Okay,.... think I need help with these %!@#&)) Hot Flashes



  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member

    vitamin e !!!
    Hi Wands :)
    I have battled depression on and off for 15 years. I was on Effexor for that many years ago, and for me, it didn't work out. I got worsening of my depression and terrible anxiety attacks from it. But, I have heard from many others who take effexor that it works well.
    As far as the hot flashes go, I asked my oncologist about them, I've had them since chemo, and I'm 10 months out of treatment. She recommended vitamin E, i can't remember the exact amount, but it's just 1 standard Vitamin E capsule I take daily, and after a few days, I really started to notice that it was working! They're not completely gone, but the frequency and severity of them has gone down considerably. I would ask your onc about trying the vitamin E, and that way you won't have to worry about side effects :)

    oops - I meant to type:

    oops - I meant to type:
    HI WANDA!!!!
    sorry, i didnt mean to call you "wands"
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    I will keep you posted
    I will keep you posted Angela, thanks. You're right about the meds and coming off. I have had Ativan for a year and a half and I always skip few days just to prove I can do it. I do feel withdrawals when I do. I guess the benefits out way the SE's.
    Please keep me posted too.

    Hoping & praying you get
    Hoping & praying you get some help Wanda!

    Hugs, Lex
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    oops - I meant to type:

    oops - I meant to type:
    HI WANDA!!!!
    sorry, i didnt mean to call you "wands"

    Heatherbelle don't worry
    Heatherbelle don't worry about calling me Wands I kinda like it! :)
    Thanks for the vitamin E info.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I had some hot flashes..but
    I had some hot flashes..but mostly warm flashes..like when you get embarrassed...but at NIGHT...i would wake up soaking from sweat. I would have to get up and change 1-2 nightly..I do not have any now...just had hysterctomy in May...been on tamoxifen for 3 yrs this month...

  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148

    Oh Angela, Thanks so much!
    Oh Angela, Thanks so much! What timing huh. I have to call for the prescription because I didn't take it today. He said it's in my chart so I can call anytime.
    If I get it tomorrow we will be starting together.
    Thanks again and I'll keep you posted.

    Not that I think misery loves company, but it is nice to know I'm not the only one that has these horrid flashes. Sometimes I ask people and I swear they think I'm exaggerating.

    Effexor Worked for Me -- I think
    I had been on Taxmoifen for about six months. I hadn't slept in weeks and I was starting to act crazy. My hot flashes came only at night, but they were doozies! I started taking Effexor, and they went away. It was like magic. I later read that sometimes hot flashes from Tamoxifen go away after six months, so now I don't know if it was the Effexor or it was just time. But the Effexor is definitely worth a try!!
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    I had some hot flashes..but
    I had some hot flashes..but mostly warm flashes..like when you get embarrassed...but at NIGHT...i would wake up soaking from sweat. I would have to get up and change 1-2 nightly..I do not have any now...just had hysterctomy in May...been on tamoxifen for 3 yrs this month...


    my onc okayed the evening primrose
    but I couldn't find it at WalMart. I did find it online at Amazon so ordered some. Horse pills! They'er huge! But if it helps I'll get through it. Anyone know how long until it takes effect?