Will have my first chimo Tuesday, please need advised



  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834

    Numbing Cream
    Hi Carlene, I have never heard of this cream. My doctor never mentioned it either. I do not have a port and the chemo is put into a vein in my hand. I have such small veins that it really hurts. Sometimes the vein on my left had will "roll" and then the nurse gives up after about 5 minutes and tries another vein.
    I just have 4 more to go so I really don't want the port.
    One more question, can cream be purchased over the counter or is it a prescription?

    It's a prescription, and you
    It's a prescription, and you REALLY need to ask for one before your treatment.

    Is there a reason you didn't get a port?

  • rose_marie
    rose_marie Member Posts: 75

    It's a prescription, and you
    It's a prescription, and you REALLY need to ask for one before your treatment.

    Is there a reason you didn't get a port?


    My doctor said I didn't need it because there would only be a total of 8 treatments. I have already had 4. I was under the impression a person got a port if they were going to have quite a few infusions. Perhaps I am wrong.

  • Hissy_Fitz
    Hissy_Fitz Member Posts: 1,834

    My doctor said I didn't need it because there would only be a total of 8 treatments. I have already had 4. I was under the impression a person got a port if they were going to have quite a few infusions. Perhaps I am wrong.


    My first line treatment was
    My first line treatment was a total of 8 infusions. I got the port placed while I was in the hospital, being debulked, and they used it for blood transfusions and TPN nourishment (I was there 16 days and could not eat for most of that time.) Then I had the 8 chemo infusions, plus several more blood transfisions - all via my trusty Power Port.

    When my port was first placed, we didn't anticipate getting so much mileage out of it, however. Most doctors will order a port, just for the 8 chemo treatments.

    My first port eroded thru the skin (think Sigourney Weaver in "Alien") and I had to choose a new port or no port. I had 4 maintenance infusions left. At first, I said, "No port," but my doctor warned me that once you trash your veins, as chemo can do, there is no getting them back. So I sucked it up and had the second port placed.

    If I pass the 2 year NED mark (March, 2012), I will have my port removed. I'm keeping it for now, just in case.

  • clbsews
    clbsews Member Posts: 10
    First Time
    God is supporting you! He loves you! So many of the ladies have shared very helpful advice.

    Here are a few more: Sometimes the pharmacy will want to evaluate any meds and supplements you are taking so good idea to bring them with you. Some meds/supplements can counter your chemo and should not be taken while on therapy. I would often bring my journal and use the time before the premeds made me sleepy, a time to record my thoughts and feelings. As well, ask your nurse for a written schedule of when to take medications after chemo (it's so easy to get mixed up with all of the newness of chemo-world). Write down any after chemo side effects you experience so you can alert your doctor. Please have someone go with you and drive you home. For me, I've gotten used to the routine and there is some solice in the familiar and knowing I am actively doing something to fight this rotten cancer.
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  • djinco
    djinco Member Posts: 87
    Dear Licha,
    You have your heart in the proper place. God is with you and always will be. He will put nothing on you that you are unable to handle. Maintain your faith, never give up, seek help and try to relax. God be with you always.

  • Rookerbird
    Rookerbird Member Posts: 100
    Someone else has already mentioned it, but I think it's worth a double-mention.

    Drinking lots of water will help your body handle the chemo better, and being well-hydrated will make it easier to access your veins if you don't have a port. Also, constipation is a common chemo side effect, and water will minimize that bad effect as well.

    My oncologist required that I drink 2 big bottles of Smart Water each day for the two days prior to chemo, the day of chemo, and the day after.
  • Licha
    Licha Member Posts: 21

    It's a prescription, and you
    It's a prescription, and you REALLY need to ask for one before your treatment.

    Is there a reason you didn't get a port?


    prescription cream
    Hi Carlene, I had a port do you think I need the cream?
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Water and more water
    You've gotten great advice! I'll add that it really is important to drink lots of water in the days after chemo and to rest. One of the biggest side effects is fatique and it helps if you just give into it. Welcome to the board!
    (((HUGS))) Maria
  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    Mwee said:

    Water and more water
    You've gotten great advice! I'll add that it really is important to drink lots of water in the days after chemo and to rest. One of the biggest side effects is fatique and it helps if you just give into it. Welcome to the board!
    (((HUGS))) Maria

    Oh/one more thing!
    I always get terribly constipated after chemo, although some people have the opposite problem. It would help if you have prunes/colase/miralx of whatever in the house just in case. :)
    me again... Maria
  • Licha
    Licha Member Posts: 21
    Thank you
    I will let you Ladies how my first time go, I am packing my things righ now, I think I just want this to be over.. Thank you very much, please play for me

  • pstur1
    pstur1 Member Posts: 37
    Licha said:

    prescription cream
    Hi Carlene, I had a port do you think I need the cream?

    Oh yes, you need the creme
    It is for the port. I put a glob over the port site about one hour prior to being poked and it is marvelous. It's not like one pin prick is that terrible but why put yourself through anything if it isn't necessary. After apply the creme, I use the wrap and seal, a little square over it to hold in place and protect clothing and off to chemo I go. AND...then they also spray me with the cold stuff just to added measure. I used to not have any issues with needles and now I hate the darn things!!!!
  • Radioactive34
    Radioactive34 Member Posts: 391 Member
    Please keep us updated on
    Please keep us updated on how you are doing and what your experience was like. I will be keeping an eye out for your updates. You will be in my thoughts.
