My first chemo day went great!

mom2greatkids Member Posts: 528
The nurses were unbelievable! Each one was so pleasant and kind. It was a very relaxed atmosphere. I took carbo/taxol. I arrived a little after 9:00. I got back home about 5:00. I saw the dr. following my chemo.

I had my pet scan results from last week. Two lymph nodes in my lower back were cancerous. However, he said he is still very optimistic. He said there were no spots that showed up in any organs. He also felt that it was to my advantage that the lymph nodes effected rather than in the abdomen. I have clear cell, which has me concerned, but I'm going to fight like crazy. The power of prayer is also a major factor.

Thanks for all of your help and support. Except for this stupid cancer I am in very good health. Hopefully that too will work to my advantage.


  • mom2greatkids
    mom2greatkids Member Posts: 528
    Oh, and they will allow
    Oh, and they will allow someone to be with you provided the room is not too crowded. I have a friend who will probably visit with me when I go back July 19. There is no wifi at this clinic, but everyone has their own television set complete with remote and head phones.
  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313
    I am so very happy for you.
    I am so very happy for you. It's not bad. Did you sleep thru it mostly? I did and when people come visit I am always out of it. Keep up the fight teal warrior.
  • mom2greatkids
    mom2greatkids Member Posts: 528
    jbeans888 said:

    I am so very happy for you.
    I am so very happy for you. It's not bad. Did you sleep thru it mostly? I did and when people come visit I am always out of it. Keep up the fight teal warrior.

    The Benadryl made me sleepy,
    The Benadryl made me sleepy, but I couldn't fall asleep. I read a little, watched some tv, and visited with a sweet lady and her sister sitting next to me.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Chemo nurses are the best!
    I'm so very glad all went well for you. Being otherwise healthy is indeed a big plus. Let us know how we can help with any side effects you might experience.
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    Mwee said:

    Chemo nurses are the best!
    I'm so very glad all went well for you. Being otherwise healthy is indeed a big plus. Let us know how we can help with any side effects you might experience.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    I'm so glad
    you had an easy time with your first chemo.

  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    Mwee said:

    Chemo nurses are the best!
    I'm so very glad all went well for you. Being otherwise healthy is indeed a big plus. Let us know how we can help with any side effects you might experience.
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    benadyrl and steriods
    they make you feel kinda weird , jumpy and sleepy a the same time. I am glad it went well for you. It is a very long day so you must be tired and hungry. Remember to drink, drink ,drink to flush out the chemo and keep things moving. Take a stool softener tonight. Yes chemo nurses are the best. Very compassionate and competent in the field. Just think one down and five to go....val