Did you know that with certain nuclear dyes your pee turns bright blue?????

Minka Member Posts: 29
Hi all...back home from mastecomy on the left side. Whatever they game me in nuclear medicne (which, btw hurt like HELL).....turned my pee electic blue for three days. Interesting color to excude from the body! And...they found about 10 more things I'm allergic to, including the packaged bath wash stuff (I turned bright purple and had to have IV antihistamine)....several other pain meds and several new types of tape. The blue from the pee and the purple of my body at looked nice together. :D
So....I'm on Oxycontin and lots of oral Benedryl. They took out three nodes which the doctor said 'look clean' but I'm not doing a happy dance until I get path report back. I'm not negative, just a realist. Oh...and the Oxycontin works well, but makes me goofy..
or goofier as my family would agree. The stitches itch..a lot...even with the benedryl, and they have them covered with some kind of 'liquid skin' I've been admonished not to
pick at'. I'm not laying around...but not overdoing it either. Want to stay as strong as I can...back to work on September 1. Thank you all for your support and kind words. And now...as the Oxy takes effect...I'll get offline for awhile before the goofiness returns. Take care!


  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Take care of yourself and I
    Take care of yourself and I must say when I read that you were "Purple" all I could think of is that all-time favorite song: Flying Purple-people Eater.....

    I will be wishing that the worst thing you have to suffer with are rainbow-colors. Do what you feel like doing, but be sure to rest as much as you need to. Some of us super-ladies have a problem with that.

    very soft hugs coming your way,

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    HA HA HA. never thought to
    HA HA HA. never thought to warn you about that one lol. yeah, i blue pee in my catheter bag. my surgeon came in and showed me right away, its a little blurry but i thin someone else had showed me...it was probably my only highlight in hospital...watching pee turn to blue to green to yellow until they took catheter out...oh other highlight was the best chocolate dessert with mile high coolwhip ive ever had.. had one at every meal when i could eat lol. man, makes me hungry for it all over again! glad you are out of the hospital. will look forward to hear how things went.
  • pinkpalette
    pinkpalette Member Posts: 112

    HA HA HA. never thought to
    HA HA HA. never thought to warn you about that one lol. yeah, i blue pee in my catheter bag. my surgeon came in and showed me right away, its a little blurry but i thin someone else had showed me...it was probably my only highlight in hospital...watching pee turn to blue to green to yellow until they took catheter out...oh other highlight was the best chocolate dessert with mile high coolwhip ive ever had.. had one at every meal when i could eat lol. man, makes me hungry for it all over again! glad you are out of the hospital. will look forward to hear how things went.

    since you're feeling goofy....
    And you're going blue...maybe you are turning into a SMURF!!!! LOL Awww, just kidding....I went blue too.

    Wishing you hope and strength as you heal!

    Hugs, pinkpalette