2 years



  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member

    I know those anniversaries are tough. It has been 5 yrs since my mom passed, life will never seem to hold the same joy it had when she was here. I can say the pain is not that sharp cutting pain I felt when she first departed though. I do believe in Heaven and Hell, God, and that there is something after this that is better. It helps me to believe, even if in the end I find it to not be true. At least it has helped me to believe I will see my mom again, because when she first died, it was the only thing that helped get me through.

    I remember when your mom passed and your posts, I always wished I could help you somehow, you are way too young to have to deal with this. I am sorry Sharpy. Peace be with you.

    thank you again
    Thank you for all of your encouragements...you guys are right: she'll be ALWAYS with me. I just have to get used to the fact that it will be a different relationship that I had with her in the past....not easy. Kathleen, I really liked your quote, and I wrote it down to a piece of paper and I read it occasionally...thank you! Buzz, as always, thank you, it feels great that you and others care so much. I'm so happy I found you all!! Dawn: thank you for your post too, we can definitely keep in touch over email. And thanks for you too, Christine...I'm amazed how you've made it through for 5 years without your mom...to me it almost seems I'll never make it that far. 5 years...hm...it will be 2014 for me...wow...that seems soooooo far.....
    Again, thank you all of you!!! I love you all!!! And yes, you are all each of you my Mommy and my Daddy! :) I'm lucky, eh? :)