any ideas??

mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
ON what to put in a care package? My neighbor has lymphoma,(I think currently in chemo )and I would like to do something for her. I never received anything but cards, so I have no idea! Mary


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    how well do you know her? IF
    how well do you know her? IF well enough how about certifcates for services such as: do load of laundry or trip to grocery store etc..

    Maybe crossword puzzles misc such items...

  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    When one of my neighbors was
    When one of my neighbors was in treatment, I cooked and delivered dinner once a week to the family ~ it freed up the wife and made sure she and her two elementary school daughters had a meal. The hubby in treatment could eat as he saw fit...but it wasn't so difficult for his wife to make him something knowing her family was taken care of.
    When I was in treatment, and spending a LOT of time in bed, I loved watching movies. The chemo affected my ability to read/comprehand and I hated giving up books, but it was just too frustrating. Comedies helped me alot~ not too much brain strain and laughter is always good for the soul.
    I agree though, if you know the neighbor well, offer to run errands, or vaccuum, take out the trash~ little things do mean a lot! You are so sweet to reach out to someone in need...truly, you are Paying It Foreward.

  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Gift package items
    I had a hard time keeping hydrated during chemo so a friend gave me a very nice water bottle to keep at my bedside. It had markings on it so I could keep track of how much I was drinking. She also gave me popsicles. Otter pops can be included in a pkg in their liquid form. I was also given a head scarf (like bikers wear) with yellow happy faces on it. These were my favorite items.

  • GayleMc
    GayleMc Member Posts: 311 Member

    Gift package items
    I had a hard time keeping hydrated during chemo so a friend gave me a very nice water bottle to keep at my bedside. It had markings on it so I could keep track of how much I was drinking. She also gave me popsicles. Otter pops can be included in a pkg in their liquid form. I was also given a head scarf (like bikers wear) with yellow happy faces on it. These were my favorite items.


    A very dear friend who lives
    A very dear friend who lives quite a distance sent me a care package and the most clever thing was an assortment of NICE hand santizers from one of those fancy bath shops. As I was being extremely careful during chemo these items were great. But truly, if you live close enough meals, cleaning, errand running could all be great ideas. Warmest Wishes.
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    One of my favorites was a new pair of PJs, not something I wanted to spend my money on, and they looked enough like "regular" clothes I could have answered the door if necessary.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    GayleMc said:

    A very dear friend who lives
    A very dear friend who lives quite a distance sent me a care package and the most clever thing was an assortment of NICE hand santizers from one of those fancy bath shops. As I was being extremely careful during chemo these items were great. But truly, if you live close enough meals, cleaning, errand running could all be great ideas. Warmest Wishes.

    Yes to fancy hand sanitizers!
    Gayle may be talking about the PocketBacs at Bath & Body Works (at a mall near you!). They're usually on sale for $1 apiece, and they have about 15 rotating scents. I was the Queen of Hand Sanitizer during chemo, and these were much more fun and fancy than Purell.

    I still buy them to keep in my purse -- to give you an idea of the scents, I currently have Island Margarita in my purse, with Sweet Pea, Aqua Blossom, and Eucalyptus Mint next up.

    A little luxury during chemo is always welcome!

  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    grams2jc said:

    One of my favorites was a new pair of PJs, not something I wanted to spend my money on, and they looked enough like "regular" clothes I could have answered the door if necessary.


    care package
    I sent my uncle

    1. a can opener where it never touches the inside of the can (to prevent bacteria)
    2. hand sanitizer - 2 different kinds with mild odor from whole foods
    3. 2 beanies and a bandana - different levels of warmth
    4. rice crispy treats - because they ship easy (I send them all the time for other reasons)
    5. a positive imagery cd

    Any thing you send or come up with will be greatly appreciated though. My uncle was just pleasantly surprised we sent the package.
  • CAchick
    CAchick Member Posts: 277
    Chapstick and moisturizers
    Hi, I had to keep some chapstick with me...and skin moisturizers...and mints for my weird taste in my mouth!
    That is a very sweet thought to give your neighbor a care package!
    Kudos to you!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    Everyone here has given you great ideas.
    I would like to share something I found in a book I'm reading called: "The BC Book of Strength & Courage".
    It's called a Survival Kit
    A stick of gum to remind you to stick with it.
    A candle to remind you to burn brightly.
    A chocolate kiss to remind you that you are loved.
    A match to light your fire when you feel burned out.
    A Tootsie roll to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew.
    A pin to remind you to stay sharp.
    Smarties to help you when you don't feel too smart.
    A Starburst to give you a burst of energy on those days you don't have any.
    A Lifesaver to help keep you afloat when you feel you are sinking.
    A Snickers to remind you to take time to laugh.
    A bag to help you keep it all together and to give you food for thought.

    (*This was from the ♥ of a Cancer Survivor given to another beginning Chemo.
    I loved the idea & you can put anything you choose in the bag with any message you decide on.)
    ♥ Cat
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Cat64 said:

    Everyone here has given you great ideas.
    I would like to share something I found in a book I'm reading called: "The BC Book of Strength & Courage".
    It's called a Survival Kit
    A stick of gum to remind you to stick with it.
    A candle to remind you to burn brightly.
    A chocolate kiss to remind you that you are loved.
    A match to light your fire when you feel burned out.
    A Tootsie roll to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew.
    A pin to remind you to stay sharp.
    Smarties to help you when you don't feel too smart.
    A Starburst to give you a burst of energy on those days you don't have any.
    A Lifesaver to help keep you afloat when you feel you are sinking.
    A Snickers to remind you to take time to laugh.
    A bag to help you keep it all together and to give you food for thought.

    (*This was from the ♥ of a Cancer Survivor given to another beginning Chemo.
    I loved the idea & you can put anything you choose in the bag with any message you decide on.)
    ♥ Cat

    CAT!!! I simply adore your list ... it gave me
    a giant smile and lift today!! Thank you for playing if forward ..

    What I received which to this day I continue to use ... a home made 'breast cancer' pink ribbon double sided .. blanket -- I cry today just thinking of the time, and effort that my sister and niece put into making this very special blanket for me.

    journal booklet to track her thoughts, questions, desires and fears
    grocery shopping
    wild flowers in a vase to brighten her day
    trash magazines
    zen music CDs

    Strength, Courage and Hope.

    Vicki Sam
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Of course
    Of course laughs_a_lot would say a book of jokes. You always need a laugh.
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    I love the fun things that
    I love the fun things that have been suggested. Here is something practical, but I have really used it. It's one of those accordian folders. I keep all the insurance claims and information; paperwork I get from the doctor; payments I make, etc. It has the tabs inside so I have everything labeled. So I would give her the practical and then something just for fun.
  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181
    Cat64 said:

    Everyone here has given you great ideas.
    I would like to share something I found in a book I'm reading called: "The BC Book of Strength & Courage".
    It's called a Survival Kit
    A stick of gum to remind you to stick with it.
    A candle to remind you to burn brightly.
    A chocolate kiss to remind you that you are loved.
    A match to light your fire when you feel burned out.
    A Tootsie roll to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew.
    A pin to remind you to stay sharp.
    Smarties to help you when you don't feel too smart.
    A Starburst to give you a burst of energy on those days you don't have any.
    A Lifesaver to help keep you afloat when you feel you are sinking.
    A Snickers to remind you to take time to laugh.
    A bag to help you keep it all together and to give you food for thought.

    (*This was from the ♥ of a Cancer Survivor given to another beginning Chemo.
    I loved the idea & you can put anything you choose in the bag with any message you decide on.)
    ♥ Cat

    Thanks Cat! Awesome ideal
    I love this list....Gives lots of good ideals, might take some bags into the hospital for new chemo patients to try to help in a small way!
  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181
    poplolly said:

    I love the fun things that
    I love the fun things that have been suggested. Here is something practical, but I have really used it. It's one of those accordian folders. I keep all the insurance claims and information; paperwork I get from the doctor; payments I make, etc. It has the tabs inside so I have everything labeled. So I would give her the practical and then something just for fun.

    I think a great ideal for
    I think a great ideal for the bag would be the addy to this website wrote on a card! :)
  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member
    renee616 said:

    I think a great ideal for
    I think a great ideal for the bag would be the addy to this website wrote on a card! :)

    Love the survival kit.
    Someone in my husband's office also got me a "grow-a-head". Simialr to a chia pet but it grows grass for hair for those of us who end up bald. Her "hair" grew faster than mine but it was still cute. I found it on Amazon to pass along to someone else.