Triple negative Stage 2a

Treecy1106 Member Posts: 144 Member
no node involvement grade 3. 2 tumor 2.2 and 2.6 clear margins.
just had my second round on AC yesterday.
I never had any scans done and i am nervous about that.

I've had a colonoscopy....clear
ovarian ultrasound......clear
chest xray.....clear
ecco cardiogram .......fine

I want to be positive and yes I am speaking to someone and have anti anxiety meeds
but going through a divorce and my children are older 26 and 21.
I am staying with my brother but he and my sister in law work.
I feel safe here but I feel like I am waiting instead of living.

I have a job but I am remotely working from home but they don't give me anything to
do. They just want me to get better.

I Haven't lost my hair yet and thats something else I am waiting for.
I am 52 years old and wonder after working so hard and taking care of so much
has stress done this to me?


  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    So much
    is happening to you at once and after being on the go, you're isolated all day with time to wander through your mind doing all the what if junk that drives a person crazy -- at least it sends me around the bend when I have too many thoughts like yours. Divorce is nasty enough without it happening contemporaneously with cancer treatment. I wondered the same things, did I cause my cancer, blah blah blah. And finally decided it didn't matter (to me), that all I can do now is take care of myself, exercise, eat properly, make life changes based on new priorities.

    I hear you -- you're going through a lot of things all at once. And that's really hard.

  • ldpettit
    ldpettit Member Posts: 128
    I agree with Victoria...
    I agree with Victoria...

    Right now, though it isn't easy, stay positive for YOU! Positive attitude is a big contributor in how we get through this. Don't think did the stress cause this or not. I too have rummaged those thoughts early on and have had to say: "well it is what it is and eventually it would have happened... so now I push through". I do it for me, my kids, my family and friends. It's having good support and love that keeps me going and I pray you have that as well and then some as you go through this time.

    I just finished my AC and started my Taxol/Herceptin combo yesterday. The AC was rough and not long after the second chemo my hair started to go. I didn't lose my eyebrows and at the 4th AC my eye lashes got thinned out. I am HER2 NEU+. I was diagnosed in January had a double mastectomy on Valentines day and started chemo in March. All in all it's gone by pretty fast. I've had highs and lows... but I try not to say in the low (and my head) for too long...

    Prayers for you and sending you a virtual hug!
  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Everything Victoria said is exactly what I feel. I was so stressed for more than a year before my dx, but when it comes right down to it, I don't believe that was the cause. It's so hard to get our hearts and minds on track when we feel betrayed by our bodies, but you are taking positive steps.

    If there is anything that anyone of us can do, ask. PM us. I'll give you my number if you want to talk.

  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    I am so sorry you're going
    I am so sorry you're going through a divorce with everything else piled on. I hate all the scans too. I looked at my calendar yesterday and I have an appointment or two every month already through September!!

    And I'm not so sure that stress causes cancer. It may cause our immune systems to be low, and I'm just giving an opinion on that. Besides, we are not to blame for our cancers. I have finally decided that. Being alone all day is tedious and depressing, but it's good you feel safe.

    I hope everything goes as good as it can concerning the divorce.
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Hang in there
    It's hard to keep positive, and it's hard for us moms, wives, when we don't feel needed like we did by our kids and husband, we get so wrapped up in taking care of their needs it is a loss not to have to deal with them.

    What is your guilty pleasure? Can you take a little time each day to just get lost in it?

    Divorce sucks, cancer sucks. At least your job is being supportive,and you feel safe where you are living. It's a bumpy ride fighting this nasty beast and please don't beat yourself up for anything you have had to are your top priority.

    Hang in there, sending positive thoughts your way,

  • Cinkal
    Cinkal Member Posts: 161
    So sorry you have to go
    So sorry you have to go through a divorce and fight this ugly disease at the same time. I am triple negative as well and finished 4 rounds of A/C and two of Taxol. Two more to go. My hair started falling out after the second A/C. Waiting for it to all fall out was too stressful for me so I buzzed it.
    I hope your treatments go well. Although I tolerated A/C pretty well, taxol has been better for me. Not as much fatigue and don't have to take any nausea medication.
    Try to stay positive. I have two younger children that keep me busy. Taking care of them and the house keeps my mind off the chemo.
    Thinking about what caused the cancer can drive you crazy. It is something I never thought would happen to me. I figure it just happened and is something that is out of my control.

    Good luck on your journey. Positive thoughts coming your way.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    sbmly53 said:

    Everything Victoria said is exactly what I feel. I was so stressed for more than a year before my dx, but when it comes right down to it, I don't believe that was the cause. It's so hard to get our hearts and minds on track when we feel betrayed by our bodies, but you are taking positive steps.

    If there is anything that anyone of us can do, ask. PM us. I'll give you my number if you want to talk.


    The other pink sisters wrote
    The other pink sisters wrote what I would. We all go thru so much in our fight with bc, that it is only normal that it brings on unwanted stress. Try to focus on the good in your life and stay as positive as you can.

    And, if you need to vent, come right here.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    poplolly said:

    I am so sorry you're going
    I am so sorry you're going through a divorce with everything else piled on. I hate all the scans too. I looked at my calendar yesterday and I have an appointment or two every month already through September!!

    And I'm not so sure that stress causes cancer. It may cause our immune systems to be low, and I'm just giving an opinion on that. Besides, we are not to blame for our cancers. I have finally decided that. Being alone all day is tedious and depressing, but it's good you feel safe.

    I hope everything goes as good as it can concerning the divorce.

    I'm sorry too that you are
    I'm sorry too that you are going thru this divorce now. You have so much going on already. Please know we are all here to help you in anyway.

    Prayers and hugs,

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    There is a connection between stress and cancer. Telomeres are protective against cancer, and when we undergo stress we shorten our telomeres. However we cannot undo the stress we have suffered in the past. We cannot control how others treat us (ie. divorce), but we can control how we treat ourselves. I would like to think that when we are good and self nurturing that we might have a reverse effect on our telomeres. Of course this is conjecture but it is a real good excuse to care for yourself and not feel guilty about it.
  • Treecy1106
    Treecy1106 Member Posts: 144 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    Everything Victoria said is exactly what I feel. I was so stressed for more than a year before my dx, but when it comes right down to it, I don't believe that was the cause. It's so hard to get our hearts and minds on track when we feel betrayed by our bodies, but you are taking positive steps.

    If there is anything that anyone of us can do, ask. PM us. I'll give you my number if you want to talk.


    Hi Sue
    This triple negative thing has me living like I am paralyzed.
    I would love to get in touch with you