Lung Cancer-Stage 4 Question

Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
I normally post on the BC Board, however, I have a dear friend who is in treatment for Small-Cell. She has one more Chemo treatment left & her Oncologist recommended Radiation, but mentioned radiating her brain as a precautionary? She already had one clear MRI & will have another when finished with Chemo. My question is: Is this normal treatment for Lung Cancer?
Thank You for your help!


  • don09
    don09 Member Posts: 108
    Hi Cat, To answer your
    Hi Cat, To answer your question if it's normal to radiate the brain as a precautionary for those who have lung cancer is yes, reason being lung cancer unfortunately targets two major organs liver and brain. I have NSCLC Sept.09 and underwent radiation/chemotherapy/surgery. My surgery however was inoperable, but shortly after receiving additional radiation and chemo, I am now in remission status. However the Onc/Radiologist suggested whole brain radiation as a "precautionary" measure, where if my remission status were to change. Personally I declined the procedure after researching the procedure and it's possible permanent side effects, personally for myself, the risks seemed to outweigh the benefits. I had also discussed this with my Oncologist as well, there has not been enough clinical data to prove that whole brain radiation will prevent cancer ending up there anyway, regardless the procedure. Hope this helps to answer your question, and all my best to your friend.
  • medi_2
    medi_2 Member Posts: 505 Member
    Hi Cat!
    I had sclc (limited stage) and after treatment (which was successful) I had PCI. It does not guarantee you will not get brain cancer but it cut your chances in half of that happening. I had some side effects such as fatigue and 'goofiness' I called it,but I am okay now. I think it is a very personal choice so tell her to really think about it.
    Hope this helps!