
nancy591 Member Posts: 1,027 Member
edited June 2011 in Ovarian Cancer #1
As many of you now know, my mother is no longer with us. As hard as it is for me to take the time to right this, but I know it's what she would have wanted. She would want everyone to know that she did not die in pain, and that she never once gave up. She left no stone unturned, in reguards of treatments to take. She tried her hardest to stay with us as long as possible, and took the time that she did have here to prepare us all for the long dark road ahead. She took out time to make DVD's, write letters, and cards, just incase she didn't make it past this. With my mother it was always, she was going to take the cancer or the cancer was gonna take her. And she did go down fighting. I am deeply saddened for my brothers and the life that they now have to life without her, without her guidance, without her support. I am greatful for the life that I was given, and my precious time with her, 24 years just wasnt long enough. The only upside is, that she is no longer sick, she no longer has to live with this disease. My heart goes out to all of you women, and I sincerely hope that none of you, or your families ever have to go through this. This is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do in my whole entire life, I don't see how this is going get any easier, though I am often reminded that in time it will. The only advice I can give to any of you, is not to take even one second for granted, make the most out of every minute. And lastly (for this post anyway, I'm sure you'll hear from me again) I thank you for your support, my mother often felt comfort from each and every one of you. My condolences also go out to every one of you, from reading posts I understand how important she was to you as well, I saddened for your loss as well. Take care everyone and I hope you can find some comfort in this.


  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Thank-you for sharing your Mom with us. She lives on through you and your brothers, I am so sorry for your loss but I know you will be alright, time is on your side. Please come here if you need someone to talk to . We will be here for you, your Mom was very beloved on this site.
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    Thank you so much
    for thinking of us during this time. You're a credit to your Mom. We all loved your Mom for as kind and generous as she was, she was also a warrior. She is greatly missed.
    (((HUGS to you and your family))) Maria
  • childofthestars
    childofthestars Member Posts: 251 Member
    Thank you
    I would like to say thank you too. I know you and your family have a long tough road ahead but we are here for you on this board anytime you want to have a chat or a rant.
    I lost my mother to this disease in 2001, she was just 57 and also fought a long hard battle.
    Michelle x
  • antcat
    antcat Member Posts: 270
    Thank you
    Thank you so much for writing this reply. I haven't been on this board long but from the beginning whenever I wrote about something, your mom always answered me. I found her to be the most compassionate, and understanding individual. I always wrote her that I thought she was a very courageous person. Please accept my condolences and I was very, very sorry to hear about your mom.
  • oska
    oska Member Posts: 36
    I am so sorry to hear of your mother,s passing. Nancy always had time for others on this board,it is so unfair, why do such awfull things happen to good people. I just do not understand.My thoughts are with you and your family.
    Your mother would be so proud of you to be thinking of others at this time.
    Thank you
  • upsofloating
    upsofloating Member Posts: 466 Member
    Cheryl, thank you for taking
    Cheryl, thank you for taking the time to come here to write for your mother - you are indeed your mother's daughter. I have been away for a few days but your mother, you and your family were on my mind as I knew the end was near. You have more and richer memories of your Mom than your young brothers do and with time it will be harder for them to retain them. But she will live on through the sharing and talking about remembered experiences, anecdotes, stories, etc. And the retelling will help fill that gaping hole in your heart that her passing has created.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.
  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313
    For you
    I just wanted to thank you for replying and as you can see your mom meant alot to us. From what I know of her from the bored she was beautiful, caring, a fighter and loved you and her sons very much. Please come by to talk to say ho or if you need a pick me up. I know this is the hardest think to deal with. Just remember cancer took her body but it didn't take her spirit.
  • jbeans888
    jbeans888 Member Posts: 313
    Sorry for the spelling errors. I type from my iPod and don't catch them all, but I know you get my message. :-)
  • Mum2bellaandwilliam
    Mum2bellaandwilliam Member Posts: 412
    jbeans888 said:

    Sorry for the spelling errors. I type from my iPod and don't catch them all, but I know you get my message. :-)

    I am so sorry for your loss
    I am so sorry for your loss , I lost my dad when I was 17 , it will get easier,I am not going to kid you but it will take sometime. This disease is just so unfair , to take a life so young with so much to offer.
    Please look after yourself and your brothers in the weeks ahead.I fear I may travel this same road in the next year with my mum, I am 30 , but it is still to soon ,I look at my children and I am so sad for them especially Bella, she is 4 , she knows nanny has cancer , but doesn't understand the full implications off this.
    Your mum was a hero , my mum is to , and all the other ladies fighting, they are all heroes.
    Take comfort from the fact she is no longer fighting this devil, from your post I can see you are.
    Liz xxxxxxxxxxx
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    Dear Cheryl,
    I'm so sorry for your huge loss. My prayers are with you and your family as you grieve your awesome MOM. She was not only beautiful, but very compassionate and a genuine gal. I have so many questions to ask God when I see him, and the big one for me is, Why do mom's have to die, who have small children?! It is just too hard to bear, thinkng about your little brothers especially. I take comfort in the fact that your family is very supportive and loving, and they have you as an awesome sister!
    Thank you for taking the time to write,
    Warm hugs,
  • vj1
    vj1 Member Posts: 150
    kayandok said:

    Dear Cheryl,
    I'm so sorry for your huge loss. My prayers are with you and your family as you grieve your awesome MOM. She was not only beautiful, but very compassionate and a genuine gal. I have so many questions to ask God when I see him, and the big one for me is, Why do mom's have to die, who have small children?! It is just too hard to bear, thinkng about your little brothers especially. I take comfort in the fact that your family is very supportive and loving, and they have you as an awesome sister!
    Thank you for taking the time to write,
    Warm hugs,

    Thank you for your post--you are truly your Mother's daughter. She will never be forgotten. Time does ease the pain and all the happy memories will get you thru. Just remember you have a lot of friends on this board. Do not hesitate to pop in, even just to vent. Your Mother was a wonderful and strong lady, she meant a lot to all of us and will continue to do so in spirit. My love to all of your family--stay strong.

  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    vj1 said:

    Thank you for your post--you are truly your Mother's daughter. She will never be forgotten. Time does ease the pain and all the happy memories will get you thru. Just remember you have a lot of friends on this board. Do not hesitate to pop in, even just to vent. Your Mother was a wonderful and strong lady, she meant a lot to all of us and will continue to do so in spirit. My love to all of your family--stay strong.


    thank you
    thank you so much for posting this. Nancy was such a nice lady. I agree we all need to live one day at a time and be grateful for every day we recieve.
    It was a pleasure knowing Nancy
    Love Lynda
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thank you so much for posting your heartfelt words. Your Mother was very dear and special to all of us. How brave and stoic she was, a true testament to her faith and integrity. She is quite an inspiration.

    The sufferings we bear on this Earth are un unfortunate consequence to our fleshly existence. But take comfort that your Mother is indeed whole and with her Savior, in His arms and care. I pray that all of you will find comfort and peace. And that in time, God will heal your hurting heart and replace the pain with fond and lasting memories of your dearest Mother. Keep her alive in her little boys' hearts. Never let them forget how much she loved them and all those around her. There is no greater virtue than LOVE.

    Thank you again for taking time to post. Sending many hugs, and many prayers to you and all.
