Triple Negative IDC and Wondering...

emamei Member Posts: 146
edited May 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
I'm still going through treatment for Triple Negative IDC and I was wondering how many ladies on the forum are there who were diagnosed with Triple Negative IDC who are 2 or more years post treatment? How are you doing? What is your long term prognosis?


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Two years..
    Two years this coming week since my lumpectomy...19 months out from all treatment...triple negative....there is no "prognosis"...I am in what they consider remission...that's what my 4 physicians call it...and as of right now I have no evidence of disease...I am very aware this is an agreesive form of bc...I was stage IIa...a, meaning no lymph node involvement, which, according to my physicians and my own research is huge! I 've had two "scares"...and am having some problems at the present with pain in the sternum and nerves trying to regenerate in the breast...they feel the sternum problem is Costochronditis...( google it, if you want) due to yoga and radiation....

    I was given statistics by my onc...chemo vs. no chemo...a no brainer....I was also told that this type, along with being aggressive, is one that responds very well to chemo...sooo....I've just had x-rays, of the sternum, to rile out any lesions...all clear...had a BSGI test done in October, all clean and just had my mammo and ultrasound two weeks ago....all showing NO evidence of bc...have my blood work and onco visit, first two weeks in June...
    So, I remain in remission....Good enough for me!

    I had no control of having bc in the first place...I have no control of a I just try not to worry about it...take each day as it comes and be thankful and grateful....
  • chersanstattoo
    chersanstattoo Member Posts: 1
    triple negative.......
    I was diagnosed with Grade III Infiltrating Triple Negative Breast Cancer on 10-09-07. I had a lumpectomy & lymph dissection (10 lymph nodes were removed, only one was positive).
    Treatment was a bit rough ~ 4 mo chemo (2 mo of Adriamycin & Cyclophosamide; 2 mo of Taxol), then 6 wks of radiation. I am still cancer free!!! Wahoo!! I see the oncologist every 6 months.
    The taxol was the hard knocked me on my can & I'm still feeling some of the effects ~ recovery is taking longer then I thought it would. But there have been a few other issues that have popped up along the way ~ had vein ligation in both legs, both knees are 'worn out' from an active lifestyle & need 'repair' work (ugh) & I was diagnosed with lymphedema last summer, which means learning a few new things about taking care of myself! All in all, I am very grateful to be here! I am working on regaining my core strength & my stamina. One step at a time.....
    I realize my situation could have been a lot worse. I am determined to keep living as active a lifestyle as I stay remain positive.......& to do everything I can to keep that blasted rogue cell gone!!
    Each one of us will respond differently to treatment. Follow dr.'s orders, talk with the oncology nurses frequently ~ they are a wonderful source of information, compassion & assistance. Keep open to any possible tips that may help you through treatment (found Quesy Drops a big help with nausea) & keep in touch with family & friends with updates.
    I went through a divorce while in chemo & relied heavily on my support team to get through the physical trauma of surgery & chemo & radiatio as well as the emotional insanity of coping with divorce.
    Keep us posted.....take good care of yourself.....breathe deep.....pray.....never give up!
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I'm triple neg IBC (if you
    I'm triple neg IBC (if you mean inflammatory BC not invasive BC). My dx was in Aug 2010, started 6 rounds of TAC chemo, bilateral in Jan, then 44 rounds of rads ending in March.

    If you're asking about prognosis because you've been looking at the statistics, my advice is don't look at those stats. They're very scary and they don't apply to any one individual. Your prognosis belongs to you and only to you...we're all very different and the stats are composed of thousands of people.

    Best of luck with your journey.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    IBC or IDC
    Which are you asking aobut. Here you posted IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) but your profile says you're IDC - not the same at all.

    I'm IBC but not TN. I'm doing great heading on to 2 years since DX'd.

    Whichever you are don't dwell on the stats - they are for all combined but do not apply to each individual. For IBC the stats say that only 25% to 40% make it to the magic 5 years where the total survival rate for all BCs is 87% to 5 years. As I see it - my odds are either 0% or 100%. Either I will have a reoccurance or I won't (0% or 100%). If I do have a reoccurance then we'll deal with it then - no reason for fret/worry about something that may or may not happen. Remember that it is impossible to have it in a percentage - you can't have 25% cancer - either you have it or you don't.

  • emamei
    emamei Member Posts: 146
    Rague said:

    IBC or IDC
    Which are you asking aobut. Here you posted IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) but your profile says you're IDC - not the same at all.

    I'm IBC but not TN. I'm doing great heading on to 2 years since DX'd.

    Whichever you are don't dwell on the stats - they are for all combined but do not apply to each individual. For IBC the stats say that only 25% to 40% make it to the magic 5 years where the total survival rate for all BCs is 87% to 5 years. As I see it - my odds are either 0% or 100%. Either I will have a reoccurance or I won't (0% or 100%). If I do have a reoccurance then we'll deal with it then - no reason for fret/worry about something that may or may not happen. Remember that it is impossible to have it in a percentage - you can't have 25% cancer - either you have it or you don't.

    Susan mistake
    Hi Susan.

    It is IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma) not IBC for me. Chemo brain these days is driving me crazy :O
  • MarleneElla
    MarleneElla Member Posts: 22
    Triple negative
    A girlfriend of mine was triple negative. No node issues. She's at her 6 year point and doing great!
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Tripple Neg
    I read the stats on breast cancer over all, and claim them for mine as I like them better. Yes it is an agressive cancer, but I am an aggressive woman. I am stage 2 going into chemo at present so I am new to this diagnosis as are you.

    I know that given my family situation (being the one responsible for the benefit train) I just figure that I will give the rest of my being to caring for my family members and so be it. It is what it is.

    Yes I will take care of myself as much as possible and I will laugh my butt off while doing so. However, I figure it this way. I can continue to pull the benefit train until "the little engine that could" gives out. When the little engine that could gives out it may be 2 years or 32 years from now. I also have some disabled family members to whom I give moral support. I will do this for them because I feel that if I had a higher power who went to the cross for my sin, then I can spend the rest of my life caring for them in whatever capacity I have to do so, (health benefits, knowlege, moral support, or whatever....). I will just live a life of service and this will be the legacy I leave to family members. I just think that legacy will be a really long time in building itself.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    I'm triple neg IBC (if you
    I'm triple neg IBC (if you mean inflammatory BC not invasive BC). My dx was in Aug 2010, started 6 rounds of TAC chemo, bilateral in Jan, then 44 rounds of rads ending in March.

    If you're asking about prognosis because you've been looking at the statistics, my advice is don't look at those stats. They're very scary and they don't apply to any one individual. Your prognosis belongs to you and only to you...we're all very different and the stats are composed of thousands of people.

    Best of luck with your journey.



    Linda, I love the way you
    Linda, I love the way you think. Back in 1987, no one had anything positive to say to me having Stage 3A, believe it or not. I quit reading and told everyone close to me that I wanted no negativity around me. I had an ER+ tumor and took tamoxifen when it was considered controversial for premenopausal women.

    What I learned is hope is crucial and no one can deny that a cure may be right around the corner. And we are all different. No one can tell us how long we will have. Keep fighting!!!
  • Cwells5
    Cwells5 Member Posts: 1
    Triple Negative IBC and Wondering..
    I was diagnosed Feb 2011 --March 15th 2011 had a double mastectomy and under reconstruction doing 4 rounds of TC chemo. I am half way through. I feel that I am doing well and as someone in the thread said I plan to live my life surrounded with positive thoughts!
    Peace Love and Hope!
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I'm triple negative and 2.5 years out. Long term prognosis is great! I am feeling good. Don't be afraid of triple negative. There are, believe it or not, positive aspects to being hormone negative. No drugs after treatment is one of them. It responds great to chemo and after a few years generally doesn't come back. Hang in there.
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    mimivac said:

    I'm triple negative and 2.5 years out. Long term prognosis is great! I am feeling good. Don't be afraid of triple negative. There are, believe it or not, positive aspects to being hormone negative. No drugs after treatment is one of them. It responds great to chemo and after a few years generally doesn't come back. Hang in there.

    Bumping up for gsilvas
    Bumping up for gsilvas.