New Picture

Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
edited June 2011 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I am going to try to take a decent pic today to replace the current one. I am no longer the woman in the pic, I am no longer in treatment ( last Avasitin was monday) and I am 30 pds heavier( I ate my way thru chemo ) and yesterday was a year since my diagnosis ! I also have curly fuzz/hair now .
I just wanted to say thank-you to you my sisters for helping me get thru it all this past year. Truely I can't imagine how I would have coped without having this special place to come to. It has been my lifeline thru this horrible journey.
Yesterday I had an appointment with my primary dr for a follow up because they put me on blood pressure medication. Well first you see the resident then the primary because it is a teaching clinic. The resident told the primary he was worried that I didn't understand my situation (he told me this afterward) So they both came in and sat me down to make sure I know that this is going to kill me, not what I wanted to hear on the day of celebrating one year of life after diagnosis. Lol I guess I was too happy for them , a person with cancer can't be happy ?
Anyway when I realized what they were trying to say I let them off the hook and told them yes I know this is going to kill me probably sooner rather then later but I choose to enjoy my life for as long as I can. You can live with the knowledge of what lies ahead and still live with hope.
My visit ended with the resident shaking my hand and telling me that there are times in the patient/doctor relationship that are lifechanging and meeting me was one of those times. Well I am going to take advantage of that and on my next visit talk to him about the silent symptoms of ovca and the importance of not ignoring a patient with chronic constipation. It just may make him a better doctor and hopefully help someone down the road.

I managed to put aside their doom and gloom and had a wonderful evening with my family and I still feel like partying, maybe there is something wrong with me !
Have a great day everyone I love you all.


  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    congrats being done with tx
    I am so happy for you but a little perturbed with your DR. Why would they tell you something like that?? It is not nice, they are not treating you for ca, and know squat about it. Only Dr. Baker can say this and she hasn't. I am glad you took it with a grain of salt and enjoyed your day. Enjoy your summer and I will be looking for your new pic...val
  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member

    congrats being done with tx
    I am so happy for you but a little perturbed with your DR. Why would they tell you something like that?? It is not nice, they are not treating you for ca, and know squat about it. Only Dr. Baker can say this and she hasn't. I am glad you took it with a grain of salt and enjoyed your day. Enjoy your summer and I will be looking for your new pic...val

    miracles still happen today, i am praying for yours.
    God bless you and i love your positive attitude
  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676
    azgrandma said:

    miracles still happen today, i am praying for yours.
    God bless you and i love your positive attitude

    Hey Linda! Did you see the
    Hey Linda! Did you see the research that said the women who got high blood pressure from Avastin had a better response from the drug? Not sure if you are still on Avastin or not. I think you handled those medical folks very are gonna make a difference in the lives of future patients they treat whom you will never meet.

    Have a rollicking celebration while you enjoy your new hair! I don't know how to handle my fuzzy hair but it's fun anyway.


  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member

    Hey Linda! Did you see the
    Hey Linda! Did you see the research that said the women who got high blood pressure from Avastin had a better response from the drug? Not sure if you are still on Avastin or not. I think you handled those medical folks very are gonna make a difference in the lives of future patients they treat whom you will never meet.

    Have a rollicking celebration while you enjoy your new hair! I don't know how to handle my fuzzy hair but it's fun anyway.



    I am happy for your
    good news. I lost weight during chemo but HELLO, it's back and more. Maybe you should suggest to your doctors that they read this board. They might be surprised to find a whole lot of women who are trying to make the best of a bad situation and living our lives with as much happiness as we can muster. We may not have control of the cancer but damn it we can control how we deal with it. It makes me so mad that women are still considered to be weak. How many men could go through this ordeal with as much courage and grace as the women on this board and their families? Continued good news.

  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Nothing wrong with your outlook, Darling
    Party away, you deserve it! I really do get it from the Dr's point of view and I think we need the facts so we can make informed choices. BUT, being too happy... never. I'll bet I look like a lunatic on those wonderful days when I can drive myself to the grocery, farmer's market, etc. I have a smile plastered on my face and enjoy the world with the wide eyed view of a five year old. Happy Anniversary.... cake anyone?
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member
    Mwee said:

    Nothing wrong with your outlook, Darling
    Party away, you deserve it! I really do get it from the Dr's point of view and I think we need the facts so we can make informed choices. BUT, being too happy... never. I'll bet I look like a lunatic on those wonderful days when I can drive myself to the grocery, farmer's market, etc. I have a smile plastered on my face and enjoy the world with the wide eyed view of a five year old. Happy Anniversary.... cake anyone?
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Party time!!! Did someone
    Party time!!! Did someone say cake? I have ice cream. I have an adults only margarita cake. Lol, find the laughter and happiness where you can. ;)
  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member
    Mwee said:

    Nothing wrong with your outlook, Darling
    Party away, you deserve it! I really do get it from the Dr's point of view and I think we need the facts so we can make informed choices. BUT, being too happy... never. I'll bet I look like a lunatic on those wonderful days when I can drive myself to the grocery, farmer's market, etc. I have a smile plastered on my face and enjoy the world with the wide eyed view of a five year old. Happy Anniversary.... cake anyone?
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Party time!!! Did someone
    Party time!!! Did someone say cake? I have ice cream. I have an adults only margarita cake. Lol, find the laughter and happiness where you can. ;)
  • wlkdnose
    wlkdnose Member Posts: 45

    Party time!!! Did someone
    Party time!!! Did someone say cake? I have ice cream. I have an adults only margarita cake. Lol, find the laughter and happiness where you can. ;)

    I hope your celebration was wonderful and you remain positive.
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    wlkdnose said:

    I hope your celebration was wonderful and you remain positive.

    I Did It
    I do not like my curly hair yet, I don't know what to do with it. Maybe as it grows it will be nicer. Thanks to everyone for your support, I go for a pet/ct scan early july I could use some good news then.
  • carolenk
    carolenk Member Posts: 907 Member

    I Did It
    I do not like my curly hair yet, I don't know what to do with it. Maybe as it grows it will be nicer. Thanks to everyone for your support, I go for a pet/ct scan early july I could use some good news then.

    What to do with new hair
    Dear Colleen

    The new curly hair takes some getting used to--I use some kind of mousse on my hair when it is wet & brush the sides back so it doesn't look like a bad perm. Maybe talking to a hair stylist will help.

    Hair is one of the little things that make a big difference.

  • anicca
    anicca Member Posts: 334 Member
    Cafewoman - I think you have
    Cafewoman - I think you have already made that resident a better doctor! There is nothing wrong with you; just the opposite. I'm happy right now because I just had my 9 month CT and am still dancing with NED, but I was pretty anxious for about a month before that. I admire your attitude!

    Re your hair, I have always had wavy/curly hair, so when it came back a little more so than usual, I didn't mind too much. Older daughter wanted me to get it styled, and gave me a haircut for my birthday. Even though my hair is still quite short, the styling made a huge difference, and I've been getting compliments on my hair from complete strangers! It's also very easy to take care of. If I don't shower in the AM, I just wet it down and apply gel(gel is now one of your best friends!) Treat yourself to a cut/style, and you may get to like the curls.
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150
    anicca said:

    Cafewoman - I think you have
    Cafewoman - I think you have already made that resident a better doctor! There is nothing wrong with you; just the opposite. I'm happy right now because I just had my 9 month CT and am still dancing with NED, but I was pretty anxious for about a month before that. I admire your attitude!

    Re your hair, I have always had wavy/curly hair, so when it came back a little more so than usual, I didn't mind too much. Older daughter wanted me to get it styled, and gave me a haircut for my birthday. Even though my hair is still quite short, the styling made a huge difference, and I've been getting compliments on my hair from complete strangers! It's also very easy to take care of. If I don't shower in the AM, I just wet it down and apply gel(gel is now one of your best friends!) Treat yourself to a cut/style, and you may get to like the curls.

    go for it---after chemo my hair came back in very curly--looked a bit like a "mature" orphan annie! After 2 haircuts, back to normal. I have been told sometimes it comes back with a color change---NOT!. Still gray. No complaints though. Celebrate whenever you can.
    You are not the only one who ate her way thru chemo---won't go there. Looking forward to the new pix.
  • childofthestars
    childofthestars Member Posts: 251 Member
    New hair
    LOVING your new pic, your hair looks almost identical to mine (this pic is obviously pre dx - must put new pic up soon), I think we finished treatment around the same time.
    There's NOTHING wrong with your attitude - live each day to the fullest is what I say. Enjoy.
    Michelle x
  • rose_marie
    rose_marie Member Posts: 75
    Dear Colleen,
    Enjoy life like you have never done before! Take walks and marvel at the flowers, your neighbors gardens and whatever else that you see. Enjoy life like you have never done before.
    Your nickname is now "Sunshine"
  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    I'm hoping my hair will grow fast so I can get it trimmed up and I do love the small amount of time it takes to get ready for the day. I do I enjoy every momment of each day the happy and the sad times too, life is too great of a gift to be wasting. Thanks for all your help!