can't sleep

It has been 17 days since I got home from the hospital having my colon removed. I can not sleep at night or during the day. The Dr sent me home with 1000mg of tylenol, 600 mg ibruprophen and 5 mg of oxycodone. I stopped the tylenol because of upset stomach. I only take the oxy at night because I am really not in alot of pain.
Any advice out there!



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Hi Tessa
    You don't mention what might be causing your sleeplessness. Is it pain? Worry about pulling at the incision site? Worry about your health, personal issues?

    I slept in a recliner for a good while after surgery for several kept me in a feet elevated position (had some after surgery swelling in legs) kept me in a relatively stable position (can't toss or turn much in a recliner) was easy on the incision site, no tugging or pulling.

    If what is keeping you awake is more of the mental/emotional issues which we all have, then perhaps rather than a pain med you need a light sleeping pill or anxiety reliever.

    Best to talk with your doctor about what you think is keeping you from getting good rest. Rest is an important part of recovery.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    Marie is right
    You have to determine why it is your not sleeping. If the pain is not that much, then it maybe your mind that wont sleep, I had that happen many times and still to this day it happens, I used melotonin (sp) I suck at spelling, but its over the counter and works great, but I would ask you doctor first, unless its something you have taken before.

    Good Luck, hope you get some sleep, without sleep like in itself is miserable.
