Time for an update

Susiebelle Member Posts: 15
It has been quite a while since I last updated you on my husband's journey with stage IV prostate cancer.

He took a break from chemo in late January in order to have radiation on his bladder. The cancer had spread there, and they wanted to get it stopped right away. He had been having severe pain, and it turns out, that was why.

He had to wait several weeks before beginning his 20 radiation treatments. After he completed those, he waited another three weeks in order to return to the chemo treatments. He had one treatment, and was diagnosed with shingles. No chemo during shingles. About the time he finally got over shingles and could return to chemo, he was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. While this has not interfered with his chemo schedule, it is a total pain. His immune system is greatly compromised. He has had three blood transfusions over the last three months, and that seems to have helped a little bit.

In order to verify that he truly only had Bells Palsy, he had an MRI of his head. Then we saw a neurologist. After quite a thorough examination, he decided that my husband truly did have only Bells Palsy. Unfortunately, he also informed us that my husband has several tumors in his brain.

This was always one of my greatest fears.

His four doctors, the oncologist, radiation oncologist, radiologist, and neurologist all agree that these tumors are atypical for prostate cancer. The only way to tell is to continue with the chemo, and see what happens. They will either grow, or not. Radiation may again be in the future for him. We shall see, only time will tell.

As of today, he seems in good spirits, and remains pretty positive for a guy who feels like he has been through the ringer of late. He tires more easily, does less, has less appetite, and continues to lose weight, but in general, he remains the same as he always has.

I am finding myself a bit less positive, and bit more wary. I will feel better if the tumors in the brain can be dealt with successfully, and don't show up in the next MRI of his head, which will be in about four to six weeks. Mostly I just try to keep my hands and mind busy. I continue to walk 15 miles a week to handle the stress, and do the best I can on a daily basis. I look forward to the Relay for Life this month, and will attend two of them in two different cities.

I wish you all luck on your individual journeys with this horrible disease.



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    I am deeply sorry


    I am deeply sorry to read about the advanced conditions of your husband.
    I want to thank you for sharing with us yours and his experiences in dealing with this “bandit”. I hope those tumors get a blow and disappear for good.
    Keep being positive, if you permit me to say that.

    Will be thinking of you both this Sunday’s “Cancer Survivors Day”.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010
    So sorry to read about your
    So sorry to read about your husband battle. We all wish you both the best and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    I've not attended a Relay for Life event yet (due to scheduling conflicts). My father, mother and aunt are all cancer survivors and I look forward to attending at some point in the future. They all told me how remarkable the events are.

    prostate cancer survivor (age 56)
  • ProfWagstaff
    ProfWagstaff Member Posts: 105 Member
    I too am sorry to hear your news
    I hope the treatments work and arrest any further growth.

    Glad you're taking part in the Relay for Life. I did my first one last year. I participated in the Survivor lap and reception. Even though I have an outstanding emotional support network, there's something special about being surrounded for a day by people who know EXACTLY what you're going through that provides a great emotional lift.

    This year, I've formed my own team and we're doing the whole overnight thing. Three survivors on our team out of 11 team members. Ours is Saturday night June 11th.

    I wish you much success and support in your Relays and in your husband's treatments. My prayers are with you.
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    My prayers are with you and your

    This will be the third year that I will be at a Relay for Life. I am a team member. Additionally this year I have contacted two different ones about entertaining, but nothing set as yet.