Worried Sick About My Dad Aged 65 (Ireland)



  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Hi Vgama Thank You So Much...
    Hey Vgama,

    Dad is back from his consultation again and the nurse checked him out again and explained what would happen, Monday is the day of the Bone Scan and like you said I am praying that it is localised which in my heart I feel it will be. She also told him where he would be getting treatment and although he wanted it in Waterford which is 40 Minutes away as there is a dedicated bus like I have mentioned before this happened he volunteered driving it, They will be doing the treatment in Dublin which is 1Hr-45Min away but I don't mind as they are looking after him and I am grateful to them all.

    They also explained of the accommodation that he can stay in while getting his treatment which provides room for Mam also and while he is getting his treatment he can stay there and go home the weekends and it is difficult to even get in their but the nurse told him you should be no problem and they even provide you with your Breakfast - Dinner - Tea. There is 49 Ensuite bedrooms and I think he will go for this its just a matter of making Mam strong enough as today she even thought he wouldn't have to go for any treatment which I had told her Dad would but it is difficult for all of us but I am seeing this as a blessing in disguise that he is getting treatment now and it was found rather then when he was much older.

    The link of where he will be getting his treatment is posted underneath this text and the name of the place they both will be staying is Oakland Lodge.

    He wont be getting treated until after the MRI scan is done but it should all move fast then, The nurse mentioned it might be just 6 weeks treatment which would not be as bad.

    Thank you Vgama and everyone,

    Best Wishes,


    St Lukes Hospital Dublin And Oakland Lodge

    Hey To Everyone Bone Scan Is Negative...
    Hey Ya,

    Bone Scan is negative Dad got the news today so he is like a different man and is over the moon which next comes the MRI so it will be localized now although daunting I know but at least one thing is out of the way MRI is next before treatment,

    Thank you everyone :)
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Hey To Everyone Bone Scan Is Negative...
    Hey Ya,

    Bone Scan is negative Dad got the news today so he is like a different man and is over the moon which next comes the MRI so it will be localized now although daunting I know but at least one thing is out of the way MRI is next before treatment,

    Thank you everyone :)

    This is a relief and a happy moment

    I am very glad to read your news. This is a relief and a happy moment for your family.
    MRI may as well be negative but as you probably have found in your researches, the cancer maybe composed of micro tumours which size cannot be caught within the equipment’s tolerance (<1mm). The same happen in my case. I had micro-metastasis.
    I do not know if this applies to your father because the DRE was positive whether in my case it was negative.
    Nevertheless, cancer is localized and the doctors (radiologists) will plan a field for the radiation that includes all the spots where the bandit usually hides.

    I have searched about the equipment installed at “St Lukes Hospital Dublin And Oakland Lodge”, and I read that they use a modern IMRT/IGRT machine. This is a very reliable way for delivering radiation with precision causing lesser damage (side effects) to surrounding tissue. The staff can check live for any dislocation of close organs such as the bladder and rectum.
    Every day our organs move slightly requiring millimetre adjustment in the radiation field.

    In your dad’s next consultation with the radiologist (after MRI) he could ask about the protocol such as; number of sections, total dosage in Grays, planned fields for radiation (include lymph nodes?), list of side effects and how to handle them, etc.
    This info is important to keep for future reference and for inclusion in nomograms for biochemical free survival rates.

    It seems that all is going according to your wishes and I am very happy about that.

    Wishing your dad the best.

  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    This is a relief and a happy moment

    I am very glad to read your news. This is a relief and a happy moment for your family.
    MRI may as well be negative but as you probably have found in your researches, the cancer maybe composed of micro tumours which size cannot be caught within the equipment’s tolerance (<1mm). The same happen in my case. I had micro-metastasis.
    I do not know if this applies to your father because the DRE was positive whether in my case it was negative.
    Nevertheless, cancer is localized and the doctors (radiologists) will plan a field for the radiation that includes all the spots where the bandit usually hides.

    I have searched about the equipment installed at “St Lukes Hospital Dublin And Oakland Lodge”, and I read that they use a modern IMRT/IGRT machine. This is a very reliable way for delivering radiation with precision causing lesser damage (side effects) to surrounding tissue. The staff can check live for any dislocation of close organs such as the bladder and rectum.
    Every day our organs move slightly requiring millimetre adjustment in the radiation field.

    In your dad’s next consultation with the radiologist (after MRI) he could ask about the protocol such as; number of sections, total dosage in Grays, planned fields for radiation (include lymph nodes?), list of side effects and how to handle them, etc.
    This info is important to keep for future reference and for inclusion in nomograms for biochemical free survival rates.

    It seems that all is going according to your wishes and I am very happy about that.

    Wishing your dad the best.


    Will Do VGama...
    Thanks so much for your response and so quickly to,
    I will tell Dad to ask those questions when you say total dosage in Grays that means the amount of Radiation is it? Will the tiny spots show up on the MRI or will they just presume that that is the offending cause and treat it with Radiation or could the MRI come back negative also?

    Thanks so much,
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Will Do VGama...
    Thanks so much for your response and so quickly to,
    I will tell Dad to ask those questions when you say total dosage in Grays that means the amount of Radiation is it? Will the tiny spots show up on the MRI or will they just presume that that is the offending cause and treat it with Radiation or could the MRI come back negative also?

    Thanks so much,

    The MRI scan can also come back negative
    Even with negative scans, the increase in PSA is due to cancer recurrence and your father needs to be treated with radiation. The rays will be targeted to the prostate fossa where the doctor has felt the tiny spots and they will also radiate other presumed spots at the pelvic area such as the lynph nodes.

    The total dosage is the total amount of radiation applied in the 7 weeks of treatment. Usually the amount is 2Gys per section (daily) which multiplied by the number of sections in 7 weeks (40 days ?) becomes the total amount of (40 x 2) = 80 Grays.

    Take care.
  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    The MRI scan can also come back negative
    Even with negative scans, the increase in PSA is due to cancer recurrence and your father needs to be treated with radiation. The rays will be targeted to the prostate fossa where the doctor has felt the tiny spots and they will also radiate other presumed spots at the pelvic area such as the lynph nodes.

    The total dosage is the total amount of radiation applied in the 7 weeks of treatment. Usually the amount is 2Gys per section (daily) which multiplied by the number of sections in 7 weeks (40 days ?) becomes the total amount of (40 x 2) = 80 Grays.

    Take care.

    Thanks VGama...
    I will ask him yup to find that all out,
    The MRI should show these tiny spots will it?
    Best Wishes,

  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Thanks VGama...
    I will ask him yup to find that all out,
    The MRI should show these tiny spots will it?
    Best Wishes,


    MRI Scan Question...
    Hey Ya,

    I said I would let you know the MRI Scan is on the 28th July 2011 just wondering will it be just around the Prostate now that the Bone Scan was clear, My Dad said that's all it will be will they not just do a full body scan or would that take to long?

    Best Wishes,

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    MRI Scan Question...
    Hey Ya,

    I said I would let you know the MRI Scan is on the 28th July 2011 just wondering will it be just around the Prostate now that the Bone Scan was clear, My Dad said that's all it will be will they not just do a full body scan or would that take to long?

    Best Wishes,


    Metastasized Cancer tumours are microscopic cells
    It is unusual to have a MRI of the whole body. MRIs are expensive and done for specific locations to verify for uncommon millimetric deformations in body tissues (organs).
    A generalized MRI is directed to cover a portion of the body where that organ is located. In your dad’s case, the doctor wants to check those spots he felt in DRE and the picture on the lower abdomen will also provide a view of the pelvic area where the prostate used to be, the bladder, the urethra and the portion of rectum. This will check for localized metastases. Distant metastases of prostate cancer are common in bone (PCa likes to travel faraway and settle in the skeleton), so doctors perform a bone scintigraphy test of the whole body.

    Metastasized Cancer tumours are microscopic cells that cannot be seen by the scans. However, prostate cancer causes lesions in the organs and in bone and that can be caught (such as those tiny spots).

    Do your father know already about the side effects from SRT? I would advice him of taking this waiting period to educate himself about the treatment.

    I would also recommend you to advance with the request for the treatment. MRI is part of the process but your father is already diagnosed with recurrence for localized cancer (negative bone scan). He should start SRT as soon as he gets the results, but it seems that in Ireland you have to follow doctor’s norms to be admitted for treatment. That may cause unnecessary delays. Just call your dad’s doctor and inquire for a scheduled date for the treatment.

    Hope for the best.

  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Metastasized Cancer tumours are microscopic cells
    It is unusual to have a MRI of the whole body. MRIs are expensive and done for specific locations to verify for uncommon millimetric deformations in body tissues (organs).
    A generalized MRI is directed to cover a portion of the body where that organ is located. In your dad’s case, the doctor wants to check those spots he felt in DRE and the picture on the lower abdomen will also provide a view of the pelvic area where the prostate used to be, the bladder, the urethra and the portion of rectum. This will check for localized metastases. Distant metastases of prostate cancer are common in bone (PCa likes to travel faraway and settle in the skeleton), so doctors perform a bone scintigraphy test of the whole body.

    Metastasized Cancer tumours are microscopic cells that cannot be seen by the scans. However, prostate cancer causes lesions in the organs and in bone and that can be caught (such as those tiny spots).

    Do your father know already about the side effects from SRT? I would advice him of taking this waiting period to educate himself about the treatment.

    I would also recommend you to advance with the request for the treatment. MRI is part of the process but your father is already diagnosed with recurrence for localized cancer (negative bone scan). He should start SRT as soon as he gets the results, but it seems that in Ireland you have to follow doctor’s norms to be admitted for treatment. That may cause unnecessary delays. Just call your dad’s doctor and inquire for a scheduled date for the treatment.

    Hope for the best.


    Thanks So Much VGama...
    As soon as the MRI is done I am hoping it will be 1st Week in August he starts his treatment that is what I am hoping, I have told him the side effects of the treatment so he is aware of those but he doesn't mind now that the bone scan came back negative hes all go go go and just wants to be finished the treatment,

    Thanks so much for your quick reply it means so much to me having you here,

    Best Wishes,

  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Thanks So Much VGama...
    As soon as the MRI is done I am hoping it will be 1st Week in August he starts his treatment that is what I am hoping, I have told him the side effects of the treatment so he is aware of those but he doesn't mind now that the bone scan came back negative hes all go go go and just wants to be finished the treatment,

    Thanks so much for your quick reply it means so much to me having you here,

    Best Wishes,


    Update Ct Scan - And MRI Scan...
    Hi All,

    Had consultation yesterday and saw Oakland Lodge where my Dad will stay which is absoulty excellent, They explained what is going to happen the MRI scan is next Thursday 28th July 2011, and The following week Dad will have a Ct/Cat Scan is what they said, as it gives a better indication on where to treat the area, what does the Ct scan involve again, They said his treatment will start the end of August and will be over 7 weeks with 35 Sessions I think they mentioned. Mam asked me the question how can they presume it is 7 weeks if they have not done the MRI scan and I said that is the standard time they do is this correct? and he will have to have treatment as the rectal examination can also tell them they will need to give the Radiation. In Oakland Lodge they also give you the meals and all these are done specifically with regards diet. In the consultation yesterday they checked Dads weight and Height to.

    Best Wishes,
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member

    Update Ct Scan - And MRI Scan...
    Hi All,

    Had consultation yesterday and saw Oakland Lodge where my Dad will stay which is absoulty excellent, They explained what is going to happen the MRI scan is next Thursday 28th July 2011, and The following week Dad will have a Ct/Cat Scan is what they said, as it gives a better indication on where to treat the area, what does the Ct scan involve again, They said his treatment will start the end of August and will be over 7 weeks with 35 Sessions I think they mentioned. Mam asked me the question how can they presume it is 7 weeks if they have not done the MRI scan and I said that is the standard time they do is this correct? and he will have to have treatment as the rectal examination can also tell them they will need to give the Radiation. In Oakland Lodge they also give you the meals and all these are done specifically with regards diet. In the consultation yesterday they checked Dads weight and Height to.

    Best Wishes,

    I believe that the 35
    I believe that the 35 sessions is standard. Here in the USA the Radiation is given 5 days a week with a break on the weekends.

  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61
    lewvino said:

    I believe that the 35
    I believe that the 35 sessions is standard. Here in the USA the Radiation is given 5 days a week with a break on the weekends.


    Thank You...
    Thanks so much,

    They said after the CT scan they will mark Dad up which is just ink that stays there and once all the sessions are completed it will be 8 weeks after before they check the PSA levels again, he said will you not check after 2 weeks and they said no, so its after the treatment they check to see the PSA level has gone down I don't know how far it goes down after 8 weeks but hopefully it will be down to 0 that would be amazing fingers crossed,

    Best Wishes,

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Thank You...
    Thanks so much,

    They said after the CT scan they will mark Dad up which is just ink that stays there and once all the sessions are completed it will be 8 weeks after before they check the PSA levels again, he said will you not check after 2 weeks and they said no, so its after the treatment they check to see the PSA level has gone down I don't know how far it goes down after 8 weeks but hopefully it will be down to 0 that would be amazing fingers crossed,

    Best Wishes,


    Yes Gary, your father will see the Zeros.
    As Larry says, 7 weeks times 5 days (except weekends) equals to 35 sections. However, the final number of sections will be decided by the radiologist when he gets all information from the MRI, as your mother comments, unless the doctor is following a settled protocol from the info in hand. In my case it was 37 sections for a total dosage of 68 Grays.

    The CT scan is done for planning the irradiation areas. The scan will demonstrate the positioning of the main organs (bladder, urethra, rectum, etc.) which must be avoided by the rays. At that time they will ink-mark spots in the abdomen which serve as reference in the alignment of the gantry head, for each day of the treatment.

    In your next appointment with the doctor you could ask for a list of things your father should care for.
    I used to drink lots of water 45 minutes before the radiation section to fill the bladder. This helps in keeping the organ away from the rays path therefore avoiding side effects.
    Some foods are also prohibitive. Wine was fine.

    Regarding the PSA, I would recommend you to ask for one test before starting the treatment to serve as a base line. After treatment (early October), PSA is usually taken every 3-month, which will coincide with the Christmas period.
    Hope that becomes the best present you receive in 2011.

    Best regards.
  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Yes Gary, your father will see the Zeros.
    As Larry says, 7 weeks times 5 days (except weekends) equals to 35 sections. However, the final number of sections will be decided by the radiologist when he gets all information from the MRI, as your mother comments, unless the doctor is following a settled protocol from the info in hand. In my case it was 37 sections for a total dosage of 68 Grays.

    The CT scan is done for planning the irradiation areas. The scan will demonstrate the positioning of the main organs (bladder, urethra, rectum, etc.) which must be avoided by the rays. At that time they will ink-mark spots in the abdomen which serve as reference in the alignment of the gantry head, for each day of the treatment.

    In your next appointment with the doctor you could ask for a list of things your father should care for.
    I used to drink lots of water 45 minutes before the radiation section to fill the bladder. This helps in keeping the organ away from the rays path therefore avoiding side effects.
    Some foods are also prohibitive. Wine was fine.

    Regarding the PSA, I would recommend you to ask for one test before starting the treatment to serve as a base line. After treatment (early October), PSA is usually taken every 3-month, which will coincide with the Christmas period.
    Hope that becomes the best present you receive in 2011.

    Best regards.

    Thanks V Gama...
    They took blood yesterday and it was marked with PSA
    The other sample was for full blood count
    And the other sample said cholesterol and all that I think.

    We got chatting to someone as the gold course there is an 18 mini hole golf thing on site and he said you need not worry they will look after you. In the canteen where Dad will be staying meals are served 3 times a day with Mam just having to pay a small supplement. Then at any time if you are hungry you can come down make toast, get some fruit etc, they said a dietician will look after all foods and the man we spoke to who had just another week to go until finished said he didn't have much pains or anything, he said Cabbage etc is a no no and he said any Veg that grows underground your fine and all that ie carrots etc,

    It made me happier to see the rooms yesterday and the place where he will be treated I went in with Dad during consultation so I know what is going on.

    It will be an unbelievable present VGama, My Birthday is 13th August 2011 and I am just having a meal nothing more with family and friends as it is the end of August Dad starts treatment so I just want to have it as normal as can be. I am hoping to move now soon we are just waiting on the Mortgage Dad is looking forward to us moving to and being happy and then all will be well,

    Thanks so much VGama and everyone,

    Best Wishes,


    Ps Water the man who is just finished his treatment said you drink 7 cups and if you go to the toilet before treatment you drink another 3 but he said it is important that you do that.
  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Thanks V Gama...
    They took blood yesterday and it was marked with PSA
    The other sample was for full blood count
    And the other sample said cholesterol and all that I think.

    We got chatting to someone as the gold course there is an 18 mini hole golf thing on site and he said you need not worry they will look after you. In the canteen where Dad will be staying meals are served 3 times a day with Mam just having to pay a small supplement. Then at any time if you are hungry you can come down make toast, get some fruit etc, they said a dietician will look after all foods and the man we spoke to who had just another week to go until finished said he didn't have much pains or anything, he said Cabbage etc is a no no and he said any Veg that grows underground your fine and all that ie carrots etc,

    It made me happier to see the rooms yesterday and the place where he will be treated I went in with Dad during consultation so I know what is going on.

    It will be an unbelievable present VGama, My Birthday is 13th August 2011 and I am just having a meal nothing more with family and friends as it is the end of August Dad starts treatment so I just want to have it as normal as can be. I am hoping to move now soon we are just waiting on the Mortgage Dad is looking forward to us moving to and being happy and then all will be well,

    Thanks so much VGama and everyone,

    Best Wishes,


    Ps Water the man who is just finished his treatment said you drink 7 cups and if you go to the toilet before treatment you drink another 3 but he said it is important that you do that.

    1.45AM Cat Scan Due In Morning Dad...
    Hi Ya,

    Dad is getting his CT SCAN In the morning, he is worried as there was a program on about the dangerous of it ie the radiation exposure etc, should he go ahead with it he is heading up to Dublin at 7Am in the morning.
    He had the MRI scan last week that was fine but he is just wondering about this test now.
    Also I dont think he fasted today I am unsure but I think you are supposed to are you? does that mean no Water to?
    If you can advise should he go ahead with this test and will he be ok after it or should he just go up and say he doesn't want to have this test done and they will still go ahead with the radiation treatment at the end of this month,
    Best Wishes,
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    1.45AM Cat Scan Due In Morning Dad...
    Hi Ya,

    Dad is getting his CT SCAN In the morning, he is worried as there was a program on about the dangerous of it ie the radiation exposure etc, should he go ahead with it he is heading up to Dublin at 7Am in the morning.
    He had the MRI scan last week that was fine but he is just wondering about this test now.
    Also I dont think he fasted today I am unsure but I think you are supposed to are you? does that mean no Water to?
    If you can advise should he go ahead with this test and will he be ok after it or should he just go up and say he doesn't want to have this test done and they will still go ahead with the radiation treatment at the end of this month,
    Best Wishes,

    Your post is confusing

    I thought that by now you have done enough researches and have read about the problematic prostate cancer and details on its treatment.
    Radiation at high delivering grades is prejudicial to all living things. However, the radiation used in tests (X-ray, CT, Bone scan, etc) as well as the radiation used in treatments are low in grade and are safe. Everything is controlled.

    You shouldn’t be worried. I think that the documentary you saw was based on high grades of doses or on continuous exposure, to which your father’s case is not comparable.
    This CT of today is important in the series of events your dad is going to do for the treatment, as I mentioned in my previous post. Try to calm your father and help him in understanding the facts by educating yourself in the matter too.

    Let us know about the results of the MRI.

    Hope for the best.
    (wishing your Aug 13th becomes that special)


    Note; Gary, you can send me an e-mail if you wish any particular detail.
  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61

    Your post is confusing

    I thought that by now you have done enough researches and have read about the problematic prostate cancer and details on its treatment.
    Radiation at high delivering grades is prejudicial to all living things. However, the radiation used in tests (X-ray, CT, Bone scan, etc) as well as the radiation used in treatments are low in grade and are safe. Everything is controlled.

    You shouldn’t be worried. I think that the documentary you saw was based on high grades of doses or on continuous exposure, to which your father’s case is not comparable.
    This CT of today is important in the series of events your dad is going to do for the treatment, as I mentioned in my previous post. Try to calm your father and help him in understanding the facts by educating yourself in the matter too.

    Let us know about the results of the MRI.

    Hope for the best.
    (wishing your Aug 13th becomes that special)


    Note; Gary, you can send me an e-mail if you wish any particular detail.

    Thanks VGama..
    Test is over now he said it was the easiest test ever, they saw a documentary and thats why he was worried but the Doctor himself today said dont be taking to much notice on what these things say as they are not as accurate, his PSA level was 4.7 but is now 5.3 I think that is the last PSA count but they will be starting treatment at the end of this month.
    Mam has become very depressed Dad has said and is fearing Dad is going to die and its getting a bit annoying as she needs to be positive just like me,
    He is very happy with the way they are treating him and the level of communication.
    I dont know how to send you a private message VGama I clicked on your name but it doesn't allow you to send pvt message I think not sure,
    Best Wishes,
  • mattmans5
    mattmans5 Member Posts: 70

    Thanks VGama..
    Test is over now he said it was the easiest test ever, they saw a documentary and thats why he was worried but the Doctor himself today said dont be taking to much notice on what these things say as they are not as accurate, his PSA level was 4.7 but is now 5.3 I think that is the last PSA count but they will be starting treatment at the end of this month.
    Mam has become very depressed Dad has said and is fearing Dad is going to die and its getting a bit annoying as she needs to be positive just like me,
    He is very happy with the way they are treating him and the level of communication.
    I dont know how to send you a private message VGama I clicked on your name but it doesn't allow you to send pvt message I think not sure,
    Best Wishes,

    lighten up please

    I am 48 and both parents from Ireland ,

    5 kids under 21 have a psa at 13.5 at surgery went thru all the tests your farther has had , relax please and get informed about the disease .

    he will be ok
  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61
    mattmans5 said:

    lighten up please

    I am 48 and both parents from Ireland ,

    5 kids under 21 have a psa at 13.5 at surgery went thru all the tests your farther has had , relax please and get informed about the disease .

    he will be ok

    Thanks Matt Man
    Why would your children of been tested? over here they say 40 is the time to get tested?
    Did they need any radiation your children I didn't think you can have it that young?
    Best Wishes,
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    Thanks Matt Man
    Why would your children of been tested? over here they say 40 is the time to get tested?
    Did they need any radiation your children I didn't think you can have it that young?
    Best Wishes,

  • Irish-Psychic
    Irish-Psychic Member Posts: 61


    Thanks Hopefull...
    I read it wrong and I didn't understand...but you are right yes that what he meant I think,
    My Dad has had his Prosectomy 10 years ago as I have mentioned in previous posts, he is finished all tests now Bone Scan was clear, MRI Scan Complete, CAT Scan Complete he will start his treatment now the end of this month.
    Thanks for keeping me patient though and not over panicking,
    Best Wishes,