Still an overachiever!

leesag Member Posts: 621 Member
edited June 2011 in Ovarian Cancer #1
So, you know how OVCA doesn't usually met to the brain? My little friend, is apparently quite the pioneer in this field and wandered right off into my left frontal lobe!

First, let me thank you all for the prayers and thoughts recently. Surgery went well, and my staples will be removed on Tuesday. There were two lesions. The larger of the two was removed surgically May 31. (The surgery went very well!) It's the next steps that are a bit worrying.

The Radiation Oncologists are recommending whole brain radiation, not sure how much, up to five weeks I guess? Side effects of this seem as though they can be worse than the treatment, but I also know that folks tend to post when there are problems not successes.

The third prong of my treatment plan, is gamma knife to target and remove and remaining tumor cells.

For the record, I am very upbeat and positive. Still healthy except for the pesky OVCA thing, and feeling better than I have in a while.

I'm just curious about the experiences of others with this treatment plan. (I don't think it'll be changing, I've heard from neurosurgeons at two different hospitals that this is the "gold standard" of care).

Love to all!



  • jloe
    jloe Member Posts: 174
    Glad to hear that you feel good!
    What a trooper you are! I hope the side effects are'nt too bad and the 5 weeks go by quickly. I don't have any experiance wth this but I'm sure you'll be hearing from the ladies soon. It just amazes me every day to see what our bodies can tolerate. Keep feeling good. J :):)
  • cancer survivor x 4
    cancer survivor x 4 Member Posts: 177
    my only experience with radiation was on my breast. All I received was a sunburn. So, I guess you will have a sunburn on your head. Luv You, Paula
  • clamryn
    clamryn Member Posts: 508
    You amaze me
    Leesa, So glad to hear from you. I wish I had some answers to your questions. I just want you to know that you are a mighty strong teal warrior and are amazing.

  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    You are so stong !
    I am so glad you are doing well ! You're attitude will serve you well during this treatment. I have no info to share with you but just wanted to say hello .
  • Tina Brown
    Tina Brown Member Posts: 1,036 Member
    Dear Leesa
    I am pleased to see that you are coping well. You are a true warrior woman, not only have you battled ovca but now have this other pesky beast lurking around. I love your up-beat, down to earth attitude and you are setting a great example to me.

    God bless you love Tina xx
  • srwruns
    srwruns Member Posts: 343
    Wow...I have no advice, just
    Wow...I have no advice, just "awe" of what you have been through and are going through. What an amazing attitude. Many thoughts and prayers for you!
  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834
    Will you glow in the dark?
    Will you glow in the dark? Have they mentioned the Rad Mask yet?

    Your husband will have soooooooo much fun with this. You know he will.

    My brother-in-law had whole brain radiation (mets from a tumor in his lungs). He did great. I think he lost his hair, but that may have been from the chemo he had before the brain mets. I know there was a lot of fatigue and he had no appetite, so he lost a lot of weight, but other than that, he didn't have any real side effects, and I remember he was surprised by that. I think the list of possible side effects is quite long, but that doesn't mean you will have all of them, or any of them, for that matter. Maybe it will just make you skinny and tired enough that you need a nap and an ice cream sundae every afternoon.

    When does this lovely thing start?

    Carlene BIL died, but not from cancer. He had a sudden, fatal heart attack, about 10 years after he was treated for the brain mets.
  • leesag
    leesag Member Posts: 621 Member

    Will you glow in the dark?
    Will you glow in the dark? Have they mentioned the Rad Mask yet?

    Your husband will have soooooooo much fun with this. You know he will.

    My brother-in-law had whole brain radiation (mets from a tumor in his lungs). He did great. I think he lost his hair, but that may have been from the chemo he had before the brain mets. I know there was a lot of fatigue and he had no appetite, so he lost a lot of weight, but other than that, he didn't have any real side effects, and I remember he was surprised by that. I think the list of possible side effects is quite long, but that doesn't mean you will have all of them, or any of them, for that matter. Maybe it will just make you skinny and tired enough that you need a nap and an ice cream sundae every afternoon.

    When does this lovely thing start?

    Carlene BIL died, but not from cancer. He had a sudden, fatal heart attack, about 10 years after he was treated for the brain mets.

    Glow No Mo' party
    LOL Carlene! We're already planning the "Glow No Mo'" party (remember last year's "No Mo Chemo?"). I have a hunch that I'll be bald again, only this time with a zipper scar across my frontal lobe (staples come out Tuesday, there are 47!) I meet with my med onc and my rad onc on Thursday. No one has suggested the gyn/onc, but I feel a little bad about leaving him out. lol

    Skinny, napping and Ice Cream Sundaes...sounds like a dream! Thank you for the encouraging words, I read some awful google stories! (I should know better, shouldn't I!)

    As for Ken...the list of brain tumor jokes is never ending! he's also taking very good care of me, I truly have a wonderful husband!
  • Mum2bellaandwilliam
    Mum2bellaandwilliam Member Posts: 412
    leesag said:

    Glow No Mo' party
    LOL Carlene! We're already planning the "Glow No Mo'" party (remember last year's "No Mo Chemo?"). I have a hunch that I'll be bald again, only this time with a zipper scar across my frontal lobe (staples come out Tuesday, there are 47!) I meet with my med onc and my rad onc on Thursday. No one has suggested the gyn/onc, but I feel a little bad about leaving him out. lol

    Skinny, napping and Ice Cream Sundaes...sounds like a dream! Thank you for the encouraging words, I read some awful google stories! (I should know better, shouldn't I!)

    As for Ken...the list of brain tumor jokes is never ending! he's also taking very good care of me, I truly have a wonderful husband!

    you are an ispiration to us all.
    Wow go girl , glad you are feeling well, you are a real trooper xxx Liz xxx
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    So glad
    to see you posting and that you're feeling better. I wish I could help but I have no knowledge/experience with WBR or gamma knife. Good luck to you and keep us posted . You are amazing. Big hugs and well wishes,
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    so great to see you posting, and am overjoyed with how well you are doing! Love hearing the upbeat and positive report.
    Warm hugs,
  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    kayandok said:

    so great to see you posting, and am overjoyed with how well you are doing! Love hearing the upbeat and positive report.
    Warm hugs,

    you sound so happy
    ..and very positive. Way to go girl!!. You have been through so much and I am glad you are feeling better. Hope the radiation kicks those nasty mets out forever...val
  • tjpt16
    tjpt16 Member Posts: 27

    you sound so happy
    ..and very positive. Way to go girl!!. You have been through so much and I am glad you are feeling better. Hope the radiation kicks those nasty mets out forever...val

    The way you write makes me want to know you. Love your attitude and sounds like you have great support in your husband.

  • childofthestars
    childofthestars Member Posts: 251 Member
    leesag said:

    Glow No Mo' party
    LOL Carlene! We're already planning the "Glow No Mo'" party (remember last year's "No Mo Chemo?"). I have a hunch that I'll be bald again, only this time with a zipper scar across my frontal lobe (staples come out Tuesday, there are 47!) I meet with my med onc and my rad onc on Thursday. No one has suggested the gyn/onc, but I feel a little bad about leaving him out. lol

    Skinny, napping and Ice Cream Sundaes...sounds like a dream! Thank you for the encouraging words, I read some awful google stories! (I should know better, shouldn't I!)

    As for Ken...the list of brain tumor jokes is never ending! he's also taking very good care of me, I truly have a wonderful husband!

    Hey Leesa
    Glad to hear you

    Hey Leesa
    Glad to hear you are feeling so good and upbeat - that's the ONLY attitude to have.
    A friend of mine had gamma knife treatment for brain tumour 5 years ago and the only real side effects were headaches which were controlled well with meds, he's doing really well now.
    You go girl.
    Michelle x