Finished week two of treatment

jeepman Member Posts: 109
Just looking for some insight from you all:

My affected lymphnodes are not shrinking. I realized that I am just wrapping up week two of treatment (chemo/rads) but I guess I was hoping to see them shrinking. My ENT Dr. said that it will shrink and the neck dissection won't be very invasive, post treatment. I suppose I am just a worry wart and wanting to see some shrinkage.

Any and all input is asked for.

Thanks and god bless.



  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    awhile longer
    Give it a little more time, Mike. My chemo delivery was different from your's, but I do remember that by the 4th week my two had shrunken by almost half. It'll happen-


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Just a quick review of mine...

    I had tonsil cancer (primary), one lymphnode same side (secondary). Tonsils were taken out, but the tumor was left to see what effects the chemo/rads would have.

    Thought being that it would shrink it, dissolve it, or nothing....shrinking or dissolving would provide less invasive surgey if needed (dissection).

    I had nine weeks (three week cycles) of Cisplatin, Taxotere and 5FU...then seven weeks of concurrent weekly Carboplatin and 35 daily rads.

    After the second three week cycles (six weeks in), the tumor was noticeably smaller. At the end of the nine weeks, it had dissolved completely verified by a CT...

    So for me it took awhile, but no neck dissection, the tumor dissolved away.

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    Hi Mike
    Last year at this

    Hi Mike

    Last year at this time, I had just finished week 2 of treatment rads/chemo, ahh memories. Yeah I think 2 weeks is a bit too soon to see much shrinkage. I would guess another week or 2 before you might notice any reduction. Patience (I know, much easier said than done!). Hang in there and stay strong Mike. Cheers

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Mike
    My lymph nodes on the right side of my neck never did shrink very much in fact 6 years later you can still see it if I hold my head a cretin way. But the doc say there is no more C in it and if I did not like seeing it he would remove it. I opt to leave it as a battle scar

    Take care
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    No shrinkage here, either
    Hi Mike,

    Some of my lymph nodes never did shrink during treatment. My 2-month MRI showed some 1-cm lymph nodes (that had previously lit up on my pre-treatment scan). He told me the nodes were just inflamed now, and it was true. My 3- month post-treatment PET-CT showed no cancer.

