First Chemo is Tuesday
Wishing you good luck todayfighting4five said:Thank you Margaret!! My ONC
Thank you Margaret!! My ONC told me that I would loose my taste, not excited about that at all. Last night we actually went to Longhorn steakhouse and I got the grilled trio platter with steak,chicken and shrimp,rice and veggies.I think it was the best meal I have ever had because I know that nothing will taste good for a while.
Wishing you good luck today Mary with your first treatment.
Hugs, Debby0 -
Hoping today went well forbutterflylvr said:Mary,
I will be thinking of you tomorrow my dear, I am sure you will do just fine. You will notice the day of your infusion your body doesn't feel too bad. It's the next 48 hours that knock you on your butt. For me the hardest day was the second day after my infusions. Then the third day you start feeling better and each day after that is even more better. My infusions were every three weeks, and my second and third weeks were normal days for me.
When I had that "thick tongue" feeling, all liquids tasted like it was a gravy thickness. What worked for me was water and chocolate milk (I know... keep that away from the kids..LOL). Anything sweet like koolaid or soda tasted funny. You may want to try protein shakes or powders to see if you can handle them, at least then you will be getting protein in you.
Post often during your treatments with issues, we will be there for you sister. The girls have given you some great advice and I just wanted to add my two cents.
Best Wishes tomorrow,
Hoping today went well for you Mary.
Jan0 -
I am also wishing you goodmissrenee said:Hi Mary--you're gonna do just fine
The first one can be so scary--mostly of the unknown. I had 6 rounds of TAC and, in my opinion, did quite well. It was not nearly as bad as I imagined or the horror stories I had heard about in the past. My main issue, like Mary above, was the yucky taste of things and that "thick tongue" feeling that she describes. For me, it was trial and error as to what I could tolerate as far as eating. Sometimes something looked so good and I'd think--yeah, I can do that and then yuk! I had good luck with the weirdest things--things I never eat normally--like peanut butter on white (and only white) bread, cheerios with milk, tomato soup. I forced water--even that did not taste good. I normally have a sweet tooth--on chemo I couldn't stand anything sweet.
Everyone is totally different. But honestly, for the first 4 chemos, I only felt crappy for a few days afterward--intermittent diarrhea/constipation, body aches, general feeling of yuckiness. The last two were a little worse in that the side effects lasted a little longer and I was more tired.
If you are offered help--TAKE IT! People need and want to help--it makes them feel better. You'll be doing them a favor. Don't talk to negative people. My husband and I had a code--he'd answer the phone and say, "Oh hello, Joan, how are you?" I'd either thumbs up or thumbs down him. Then he'd know if I chose to speak with that person. If I didn't want to, he'd tell them I was resting. I was very positive throughout--of course having bad days, but mostly thinking positively and trying to be happy. The last thing I felt I needed was negative people or getting upset with things people said to me.
I wish you the absolute best as you go on this unknown journey. I think you'll discover strength you never knew you had.
Hugs, Renee
I am also wishing you good luck! I pray that your first chemo wasn't hard on you.
Hugs, Kylez0 -
Hoping you got thru yourfighting4five said:Thank you Judy...Im glad you
Thank you Judy...Im glad you mentioned a sweater,I will make sure to put one in my bag. :-)
Hoping you got thru your first chemo and are taking it easy now. When do you have your next treatment?0 -
Thank you Everyone!! I amKristin N said:Praying that your first
Praying that your first chemo wasn't too hard on you. Keep us updated.
♥ Kristin ♥
Thank you Everyone!! I am doing very well.It is day 4 and No bad side effects so far! Just a little tired. I think my appatite has actually improved since the first treatment I seem to stay hungry so im eating healty snacks between meals and of course plenty and water.
I gotta tell you I honestly believe that all of the prayers are being heard and answered.I feel so blessed to have the support of all of you Amazing woman.
Much Love
Mary0 -
Great news that you arefighting4five said:Thank you Everyone!! I am
Thank you Everyone!! I am doing very well.It is day 4 and No bad side effects so far! Just a little tired. I think my appatite has actually improved since the first treatment I seem to stay hungry so im eating healty snacks between meals and of course plenty and water.
I gotta tell you I honestly believe that all of the prayers are being heard and answered.I feel so blessed to have the support of all of you Amazing woman.
Much Love
Great news that you are feeling good and even have an appetite! Praying that it continues for you Mary!
Hugs, Debby0 -
So glad to hear you are okfighting4five said:Thank you Everyone!! I am
Thank you Everyone!! I am doing very well.It is day 4 and No bad side effects so far! Just a little tired. I think my appatite has actually improved since the first treatment I seem to stay hungry so im eating healty snacks between meals and of course plenty and water.
I gotta tell you I honestly believe that all of the prayers are being heard and answered.I feel so blessed to have the support of all of you Amazing woman.
Much Love
You will be ringing that bell in no time!
Just REST REST REST!!! and hydrate - water, milk, wine (just kidding!) - just make sure you keep the fluids going through as the chemicals HAVE to come out somehow!!!
Take care my friend and keep us posted!!
Margaret0 -
Margaret is right that soonmargz35 said:So glad to hear you are ok
You will be ringing that bell in no time!
Just REST REST REST!!! and hydrate - water, milk, wine (just kidding!) - just make sure you keep the fluids going through as the chemicals HAVE to come out somehow!!!
Take care my friend and keep us posted!!
Margaret is right that soon you will be finished and we can all celebrate with you!
Hugs, Leeza0 -
Mary - I got mouth ulcersjnl said:Margaret is right that soon
Margaret is right that soon you will be finished and we can all celebrate with you!
Hugs, Leeza
Mary - I got mouth ulcers after every tx;they were very painful
and it was quite difficult to eat. I found a few things I could eat
during this time was instant oatmeal, jello, popsicles and hot tea
and gatorade to drink. I surely hope you can escape this side effect
and that your next tx will go great. Hugs!
Teresa0 -
Try flavored watergami43 said:Mary - I got mouth ulcers
Mary - I got mouth ulcers after every tx;they were very painful
and it was quite difficult to eat. I found a few things I could eat
during this time was instant oatmeal, jello, popsicles and hot tea
and gatorade to drink. I surely hope you can escape this side effect
and that your next tx will go great. Hugs!
Glad to hear your first treatment went well. I have just a couple of small things to add -- I've lost a lot of appetite & taste bids too, can't stand the taste of plain water (like gasoline smells to me) and am existing on Crystal Light and Fruit2O. Try flavored water if that helps you too, it's really important to drink lots of water. Also, I'm very sensitive to the steroids in the dexamethasone, they really rev me up, so I've resigned myself to taking Ambien 2 or 3 times a week.
You're lucky to have the support of your husband. Another way to get organized help is through one of the online support communities like caring bridge or; I used it when my husband was dying & then had to rename it for myself. You set up your own group & can use if for meals, transport, errands, whatever...I'm sure with 5 little ones you need lots of help!
Thinking of you,
Linda0 -
Glad to hear things went fairly well and sorry to post so lateLinda52 said:Try flavored water
Glad to hear your first treatment went well. I have just a couple of small things to add -- I've lost a lot of appetite & taste bids too, can't stand the taste of plain water (like gasoline smells to me) and am existing on Crystal Light and Fruit2O. Try flavored water if that helps you too, it's really important to drink lots of water. Also, I'm very sensitive to the steroids in the dexamethasone, they really rev me up, so I've resigned myself to taking Ambien 2 or 3 times a week.
You're lucky to have the support of your husband. Another way to get organized help is through one of the online support communities like caring bridge or; I used it when my husband was dying & then had to rename it for myself. You set up your own group & can use if for meals, transport, errands, whatever...I'm sure with 5 little ones you need lots of help!
Thinking of you,
I had a "chemo bag" that I took along to every treatment. In it were ice water, hard candy, snacks, puzzle books, Kindle, bc info book with all my doctors business cards etc., my pink prayer shawl, favorite pictures on a mini viewer (for moral support), cell phone of course, sometimes my Bible study info and/or paperwork or something else that needed done, and sometimes a pillow in case they ran out in the treatment center. Sounds like a lot but it all fit in one tote and covered the bases for anything I might need. They had water, juice and snacks available in the treatment center for patients but my hubby had to bring his own. Depending on the time of day we would get settled in and he would go down the street to Panera Bread and get us soup and salad lunch.0 -
sounds like MY husband...helenkay said:what to bring to chemo
My husband, dad or a friend always came with me. We watched our portable DVD player during chemo to keep my mind off things. There might be a tv there for you to watch. I always had a drink, a Sonic limeade or a Coke, because I tasted the chemo and the hep. through my IV. I was sleepy by the end. And I got cold. Bring a blanket or jacket. It really helped to have someone there with me. I saw many women all by themselves. One husband said as he was leaving his wife there, "I'm going to Home Depot. I don't have time to sit around here all day." Like she wanted to sit there. What a jerk! Your family sounds wonderful and supportive! Good luck to you! Stay positive and laugh often.
I'm going to have my 1st chemo today too. Pretty scared, but I have 2 of my children close by.0 -
How are you doing nowSueRelays said:I had my first cancer bustin
I had my first cancer bustin cocktail on the 15th of July. Was so certain I would saillll through. Didn't!!! All this advice was great, and I wish I would have asked prior to mine!!
I will tell you how mine went since it's so fresh in my mind
Spent 5 1/2 hours in the infusion yes,bring entertainment! I felt good enough that night to go out for dinner, so I did. Felt good enough the next day to do a little shopping and go out for breakfast. Had the Neulasta shot on Saturday, so not sure if it was from that, or the port not working and having to schedule another surgery, or what....but that night BAM it hit me. Spent all day Sunday on the couch, and that night literally threw up several times. ( I have been through this before, and NEVER actually threw up). Followed by the lovely diarrhea bug! Of course, got severely dehydrated with nothing staying in me, so off to the infusion room for fluids Monday morning. Changed my meds, etc.. Tuesday, life slowly shook me awake, and each day since then has gotten better. Actually spent the weekend at the lake with friends, and like everyone says, except for the taste buds, almost forgot what a week ago was like!!!
The absolute hardest things for me as well as the thick tongue like Lorrie mentioned, and like Lorrie, I could stomach milky things, milkshakes, ensure, etc....but nothing with any color, gatorade, or any of that.
Wish you all the luck on your first! Just know, it DOES get better!!!!
How are you doing now Sue?
Hugs, Leeza0 -
Best advice I can give
Stay away from crowds, and eat what you can, baked potatoes were safe for me, the smell didn't bother me, so many smells from food just made me nauseas. Rest when you are tired. My very first one, I slept when I got home in the afternoon and woke up the next night, then went back to sleep. I think it was all from the emotional up's and downs and finally I was relieved when treatment started...If you have a port, it could hurt when they insert the needle, I got good advice and asked for the spray, it numbs the area before the needle stick..what chemo are you having? I had A. C. T. Hang in there Mary, I know it is a bumpy road, but I have had the chemo, a lumpectomy, and radiation is completed, my hair is growing back in and I am re-entering my life that I left behind to heal...all will be well, and you are not alone...cry when you need to, ask for help, and don't try to be super will get through it and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep coming in here and check out the chat too. It was a godsend on those scary nights that I just couldn't sleep ~ I really got answers ~ and met some great ladies to you..{{{hugs}}} too..Sinee/Cindy0 -
How are you doing Mary? Okmargz35 said:Here is my advice for you ...
Hi Mary:
First of all, please don't be scared. I was terrified for my first treatment and I had amazing nurse who got me through all 4. Make sure the nurse doing the infusions makes you feel at ease. Chemo nurses are wonderful and I am very close to mine now after my treatment.
1. Re nausea medication. They may give you Emend which is an anti-nausea medication. I did not react to it with my the first treatment but boy did my veins hate it the 2nd, 3rd and 4th infusions. Make sure after your infusions you watch the infusion site and if it "flares" up - call you doctor - don't hesitate. I broke out in hives all over my "trunk" and also under my arms, my neck, my arms and "down below" between my legs - just horrible. Even though I was prescribed some steroid cream to soothe the itching, I ended up using Aveeno Eczema cream and it was wonderful. Also, if you are able to, take Benadryl morning and night (2 tabs) - I did not get drowsy and this helped immensely. On my 3rd infusion, I broke out as the Emend was going in, they removed the needle and I took Benadryl. The rash was gone by the time my infusions were finished that day - clearly a reaction. My doctor prescribed some anti-nausea meds but I did not need to use them. Again, EVERYONE is different - this was just my experience.
2. See if your partner or a good friend can go with you each time. Even though you may or may not want to chat the whole time, it is nice to have their friendly face there.
3. Food - bring your favorite salad, snacks, etc. I didn't worry too much about the caffeine thing - I sipped on a nice tall Venti through my infusion. But again, everyone is different.
4. Bring some good magazines, your iPod or even a DVD player - with comedy!!!
After your infusion, rest or just put your feet up. I TiVo'd a lot of shows so that I could watch them the week I was off work. My infusions were on a Friday and I was off work all of the following week and then back on Monday feeling fine.
Now the bad part ..... within about 2-3 days you will get the creaky bones. You will know it as you will start to feel like you just got on the treadmill for the first time in a while - it hurts! I took 2 Tylenol and was fine. It will pass.
Also, you tongue will feel like you are on Novacane for 5 days straight - water will taste like wallpaper paste. I had a glass or two of Sprite to sweeten my mouth up. To me the non-taste ability was the worst of all. Even worse than the hives! Therefore eat whatever you desire - it won't taste good, but some stuff may - just try....
Another thing is bowel movements - they are not nice. My oncologist laughed at me as I was very descriptive with them. I will save you from that detail. Make sure you get a good diaper rash cream! You will understand why. I got one called Candula (sp.) which is for babies and is available at Wholefoods.
Remember the chemicals have to come out somehow and the quicker you metabolize them (tonnes of fluid) the better you and your backside will feel.
I think that is about it. Just rest rest rest. I was told by so many people to take a walk every day if possible, but seriously it was all I could do to get out of bed on the bad days. If you can walk, more power to you!
Take care my friend. Chemo will be over before you know it and you will be ringing that bell loud and strong!
And PLEASE do not be scared....
My best to you and your family,
How are you doing Mary? Ok I hope.
Hugs, Kylez0 -
Hi Kylez...Im doing veryKylez said:How are you doing Mary? Ok
How are you doing Mary? Ok I hope.
Hugs, Kylez
Hi Kylez...Im doing very good so far.I have had my 2nd taxol treatment with no bad side effects.
Thank you for asking. I hope that you are doing well?
Mary0 -
Hi Corinna...How did yourCorinna11 said:sounds like MY husband...
I'm going to have my 1st chemo today too. Pretty scared, but I have 2 of my children close by.
Hi Corinna...How did your first treatment go? How are you feeling? You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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