Bad Lab result - Freaking Out

jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
Last week when I went for my quarterly oncology visit he said that the results of my CBC were normal. In today's mail I got a copy of the results of the Hepatic Panel blood results and I freaked out. The alkaline phosphatase level was substantially elevated and was NOT within the normal range. I know that can mean a metastasis to the liver and I am very upset right now. I will call my oncologist in the morning to find out exactly what this means and what the next step might be. I am sure my blood pressure is way up - my head feels like it is going to explode. I am sorry for blabbering on but I am so upset. I was doing so well....



  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    I am so sorry to hear that
    I am so sorry to hear that your test results are freaking you out! It is so incredibly hard to be calm and get some needed rest when our ♥ and mind are racing, isn't it?
    For the record, I have had liver mets for over a year now~ and I am truly doing fine!!! If I didn't know, I wouldn't know! (The only reason I found out is that I had my gallbladder removed a year ago and what do you know? They found liver mets!!) I am responding so well to treatment and having this has not hindered me or curtailed any activity AT ALL.
    I hope, hope, hope of course that your levels are an anomoly and that your Dr will be able to run an few more tests and that you will be breathing a big sigh of relief.

  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    Try to hold on, Irene, it
    Try to hold on, Irene, it may not be as bad as you're envisioning. First, remember that it would be unusual for your doctor to send you bad news via US Mail. If there is a major concern your doctor would call you in to talk. Take some deep breaths and know that we are all out here in cyberspace sending you warm, comforting, positive thoughts. In a few hours you can call your onc and will likely hear very reassuring news.

    Praying for you even as you read this.....

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    It's no fun to read lab
    It's no fun to read lab reports when they show something out of whack. But remember, out of whack does not necessarily mean cancer. So please take some deep breaths and try to get some rest. Good idea to call your oncologist first thing in the morning. Warm hugs and best wishes.....xoxoxox Lynn (I had some abnormal bilirubin stuff going on for awhile, and then as mysteriously as it arose, it went away.)
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    lynn1950 said:

    It's no fun to read lab
    It's no fun to read lab reports when they show something out of whack. But remember, out of whack does not necessarily mean cancer. So please take some deep breaths and try to get some rest. Good idea to call your oncologist first thing in the morning. Warm hugs and best wishes.....xoxoxox Lynn (I had some abnormal bilirubin stuff going on for awhile, and then as mysteriously as it arose, it went away.)

    A lot of these tests give a false positive and vice versa...for peace of mind, have it repeated...

    Keep us posted...hang in there
    Hugs to you...
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Bad results
    Hi Irene,

    I work as the office manager for a small independent medical lab. Don't know how abnormal your result was but please remember that machines vary and some abnormality may be perfectly normal. I would hope that your oncologist wouldn't send you results with no explanation when they needed follow up, but you better believe I would be on the phone as soon as the office opened to find out.

    Take care, hang in there,

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Bad results
    Hi Irene,

    I work as the office manager for a small independent medical lab. Don't know how abnormal your result was but please remember that machines vary and some abnormality may be perfectly normal. I would hope that your oncologist wouldn't send you results with no explanation when they needed follow up, but you better believe I would be on the phone as soon as the office opened to find out.

    Take care, hang in there,


    Irene .. Strength and Courage I pray for
    you. Hoping all the best. Please keep us informed.

    Vicki Sam
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    grams2jc said:

    Bad results
    Hi Irene,

    I work as the office manager for a small independent medical lab. Don't know how abnormal your result was but please remember that machines vary and some abnormality may be perfectly normal. I would hope that your oncologist wouldn't send you results with no explanation when they needed follow up, but you better believe I would be on the phone as soon as the office opened to find out.

    Take care, hang in there,


    No extra news to offer, but
    No extra news to offer, but I wanted to be here with a {{{HUG}}}. I agree with both Jennifer and Chickadee I doubt that bad news would come in letter form and not from the doctor himself. I pray you already have found a solution for the abnormal reading and are resting more comfortably. Please Irene let us know how you are doing today.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    No extra news to offer, but
    No extra news to offer, but I wanted to be here with a {{{HUG}}}. I agree with both Jennifer and Chickadee I doubt that bad news would come in letter form and not from the doctor himself. I pray you already have found a solution for the abnormal reading and are resting more comfortably. Please Irene let us know how you are doing today.


    Don't panic
    I had bloodwork a couple of weeks ago and had an abnormally high reading on potassium. After re-doing it, it was normal--lab error. Wait to talk to the doctor. And maybe you can re-do the test.

    Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Renee
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    missrenee said:

    Don't panic
    I had bloodwork a couple of weeks ago and had an abnormally high reading on potassium. After re-doing it, it was normal--lab error. Wait to talk to the doctor. And maybe you can re-do the test.

    Keep us posted.

    Hugs, Renee

    Thank you SO much for all your kind words. I appreciate having all of you to "talk" to. I called my oncologist at 8:30a.m. this morning when the office opened. Of course, he is not in today so I left a message for his nurse practitioner. She called me back in about 3 hours after having talked to the doctor! He is not concerned about the elevated alkaline phosphatase level. Apparently in the last year my liver function tests have gone up and down. He said if the trend was consistently UP then he would be concerned and take further action. In addition, since my last chemo infusion in August 2010 I have gained weight and probably have a "fatty liver." I think I will leave that tidbit out when I tell my husband about our conversation (lol). Now I feel kind of foolish for having worried. I guess every cough, pain, twinge, etc. does not mean a metastasis of some sort. Now that the all clear has been given, so to speak, I am going to have my reconstruction surgery done on June 13th. I will continue to keep you posted. Thanks again. IRENE
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944

    Thank you SO much for all your kind words. I appreciate having all of you to "talk" to. I called my oncologist at 8:30a.m. this morning when the office opened. Of course, he is not in today so I left a message for his nurse practitioner. She called me back in about 3 hours after having talked to the doctor! He is not concerned about the elevated alkaline phosphatase level. Apparently in the last year my liver function tests have gone up and down. He said if the trend was consistently UP then he would be concerned and take further action. In addition, since my last chemo infusion in August 2010 I have gained weight and probably have a "fatty liver." I think I will leave that tidbit out when I tell my husband about our conversation (lol). Now I feel kind of foolish for having worried. I guess every cough, pain, twinge, etc. does not mean a metastasis of some sort. Now that the all clear has been given, so to speak, I am going to have my reconstruction surgery done on June 13th. I will continue to keep you posted. Thanks again. IRENE

    Oh a great way to end my
    Oh a great way to end my work day. Great news Irene, I am happy for you and your "fatty liver". LOL

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

    Oh a great way to end my
    Oh a great way to end my work day. Great news Irene, I am happy for you and your "fatty liver". LOL


    Good news
    I thought it would be OK since the doctor didn't inform you of anything first but I understand your concern.

    When I go to the oncologist I get my blood work done before I see the doctor. That way she knows if there is a problem. It used to be the opposite.I got the blood work after I saw her but she moved into a much larger place and things are different.When I had the blood work later I wondered if it was good or bad. I never heard anything.

    I wouldn't tell your husband you have a fatty liver.Keep that to yourself.LOL

    Lynn Smith
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    following surgery, chemo and rads I had elevated liver function. It can be caused from taking too much Tylenol or other Nsaids. I take arthritis meds that affect it. I had a liver (abdominal) ultrasound and all was ok. I think I have a fatty liver too. Don't panic. Google liver panel blood tests and read about the possible causes. My bp probably shot up when I saw my results too.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    cahjah75 said:

    following surgery, chemo and rads I had elevated liver function. It can be caused from taking too much Tylenol or other Nsaids. I take arthritis meds that affect it. I had a liver (abdominal) ultrasound and all was ok. I think I have a fatty liver too. Don't panic. Google liver panel blood tests and read about the possible causes. My bp probably shot up when I saw my results too.
    {{hugs}} Char

    Sooooooooooooo glad you got
    Sooooooooooooo glad you got an answer and everything is OK! Thanks for letting us know!

  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member

    Sooooooooooooo glad you got
    Sooooooooooooo glad you got an answer and everything is OK! Thanks for letting us know!


    Wonderful News!!!
    Yes... It's GREAT to hear all is A-OK. Now take a deep breath, relax and ENJOY life... One day at a time!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Mitzi333 said:

    Wonderful News!!!
    Yes... It's GREAT to hear all is A-OK. Now take a deep breath, relax and ENJOY life... One day at a time!!!

    Mitzi ;0)

    My liver enzymes have been
    My liver enzymes have been elevated at times. My onc says they are not the ones that are usually associated with mets. He believes it is from the tamoxifen. I have to admit i feel better when they are normal. so glad you got good news.