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  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Sending you prayers for keeping the fight going...

    Where are you being treated....sometimes different parts of the country/World provide different solutions and innovations...


    p.s. we are all here for you!

    We're here for you, Shiela
    There comes a time for a second opinion and I think now is the time for you. I'm sure there is no explanation why you've had a recurrence of such an early stage cancer, but there must be more than one school of thought on how to deal with it. Sorry I can't offer any more advice to you, but I do think that a second opinion is appropriate. In the meantime, we're all here. Please post often and ask whatever questions that come up. There's typically someone here who has been in the same shoes.
    Sending hugs and prayers.