Journal Entry 3 ..... The sad state of the medical doctors ...and froggy handkerchiefs

Lisa13Q Member Posts: 677
Well, so far, neither doctor has called to talk to my mother about her scans from Monday and the fact that there is no more they can do....she's sitting upstairs waiting to discuss what we're going to do next........what a poor reflection on these doctors who are supposed to walk her through this process...i think it's remarkably unfair....the nurses called today and Mom put them off because she says there's nothing to discuss with them until she hears from the the mean time, I feel like a fraud walking around here pretending like everything is ok....remind me to write a screen play when this is all over..we can call it, "you're kidding me right?"....also, does anyone have any 14yo girls? My niece told my sister last night that when I'm here, everything is worse because I talk about the medical situation and it's too when she's around, I am not to discuss Mom.....ok...then.....I think the rules are "let's pretend everything is ok...and when we find Mom passed out in bed, we'll just say, "she's not passed out, she's playing at being intoxicated..perhaps she had too much to drink last night....."....Also, the fact that she can't stand has nothing to do with the fact that she's sick, she's practicing a new dance step called, "sitting in bed all day with nothing to do"....finally, the soup I gave her earlier was in too big a bowl, although it all fit in the bowl, she wanted a smaller bowl, so I went downstairs and put it in a shot glass and called it bourbon.....she was thrilled.....ahhhh the joys of cancer....must run now, the garbage needs to go to the local recycle bin, we don't use the regular garbage service, "they are not green enough".....oh and finally, we are making our own tissues for cut up soft old clothing into quadratic triangles, that have pretty paisley flowers, and make them into the shapes of frogs....that makes her happy......sigh....


  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Oh Lisa !
    Hang in there ! You have so much to deal with I hope it gets better quick!
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I admire your sense of humor and resilliance during this difficult time. In my Mom's last days, we actually made her laugh a few times, reminiscing about funny events. It was good to see her laugh, and good for us, as there would always be enough seriousness for another time.

    Hugs to you, Lisa. Send me some directions on those froggy tissues! I think my grandson would love it. I also like the 'bourbon' idea. You're so creative!

  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    mopar said:

    I admire your sense of humor and resilliance during this difficult time. In my Mom's last days, we actually made her laugh a few times, reminiscing about funny events. It was good to see her laugh, and good for us, as there would always be enough seriousness for another time.

    Hugs to you, Lisa. Send me some directions on those froggy tissues! I think my grandson would love it. I also like the 'bourbon' idea. You're so creative!


    you are no fraud!!!
    You are just trying to keep your mom safe and protect her. Don't be so hard on yourself. I hope the dr calls soon,if not call him. Being in limbo is torture. Keep on doing what you are doing... fang fish never backs down..val
  • Anita1216
    Anita1216 Member Posts: 58
    My 14 yo daughter tells me
    My 14 yo daughter tells me how much the situation has become a monster. She is right, she is absolutely spot on. Every single day it is something else with mom to worry over and fret. I find that all I do is talk about cancer, look for the newest trials, studies..the newest anything.

    Keep your head up!! Keep the faith. Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers...all of you are!
  • MK_4Dani
    MK_4Dani Member Posts: 314
    Future Movie Award
    Sounds like an excellent screen play. Sounds like your family is perfectly dysFUNtional which is the new normal these days. Teenagers calling the shots, mom drinking "bourbon soup", frog shaped have a oscar winning movie.

    Hang in there Lisa and keep us posted on other tidbits of drama...they are too funny.
  • kayandok
    kayandok Member Posts: 1,202 Member
    are just on a different planet. I have twin 13-year olds, boy and girl. Not a good combination with cancer, although they provide good distractions from my reality, I do admit.

    Your mom has everyone revolving around her, and maybe that is what she really wants more than anything. Definitely the making of a great drama. We could all give you more material, if you needed it, I'm sure:)

    You are amazing LIsa!!!


    PS I am curious too, how to make those lovely sounding froggy tissues. Maybe a new product launch, in your future, for cancer patients?