them along with you

    I am in shock .. Chaos and Confusion is going thru my mind right now. I can only imagine what is going thru your mind.

    Please take care of you .. Put yourself first - go see another Oncologist.

    Just my humble suggestion. All other Federal issues etc, will iron themselves out in the months to com.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    copies of your medical records
    Make sure you have all copies of your medical records, including pathology trport
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    VickiSam said:

    If you have insurance .. I would call
    explain the situation -- and get another opinion. Get copies of all your medical records and take them along with you

    I am in shock .. Chaos and Confusion is going thru my mind right now. I can only imagine what is going thru your mind.

    Please take care of you .. Put yourself first - go see another Oncologist.

    Just my humble suggestion. All other Federal issues etc, will iron themselves out in the months to com.

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam

    I see you've been a member of this board since 2009. Having been in treatment for your cancer that long ago, something must have been done right if you haven't had any re-occurrence. I guess the wait and see approach is best since you like her so much and she is truly humbled and sorry by her actions. Maybe being an independent practitioner she was going around the middle man and just buying her drugs at a cheaper rate. I'd like to think that is the case and not that she was buying "illegal" non FDA regulated medication.

    I guess you need to really follow the case and make your own decision based on what facts you are finding. In the meantime, if she loses her license or goes to jail for a year you will still need follow-up care. Maybe since you are close to her, at the time a penalty is issued you can ask her opinion of a substitute until she's back in business.

    I know how much I adore my doctors, should something happen to them I'd give them the benefit of the doubt too. Good Luck to you..

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    I see you've been a member of this board since 2009. Having been in treatment for your cancer that long ago, something must have been done right if you haven't had any re-occurrence. I guess the wait and see approach is best since you like her so much and she is truly humbled and sorry by her actions. Maybe being an independent practitioner she was going around the middle man and just buying her drugs at a cheaper rate. I'd like to think that is the case and not that she was buying "illegal" non FDA regulated medication.

    I guess you need to really follow the case and make your own decision based on what facts you are finding. In the meantime, if she loses her license or goes to jail for a year you will still need follow-up care. Maybe since you are close to her, at the time a penalty is issued you can ask her opinion of a substitute until she's back in business.

    I know how much I adore my doctors, should something happen to them I'd give them the benefit of the doubt too. Good Luck to you..


    What kind of drugs?
    Chemotherapy drugs? Cancer drugs? Voodo? Vitamins? Alternative medicine drugs? Is she trying to help patients without health insurance and is she dispensing them to others? Are other oncologists doing this? Why? What for? Is she a hero or a menace to medicine?

    Do your research and learn what this is all about before making any decision. So many questions.

  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    My first concern is the same as others have stated "get your medical records". If it were I would go to the office and ask for a copy and tell them you will gladly wait while they copy them to ensure you receive everything. I would most certainly get a second opinion and begin looking for a new onco. I realize this is extremely difficult but you are the number one concern here and you need to know your onco is not entertaining treatment that is not approved in the country in which you reside. It's one thing to sign up for a test program, its another to not know for absolute sure what is being put into your body.

    I wish you all the best please keep us updated!

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Betrayed - I agree.
    How devastating for you, I can't imagine! And you're obviously emotionally connected to your doctor. However... Could you ever, ever trust her again? As others have already advised; please, be sure to get ALL of your own medical records as soon as possible. Then, find another doctor - as difficult as that may be. Your doctor is facing a possible year in prison - in which case, you'd need to find another anyway.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    copies of your medical records
    Make sure you have all copies of your medical records, including pathology trport

    Pat, I am so sorry. This is
    Pat, I am so sorry. This is scary. I do have to agree with what some of the other sisters said and make sure you get copies of all of your medical records, everything.

    Good luck!

  • debi.18
    debi.18 Member Posts: 850 Member

    Betrayed - I agree.
    How devastating for you, I can't imagine! And you're obviously emotionally connected to your doctor. However... Could you ever, ever trust her again? As others have already advised; please, be sure to get ALL of your own medical records as soon as possible. Then, find another doctor - as difficult as that may be. Your doctor is facing a possible year in prison - in which case, you'd need to find another anyway.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan

    WOW! What a tough situation you are in. I agree, just to be on the safe side, make sure you get copies of all your records. Lets hope whatever she was doing was for the right reasons -and that she succeeded in helping others and saving lives.

    Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Debi
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Betrayed - I agree.
    How devastating for you, I can't imagine! And you're obviously emotionally connected to your doctor. However... Could you ever, ever trust her again? As others have already advised; please, be sure to get ALL of your own medical records as soon as possible. Then, find another doctor - as difficult as that may be. Your doctor is facing a possible year in prison - in which case, you'd need to find another anyway.

    Best wishes to you.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Pat, what have you done?
    Pat, what have you done?

    Hugs, Angie
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Thanks everyone
    I did go to see her for my weekly visit. She told me that due to the high cost of drugs, her office manager had suggested they look for other sources. The company they found was located in the UK and being suspicious, the doctor had them send everything they had to prove they were legally able to sell drugs in the US. She got the information. Everything looked to be on the up and up. She ordered from them. The drugs were made in the US by Eli Lilly, Novartis, Astra Zeneca and Amtrem (sp?). They arrived better packaged and in better condition than from her previous supplier. It turns out the whole thing was a scam. When she was told that the reason they could not be sold in the US was that the packaging and inserts were illegal. They were written in Turkish. But the fact was that they were American drugs manufactured by American companies. I finished chemo in March of 2009 and this happened in March 2010. The day I went to her she had a letter she had written to all her patients and the name and address of her lawyer. She said she in in jeopardy of losing her practice. One insurance company had already called and dropped her. She said if she loses her patients, practice and insurance, she would make sure we had references for other oncologists. We will cross that bridge if and when we come to it. She looked awful. My heart broke for her. For a doctor who is so dedicated to her patients and their care this is awful. Cancer treatment is her life, so many in her family either have or had or lost their lives to it and she has devoted her entire life to it. I have another appointment with her tomorrow and will find out more. Please keep her and her patients (including me) in your prayers. Thanks everyone. I will keep you posted. BTW, you are right about getting copies of my records. I will ask them tomorrow.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow...I think I would find
    wow...I think I would find new Dr now..even if I had to wait and NOT go back to her ever. I am sure very scary-did the courts notify you (all patients) how did you find out. HOW can her office still be up and running..

