Casting For Recovery

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
Has anyone had any experience with them? ( I found it this morning and it sounds like something I'd like to try. It's apparently a 2 1/2 day Retreat for women who are BC Survivors where you learn to do fly fishing. Sounds like fun to me - I fish but never tried to fly fish. It's cost free other than you getting yourself there.

There are several sites over the States but not all States have one in them (some have more than 1 in them)- my State (SD) doesn't have any. I'm going to call them on Mon to ask about it as according to the site I have to apply to my "geographic" State. Well - the State I have to apply for is more than 1/2 the contiinent away - PA is nowhere close to SD. They have 15 States listed as needing to go to PA so what chance does anyone have of being accepted when they only take 14 women for each Retreat? There are ones that are definately more geographicly close to me.

Anybody with info?



  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    ironic we just came back
    ironic we just came back from fishing..and I mentioned to my daughter about fly fishing..sorry I have no info...but fishing is quiet/ peaceful and relaxing..does the body good..
  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

    ironic we just came back
    ironic we just came back from fishing..and I mentioned to my daughter about fly fishing..sorry I have no info...but fishing is quiet/ peaceful and relaxing..does the body good..

    Isn't it so relaxing!
    Honestly - here I'm not that 'gung-ho' about fishing here as it's just not quite the same as where I grew up primarily and lived for a lot of married life. We had fresh and salt fishing in SW Gulf Coast FL and Puget Sound area WA. It's not a big deal to me how many I catch or don't catch as it's just so relaxing to be out by the water. Also I do barbless and catch N release most of the time - it's just Hubby and I now so don't need many IF we want fresh that day but do love to fish anyway.

    I've never tried fly fishing. It was in late '91 or early '92 after he got back from Desert Storm, Hubby decided that he wanted to do fly fishing so Boys and I got the Outfitter I worked for to help us pick out a fly rod/reel for him and try to 'educate' him how to do it. Didn't work out too good as he's not the most co-ordinated person in some ways so the better part of valor, in my opinion, was for me not the try it then. Well when I found the Casting for Recovery site today, it sounded like something I'd really like to do - not just for the fly fishing but for the comradarie (sp?) with other BC Survivors.

    (Totally OT but have you ever caught a fish by the tail? Younger Son did when he was about 9.)

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    Casting for Recovery is a
    Casting for Recovery is a great organization! Everything good - nothing bad. I participated in Idaho a few years ago, and although I must be like your husband in terms of coordination, I still had a wonderful time.(And I did catch a fish!)

    I was in a very down space psychologically at the time I went. The setting was gorgeous and the women were kind and generous. We didn't only fish; we also learned how to tie flies. And we talked and we laughed and we cried and we ate great food.

    Let me know if you would like to contact the Idaho branch.
