port time and radation - need some imput on radation effects please.

json_2011 Member Posts: 100
Mom's having a port put in the morn. I took it upon myself to call the Moffit Center today to see if they had Mom's records. They did and said that she is in a non-insurance program i guess , and will hopefully call with news of an appointment for a second opinion next week and to have some other eyes on her , I hope. In the mean time she may be starting radation next week. Her radiologyist said " we can beat this." Also showed her the pet scan results !?! ( thought her oc would have done that). The cancer has spread to a few spots around the knot above colarbone . Spots around the abdomen. I am trying to get my stuff rounded up for going down to help. My fiance has to stay for her physical therepy , appiontments , and will have our only ride. Family will get me down , the sooner the better. I am TACKED !!