BUSSOM BUDDY Member Posts: 6
I'm having a very hard time looking at no breast, I've been through 8 surg in the past 2 yrs. Had a tram flap done, had 4 infections, had a implant put in. After this last infection my doctor put a smaller implant in but the stitches would not hold because my skin is so thin due to all the radiation I had.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow..so sorry....I have not
    wow..so sorry....I have not been through any of this...just wanted to say thinking of you...sorry you are going through this..

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    in time
    I know it's tough looking in the mirror at a body you don't recognize. (mine are both gone) In time it will feel like your own skin again. From what I have seen on other posts, be sure to get a qualified fitter for a prosthetic. It will make a huge difference in comfort and probably appearance.

  • Nat1000
    Nat1000 Member Posts: 40
    Loosing a breast
    I am so sorry you had to loose a breast. I know exactly how you feel, when it comes to looking at it.(or where it use to be) I had mine removed 3mo. ago, & couldn't look at in for a month. Then gradually, I started being able to. It gets easier and easier, but it still bothers me, and somedays I'll cry for a minute about it.

    We are still the same sexy women that we always were, minus a boob. People who see us don't know we only have one, they don't even know anything is wrong with us. So really, we are the only one who has to learn to live with it. (oops I mean without it) It just takes time, like everything else we've had to go through with this dreadful disease. Time, time, and more time.

    One things for sure, I've learned to have lots of patients this last year. And I'm sure you have too. I don't know if I'm going to get reconstructive surgery, or not. Especially after what you went through. I don't know how long is too long to wait & have it done, or if there is a time limit.

    Don't pay attention to people who keep telling you,"oh you should be happy, the worst is over." All of it is horrible, and having your breast removed is the same as a man having his penis removed. (in my book). It is a VERY BIG deal, but this to will pass, and in time it won't bother us to see it. I wear my padded bra all the time, even in the house. It makes it easier for me to adjust, for now.

    God bless you, it will get better.

  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    Nat1000 said:

    Loosing a breast
    I am so sorry you had to loose a breast. I know exactly how you feel, when it comes to looking at it.(or where it use to be) I had mine removed 3mo. ago, & couldn't look at in for a month. Then gradually, I started being able to. It gets easier and easier, but it still bothers me, and somedays I'll cry for a minute about it.

    We are still the same sexy women that we always were, minus a boob. People who see us don't know we only have one, they don't even know anything is wrong with us. So really, we are the only one who has to learn to live with it. (oops I mean without it) It just takes time, like everything else we've had to go through with this dreadful disease. Time, time, and more time.

    One things for sure, I've learned to have lots of patients this last year. And I'm sure you have too. I don't know if I'm going to get reconstructive surgery, or not. Especially after what you went through. I don't know how long is too long to wait & have it done, or if there is a time limit.

    Don't pay attention to people who keep telling you,"oh you should be happy, the worst is over." All of it is horrible, and having your breast removed is the same as a man having his penis removed. (in my book). It is a VERY BIG deal, but this to will pass, and in time it won't bother us to see it. I wear my padded bra all the time, even in the house. It makes it easier for me to adjust, for now.

    God bless you, it will get better.


    sorry to hear you are going through this
    I;m scheduled to lose my breast July 7, and having a lot of anxiety about it. I keep feeling I should be happy since my chemo is at least done (I had chemo first) but still have surgery and radiation to "look forward to"...I also don;t know how it will feel to have only one breast and to see the "space" where the breast used to be. I can;t have reconstruction for 1-2 years due to the radiation and the fact that I have inflammatory breast cancer, so will have to be living with that space for awhile...I may or may not have reconstruction ultimately as I have heard that the reconstruction is much more difficult than the intial removal.

  • mollieb
    mollieb Member Posts: 148
    You are Still You
    I think I am making the decision not to have reconstructive surgery. I am older, and it just seems like a lot of trouble, and maybe risk. I'm used to wearing a prosthesis after six months, and if it weren't for my nearly bald head no one would suspect I have breast cancer. I think my husband is getting used to the probability that I will end up with only one breast, too.

    It's not hard for me to come to this conclusion, but everyone is different. Don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you that you are less than whole. Who you are comes from someplace other than your chest -- focus on that. I am sorry you are going through so much pain and trouble, but you will be glad when it comes to an end.
    BUSSOM BUDDY Member Posts: 6
    mamolady said:

    in time
    I know it's tough looking in the mirror at a body you don't recognize. (mine are both gone) In time it will feel like your own skin again. From what I have seen on other posts, be sure to get a qualified fitter for a prosthetic. It will make a huge difference in comfort and probably appearance.


    I do have a prosthetic in

    I do have a prosthetic in and it is very comfortable,it makes a great difference.
  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117
    mollieb said:

    You are Still You
    I think I am making the decision not to have reconstructive surgery. I am older, and it just seems like a lot of trouble, and maybe risk. I'm used to wearing a prosthesis after six months, and if it weren't for my nearly bald head no one would suspect I have breast cancer. I think my husband is getting used to the probability that I will end up with only one breast, too.

    It's not hard for me to come to this conclusion, but everyone is different. Don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you that you are less than whole. Who you are comes from someplace other than your chest -- focus on that. I am sorry you are going through so much pain and trouble, but you will be glad when it comes to an end.

    One breast
    I have one breast gone. Funny, I don't notice in the mirror anymore. I am fine with it but I am single and haven't gotten over the feeling that my romance days are over. Still working on this.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Ticky said:

    One breast
    I have one breast gone. Funny, I don't notice in the mirror anymore. I am fine with it but I am single and haven't gotten over the feeling that my romance days are over. Still working on this.



    Buddy I am sorry
    it is tough especially since you have been very dedicated and give your best for reconstruction, I have DIEP Flap myself and know how demanding this surgery is. Loosing it is very emotional and hard. On the other had you are cancer free or at least in remission. Your body have suffered a lot, and probably need rest and re-bounding from surgeries and infections. Radiated skin need to recover between 6 to 12 months. Give yourself time and when you feel physically strong you can revisit reconstruction issue. Please know we understand and can help coping with your loss.
    Wishing you the best
    BUSSOM BUDDY Member Posts: 6
    Ticky said:

    One breast
    I have one breast gone. Funny, I don't notice in the mirror anymore. I am fine with it but I am single and haven't gotten over the feeling that my romance days are over. Still working on this.



    Please don't worry about the
    Please don't worry about the romance part if someone really loves you they will understand.
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    OMG, talk about a warrior
    You have obviously been a fighter like no other. I had my left breast removed in November and since I have rheumatoid arthritis and also am trying to slog my way through radiation there are some factors making my reconstruction decision harder, and delaying it.
    I don't want my body to attack an implant like it does my own joints and healing can be an issue with the RA meds so rads recovery may take longer for me.

    I am sorry you have gone through this, you've been really tough and it's sad to lose after such a long, hard fight.

    BUSSOM BUDDY Member Posts: 6
    grams2jc said:

    OMG, talk about a warrior
    You have obviously been a fighter like no other. I had my left breast removed in November and since I have rheumatoid arthritis and also am trying to slog my way through radiation there are some factors making my reconstruction decision harder, and delaying it.
    I don't want my body to attack an implant like it does my own joints and healing can be an issue with the RA meds so rads recovery may take longer for me.

    I am sorry you have gone through this, you've been really tough and it's sad to lose after such a long, hard fight.


    Well I can't say we haven't
    Well I can't say we haven't tried, there is another option of taking a mussell and skin from my back and making a new breast. My plastic surgeon is awesome but all that I've been through no thankyou. I'm alive and thats all that counts.
    And good luck to you also.

  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    dbhadra said:

    sorry to hear you are going through this
    I;m scheduled to lose my breast July 7, and having a lot of anxiety about it. I keep feeling I should be happy since my chemo is at least done (I had chemo first) but still have surgery and radiation to "look forward to"...I also don;t know how it will feel to have only one breast and to see the "space" where the breast used to be. I can;t have reconstruction for 1-2 years due to the radiation and the fact that I have inflammatory breast cancer, so will have to be living with that space for awhile...I may or may not have reconstruction ultimately as I have heard that the reconstruction is much more difficult than the intial removal.


    I had a lumpectomy, so, I
    I had a lumpectomy, so, I can't understand how you are feeling. But, I wanted to send you a big cyber hug!
    BUSSOM BUDDY Member Posts: 6
    dbhadra said:

    sorry to hear you are going through this
    I;m scheduled to lose my breast July 7, and having a lot of anxiety about it. I keep feeling I should be happy since my chemo is at least done (I had chemo first) but still have surgery and radiation to "look forward to"...I also don;t know how it will feel to have only one breast and to see the "space" where the breast used to be. I can;t have reconstruction for 1-2 years due to the radiation and the fact that I have inflammatory breast cancer, so will have to be living with that space for awhile...I may or may not have reconstruction ultimately as I have heard that the reconstruction is much more difficult than the intial removal.


    In my case I had surgery
    In my case I had surgery then chemo and radiation, the radiation wasn't bad it was just a pain going every day for 25 treatments. But I did go to work right after everyday. Good luck to you and stay positve.

  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Egads. What a terrible
    Egads. What a terrible ordeal. I didn't get an implant of any kind so I'm lopsided...kind of fits my personality!
  • helen e
    helen e Member Posts: 223
    poplolly said:

    Egads. What a terrible
    Egads. What a terrible ordeal. I didn't get an implant of any kind so I'm lopsided...kind of fits my personality!

    I had a tram flap too
    I had a tram flap too, only mine turned out perfectly - yet I still hated it. There was a time when I just wanted to tell the dr. to just take it off. My head knew that I would hate it even if the "new" breast wasn't there. I still have problems looking at myself in the mirror a year and a half after the reconstruction. It has gotten easier with time.
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm sorry
    you're going through this. Before my double mastectomy I had many surgeries in the past 5 years so I opted for no reconstruction. I'm 62 and felt better just getting prosthesis.

    I just found out yesterday that a friend of mine who had a single mastectomy had to have her implant removed because of yet another infection.

    I hope you recover soon.
    {{hugs}} Char