An anniversary and a milestone

DrMary Member Posts: 531 Member
Within a day of each other. Today marks Doug's 6-month anniversary from when his treatment for tonsil cancer ended. Yesterday, he hit his milestone of finally weighing as much as I do (I tried to help by losing at the same time he was gaining, but really didn't accomplish much). He and I both weigh 161.5 lbs, which is a gain of over 25 lbs from when he ended treatment. He has another 10 lbs or so to gain back to get to "normal" but I know that will come eventually.

Given that so many of my recent posts have centered around me, and how badly I've been adjusting to life after cancer, I thought it would be a nice change to send a happy post. It sure feels good to be able to do that.


  • Faithful_Angel
    Faithful_Angel Member Posts: 86
    congratulations what a great accomplishment with so much pain that we all see it's great to see something good..Keep it up !!! So nice to see a happy post!!

    Much love and hugs

  • mswijiknyc
    mswijiknyc Member Posts: 421
    It is good to hear some good stuff. Makes the bad seem not so bad
  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    great news
    Thanks for sharing!
  • karenbeth
    karenbeth Member Posts: 194
    Glad to hear he is feeling good, and you as well.

  • Barbara53
    Barbara53 Member Posts: 652
    pat yourself on the back
    Doug is doing so well because he's received such nurturing care (remember puke bowls in every room?) My mother has told me several times that she would not be alive if not for me, and she's not blowing hot air. To you and all fellow caregivers, the work we do is always more effective than we think it is. Gotta give credit where it's due.
  • neverquit
    neverquit Member Posts: 220 Member
    That is soooo good news!
    That is soooo good news! You have done a remarkable job and I am very happy for you and Doug both. Thanks for sharing.