
TKMomma Member Posts: 54
I soon will begin taking tomaxafen and the blood clot thing really worries me. I have the world's ugliest legs with veins and purple blotches, etc. Had my left stripped 15 years ago and now 50. Never had any testing done but have always had a fear that I would have circulataion problems, clots, etc. so taking this tamoxafen is beginning to worry me. Do they do any preliminary testing for such thing before you start taking the pill and do they periodically do a circulation test on your legs, etc. Anyone that has taken the bill, please let me know how it affected you (if it did at all). thanks.


  • Boppy_of_6
    Boppy_of_6 Member Posts: 1,138
    I am 50 also and have been on tamoxifen since Aug.2010. My Onc has me taking a low dose asprin every other day. I have not had to many problems with the drug. I do have hot flashes and for the first few weeks I was taking it I was very moody and iritable. I did adjust to it after a while but do still have hot flashes. Please talk to you Onc. about your concerns he may want to do some test. I did not have any but please talk with him before you start it. I am seeing an Gyn. next week about the possibilty of having my ovaries removed and stopping the tamoxifen and taking one of the other drugs. God Bless
    (((hugs))) Janice
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I take baby asprin daily
    I take baby asprin daily while on tamoxfin....I have been off it for 3 mths due to complicetions and just had hystrectomy....(*due to thickenin of uterus -i had internal ultrasound @ 6 mths followed by D & C....) I Hope you find all your answers here...good luck with all this

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    I take baby asprin daily
    I take baby asprin daily while on tamoxfin....I have been off it for 3 mths due to complicetions and just had hystrectomy....(*due to thickenin of uterus -i had internal ultrasound @ 6 mths followed by D & C....) I Hope you find all your answers here...good luck with all this


    I know how you feel
    I know how you feel.I have the same problem.Ugly legs with varicose veins.I am ashamed. I also had some treatment.The saline injections but got tired of doing that after a while. Now the legs are back to the same.I am thinking about getting the treatment again but don't want to disturb the problem since I don't have any pain(plus wearing those ace bandages). I have been taking tamoxifin for 1 1/2 years and so far no problems. I mentioned the varicose veins to my doctors but they said they weren't clots.Just bad veins.

    I am a small person and never understood why my legs are bad.The doctor said it was hereditary.My mom had them but she was overweight.My sisters were also overweight but never had a problem. I really started noticing the vein problem after my total hysteroctomy.I also am on my feet alot and could be another reason.I rarely sit unless on the computer.

    I was thinking yesterday I need to see the doctor about getting these legs treated.I actually have a couple places that look like clots but they have been there a long time and been checked.They called them veins. I believe blood clots start in the back part of the leg if I remember.Seems what my doctors have told me.

    Talk to your doctor but so far things have been fine for me being on tamox.I am 64.Older than you. My legs are very very embarrassing. People tell me I'm pretty but if they saw my legs they wouldn't say I was pretty.

    Lynn Smith
  • TKMomma
    TKMomma Member Posts: 54

    I know how you feel
    I know how you feel.I have the same problem.Ugly legs with varicose veins.I am ashamed. I also had some treatment.The saline injections but got tired of doing that after a while. Now the legs are back to the same.I am thinking about getting the treatment again but don't want to disturb the problem since I don't have any pain(plus wearing those ace bandages). I have been taking tamoxifin for 1 1/2 years and so far no problems. I mentioned the varicose veins to my doctors but they said they weren't clots.Just bad veins.

    I am a small person and never understood why my legs are bad.The doctor said it was hereditary.My mom had them but she was overweight.My sisters were also overweight but never had a problem. I really started noticing the vein problem after my total hysteroctomy.I also am on my feet alot and could be another reason.I rarely sit unless on the computer.

    I was thinking yesterday I need to see the doctor about getting these legs treated.I actually have a couple places that look like clots but they have been there a long time and been checked.They called them veins. I believe blood clots start in the back part of the leg if I remember.Seems what my doctors have told me.

    Talk to your doctor but so far things have been fine for me being on tamox.I am 64.Older than you. My legs are very very embarrassing. People tell me I'm pretty but if they saw my legs they wouldn't say I was pretty.

    Lynn Smith

    Lynn....we should join an ugly leg club. I dont dream of my dearh but have always thought eith age I would have poor circulation, amputation, or whatever. One of my biggest fears. Still wear shorts thou. I dont care.