leg cramping/burning?? could femara be the culprit?

pattic Member Posts: 23
I am on femara, almost done with the 1st of 5 years. I understand that blood clots are among the possible side effects. Recently, I have been suffering with severe leg cramping, burning. It starts at night, beginning on the outside of my right leg, just above the ankle bone, & slowly creeps up the outside of my calf, incresing in intensity, like an incredible burning. I have to get up & try to walk it off, but it doesn't really subside with walking like a foot cramp does. It has been lasting up to 20 minutes. My daughter-in-law cautioned me not to rub it as it may cause a blod clot. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Does anyone have any thoughts as to what this might be? I see my oncologist next week for another quarterly exam, & I plan on sharing this with him at that time. Thanks for taking the time to respond.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    I've been on Femara for 1
    I've been on Femara for 1 1/2 yrs. I do occasionally get lower leg/ankle/foot cramps at night but in my case it's related to potassium levels. Since 1/2 way through Taxol, I've had problems keeping my K levels up to within normal range even with taking a mega dose of it daily. Last night was one of those nights - I had forgotten to take the pill in the morning and then was outside sweating like a pig from mucking stalls so go cramps last night. Took a pill and within an hour they were gone.

    Ask your Dr - as I understand it is not a common SE from chemo but not very unusual either. Have to remember though to be sure that the levels are low before taking mega doses as taking big doses of potassium can be as harmfu as not having enough.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I used to get terrible leg
    I used to get terrible leg cramps at night, that seemed like they lasted for ever...i am sure only minutes...I went off TAmoxifen for 3 mths...and now back on (post surgery) and so far no leg cramps...

    I would guess the medicine...I HOPE YOU get more info here..with your med
  • robang13
    robang13 Member Posts: 333
    I get them now and again
    I get them now and again from different medications. First from gabapentin. I had to finally stop taking it. Now sometimes from the tamoxifen. My doctor told me to drink tonic water. The quinine in that helps the leg cramps. I've yet to do it because I hate the taste of tonic! I find standing on a cold floor helps them go away faster, so I usually hobble into the bathroom.

  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    robang13 said:

    I get them now and again
    I get them now and again from different medications. First from gabapentin. I had to finally stop taking it. Now sometimes from the tamoxifen. My doctor told me to drink tonic water. The quinine in that helps the leg cramps. I've yet to do it because I hate the taste of tonic! I find standing on a cold floor helps them go away faster, so I usually hobble into the bathroom.


    I've been on femara for
    I've been on femara for several months and also have leg cramps, but I don't know if its from that or other problems I have. My onc said it does effect you somewhat but mostly have to watch bone density so i'm taking a calcium plus D supplement and just had a bone density test. Nothing has changed since my last one. Be sure and ask your dr about them.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Sunrae said:

    I've been on femara for
    I've been on femara for several months and also have leg cramps, but I don't know if its from that or other problems I have. My onc said it does effect you somewhat but mostly have to watch bone density so i'm taking a calcium plus D supplement and just had a bone density test. Nothing has changed since my last one. Be sure and ask your dr about them.

    Is there any way you can reach out and contact your
    Oncologist today, via telephone? Please call -- see what his recommendation would be. No need to endure continuing pain -- -- not knowing its origination.

    Gentle hugs,

    Vicki Sam
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    Sunrae said:

    I've been on femara for
    I've been on femara for several months and also have leg cramps, but I don't know if its from that or other problems I have. My onc said it does effect you somewhat but mostly have to watch bone density so i'm taking a calcium plus D supplement and just had a bone density test. Nothing has changed since my last one. Be sure and ask your dr about them.

    Could you call your
    Could you call your oncologist now and not wait for your appointment? Hoping that you get some relief from your pain.

    Hugs, Angie