Recon. Surgery Tomorrow - Would LOVE to Have the Pink Bus there

jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
Hi Ladies,

Usually we load up the Pink Bus when unpleasant things may be happening, don't we? Well this time I would like to load up the bus for a GREAT thing. I am having my reconstruction surgery tomorrow. I am having the tissue expander on my right side removed and replaced with an implant. My left side (a DD cup) will be reduced and lifted to match. I am excited but I am also a bit nervous. The surgeon said he cannot guarantee exactly how big/small I will be until he gets in there and sees what my anatomy will allow him to do. The support of the Sisters on the Pink Bus would be much appreciated. Usually I am the one on the bus with the bag of chocolate bars. I will have my husband bring the bag to the hospital and come outside when he hears our new double-decker bus arrive. I told him he would have no trouble hearing it as the sisters get very loud. Thanks. See you all tomorrow.



  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Ask and you shall receive~
    Ask and you shall receive~ the Pink Bus is at your disposal and all who can make it will be there!!!! Thanks or letting us know~ it gives us time to save our seats and decide what "provisions" we will be bringing! Glad you told the hubby~ remind him that ( for the most part!) we are harmless!
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    You got it!
    The pink sisters will all be loading up on the double decker bus! It is really nice and we certainly needed the room.

    Everyone brings so much in the way of food and drinks that we were running out of room on the old bus.

    I know you must be a bit nervous, but, this is such a major part of your journey. And, it is a good thing!

    Warn your husband that he might get surrounded by the sisters looking for the chocolate. I don't want to scare the poor man. LOL

    Best of luck to you Irene! See you tomorrow!

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    A good surgery
    If there ever really is one, and then you will be all perky! I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way and will be on the bus,

  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I am bringing chocolate cake on the bus. I will make sure there is a piece for your husband to bring to you. You have all our support for a good surgery.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    ladyg said:

    I am bringing chocolate cake on the bus. I will make sure there is a piece for your husband to bring to you. You have all our support for a good surgery.


    Good luck tomorrow. Wishing you quick recovery and easy healing
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    ladyg said:

    I am bringing chocolate cake on the bus. I will make sure there is a piece for your husband to bring to you. You have all our support for a good surgery.


    Can the rest of the pink
    Can the rest of the pink sisters get some of that chocolate cake Georgia? And if not, how about me? LOL

    ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
  • SoyFuerte
    SoyFuerte Member Posts: 39 Member
    I'll be there!!!
    The pink bus has been busy lately but always ready, I'll be there with more chocolate just in case... Mexican Chocolate someone? I have a really good one ;)
    Good luck, God is with you...

  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    SoyFuerte said:

    I'll be there!!!
    The pink bus has been busy lately but always ready, I'll be there with more chocolate just in case... Mexican Chocolate someone? I have a really good one ;)
    Good luck, God is with you...


    Wow... I caught the bus just
    Wow... I caught the bus just in time... whew. Pant..pant... I'm so glad pant..pant.. you guys slowed down so I could jump on. Who's got the wine I need a drink.

    Good Luck Irene, we will be here conducting our prayer vigil. Send the hubby out now and then if he's hungry or just needs a laugh or two, we will take real good care of him.

  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    SoyFuerte said:

    I'll be there!!!
    The pink bus has been busy lately but always ready, I'll be there with more chocolate just in case... Mexican Chocolate someone? I have a really good one ;)
    Good luck, God is with you...


    I am coming! Praying for
    I am coming! Praying for you!

    Sue :)
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    SoyFuerte said:

    I'll be there!!!
    The pink bus has been busy lately but always ready, I'll be there with more chocolate just in case... Mexican Chocolate someone? I have a really good one ;)
    Good luck, God is with you...


    Wishing you good luck today
    Wishing you good luck today with your surgery.

    Hugs, Jan
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    grams2jc said:

    A good surgery
    If there ever really is one, and then you will be all perky! I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way and will be on the bus,


    Positive thoughts and
    Positive thoughts and prayers for you.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Wishing you good luck today
    Wishing you good luck today with your surgery.

    Hugs, Jan

    Jumped aboard .. a little late .. but I brought
    along pitchers of 'Sour Apple Martini's' cuz we are celebrating. Prayers are coming your way.. hoping for a perfectly matched set of new Ta-Ta's .. double D's or single D .. prayers that you will be happy with the results!!!

    Fellow TE/reconstruction Sister in PINK ...

    Vicki Sam
  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    SoyFuerte said:

    I'll be there!!!
    The pink bus has been busy lately but always ready, I'll be there with more chocolate just in case... Mexican Chocolate someone? I have a really good one ;)
    Good luck, God is with you...


    Praying for a successful
    Praying for a successful surgery today for you jessiesmom!
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    DebbyM said:

    Praying for a successful
    Praying for a successful surgery today for you jessiesmom!

    Irene, I will be there to
    Irene, I will be there to support you! Tell the doctors to make room, as, there are a lot of us pink sisters!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    ladyg said:

    I am bringing chocolate cake on the bus. I will make sure there is a piece for your husband to bring to you. You have all our support for a good surgery.


    I am late, but, am rushing
    I am late, but, am rushing to meet all of you right now!

    Hugs, Lex
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    You can NEVER have
    enough chocolate! Count me in Sister! I'm praying now that all goes well and you heal quickly!

    Post when you feel up to it.


  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    VickiSam said:

    Jumped aboard .. a little late .. but I brought
    along pitchers of 'Sour Apple Martini's' cuz we are celebrating. Prayers are coming your way.. hoping for a perfectly matched set of new Ta-Ta's .. double D's or single D .. prayers that you will be happy with the results!!!

    Fellow TE/reconstruction Sister in PINK ...

    Vicki Sam

    Sending lots of prayers to
    Sending lots of prayers to you!

