Introducing myself



  • deeb111
    deeb111 Member Posts: 141 Member
    I am very sorry to hear but
    I am very sorry to hear but yes the processing is what takes the most energy to start once you have that down you will find that its almost like going to work you know you have to do it so you just do dont let yourself get lost feel every feeling inside you so that you can fight this disease with all of your energy the women here are very supportive and we all know what you are going through well I cant speak for chemo but for radiation and tamoxafen I can I also invasive ductal carcinoma 47 years old and the fact that you say you will be fine is positive thinking continue on that course and accept whatever help people offer as hard as it may be I wish you well literaly and hope that all of us women who have been there can give you words of encouragement and it realy help its nice to know people are in your corner
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Welcome Mary
    I am glad you found us but sorry you needed to. I can not give any advice on chemo because I did not have to take that part of the journey. I know there are a lot of sisters who can give you any info they have on the subject. Just remeber that You Can Do It!

  • MomMichelle
    MomMichelle Member Posts: 93
    Hi Mary,
    Just want you to

    Hi Mary,
    Just want you to know that you can do it! I was 36 at diagnosis and two doctors told me no chemo, 1 said chemo. I did not want to do it, but I knew I would always second guess my decision if I didn't. I have two small one (they were 3 and 5 at the time). We let them know that I was going to be on medicine that might not make me feel the best, and that I would lose my hair. They were so good. Chemo was not as bad as I thought. I would have my infusion on Thursday and then go to work Monday. Sunday was kindof a crash day, I would take a mid afternoon nap. Once you have everything in order as far as your treatment course goes, you will feel much better. The not knowing is hard. With the HER2+, I would think you would want herceptin infusions for the year too. You can PM me if you have any questions.
    My thoughts are with you,
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was afraid of chemo too
    I was afraid of chemo too but knew I had to have it. My tumors were 6cm and 3cm and a smaller one. I had 4 cycles of A/C chemo before surgery and still had cancer in 2 of 15 nodes. I had to have 4 more cycles of Taxotere after and radiation. I was diagnosed in 2003. It seemed like a long treatment when going through it but now seems like a speck in time. While in treatment it helped me to keep looking at how much closer to the end I was getting.
