~What Has Everyone Been Doing This Summer Or What Are You Planning? ~

susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
I know summer is half over, but, I thought you might want to share what you have done so far or what you are going to be doing for the rest of the summer.

Have you taken any trips, vacations, planted a garden, got a new job, in treatments, just taking it easy or what?

♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣


  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    I am not telling and you
    I am not telling and you can't make me! lol

    Sue :)~
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Went to parades
    We went to the Memorial Day Parade, Fourth of July Parade and to several car shows.Been busy looking for a antique car.Made a trip to KY for that.

    Had a Memorial Day Family gathering.One Daughter-in-law ruined that as always.Our grandkids come for visits.We hang out and have fun. She is 16 and he is 12.

    We have a few more car shows and will do something Labor a Day.It will be our 43rd Wedding Anniversary.We also went to a BIKE/BRIDGE run.We didn't participate but went to a concert that was held after the run.Great music.Alot of fun.Saw some of my former classmates where I grew up.They said "Hey we are in your neck of the woods now".People came from everywhere to the Bike Run.

    Not sure what we'll do in Aug. Def one car show.Not sure what else is going on that month but one thing I will be having a lumpectomy. BUMMER!!!!

    Lynn Smith