Mom's Home

lagwag Member Posts: 76 Member
My Mom had her liver re-section on the 12th of July. She was in ICU for about a week, then in regular room for a few days.

She is home resting as best as she can. She is very, very tired. Her pain has been mild to moderate. She has a very hard time with pain meds as they cause her to hallucinate.

Drs. say it takes about 6-8 weeks before she will feel better.

Just asking for continued prayers and for those who have had liver resection, when did you finally feel better again.

All The Best - Liz


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Im Glad your mom is at home and seems with good results!
    Tiredness is very normal after such a surgery , I didn't recovery until few months later but little by little and step by step you will see daly improvements! .Praying for you both Liz.
    Hugs! .
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    I'll pray
    Hi Liz,

    It might be helpful to also talk to a nutritionist or someone who is knowledgeable about what your mom can eat or supplements she might take to help build her strength, muscles, and immune system back up. Maybe that could also help with a speedier healing. It does take time, though. I healed more quickly than expected, but age does have something to do with it. I was 41 at the time of my resection- older people very well might take longer to bounce back. What a bummer your mom had such a tough time with the pain meds. Hallucinating from pain meds certainly would be no fun. I took a couple that made me vomit, and settled on percoset when needed. The pain meds can tend to constipate & straining to go while healing from major surgery wouldn't be good, so if that's a problem make sure she's taking stool softeners at the very least & maybe pour a packet of Benefiber into her drinks once a day too.
    Make sure your mom is moving and walking every day. Even if uncomfortable, it speeds the healing up (as long as it's not overdone and she doesn't strain herself).

  • Patteee
    Patteee Member Posts: 945
    has she tried toradol?
    has she tried toradol? usually given via IV, but I also came home with a pill supply. It isn't a narcotic- but it was the absolute best for pain relief. It worked better than morphine did. There are only so many doses that can be given due to kidney issues with it.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Take it easy
    Hi, Liz.

    Praying for you and your mom. It does at least a couple of months to recover and start really feeling like yourself after the surgery. Make sure your mom doesn't push herself at all.
