Friend just diagnosed......Help!

Hi all I am member here, but on the breast cancer site and garnered so much based on the experience of others. Anways I have a freind that has just been diagnosed with Lymphoma and will be starting R-CHOP regimine on Friday. My question to you all is, are there any secrets or tips for dealing with this particular type of chemo se's? Like I learned that if I kept my fingernails in ice during treatment the chemo I was on would be kinder on the nail beds and maybe not lose my nails, not to mention the pain.

The folks on these boards have been such a wealth of information; I wait anxiously for any suggestions you feel like sharing.

Peace and Love,


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hi Edie,
    I'm sorry to hear about your friends diagnosis. I did a little searching and came up with a thred of posts with folks taking the R-Chop protocol. One of the ladies is in our group named Mary. Copy and paste this web site in your search engine and it should allow you to read all of the various postings. This was taken from the CSN site. Hope this and tell your friend to come and join us for future support. Love..Sue..(FNHL-2-3A-6/10)