A good cry



  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    It's My Party
    And I'll cry if I want to! There is nothing like a good cry and we all understand totally. I'm over three years out from dx and on ocassion, even now, I feel like having a pity party for myself with a good cry just to vent!

    You are not alone in this journey. Hang in there as there are definitely brighter days ahead for you and your family.

    Hugs, Sally
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Don't ever feel bad about crying. We all do it. Sometimes I think of what I have been through and just start to cry. Other times I just cry to get it all out. Cry all you want it will help and make you feel better.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    ladyg said:

    Don't ever feel bad about crying. We all do it. Sometimes I think of what I have been through and just start to cry. Other times I just cry to get it all out. Cry all you want it will help and make you feel better.


    Thank You for those kind words.It was very hurtful for someone to say I am sick. People tell me I look good then I hear this.

    I hope things get better for you with your problems. I didn't need chemo or radiation so I really can't relate to all you strong ladies who have been through it. I will be thinking of everyone fighting this disease and any other.We are ALL going to beat this and live long lives

    I will fight harder now. They got me mad.

    It's funny because just tonight my husband and I were in the car.We were cutting up and laughing so hard.No matter what I said or he said we laughed about it.I told him I have to laugh because if I wasn't I would be crying.He said he felt the same way.

    Stay Strong Dawne.Seems like you have till all these other problems.We all need a good cry.

    Lynn Smith
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I'm sending you a big HUG! Crying can be cathartic. I haven't cried since my dx with bc but let me tell you - I cried all the time after breaking both shoulders and I couldn't drive a car for 18 months and had to quit my job. Our bodies have been through H*LL and back. Just when you think things are going to be ok you get hit with another devastating test result. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and remember it's good to cry :D
    {{hugs}} Char
  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    A cry can be therapeutic
    Go ahead and cry your heart out. Literally, let everything that bothers
    your heart out. And then turn around and fill it with hope, love and
    compassion for yourself.

  • rosamercedes
    rosamercedes Member Posts: 7
    aysemari said:

    A cry can be therapeutic
    Go ahead and cry your heart out. Literally, let everything that bothers
    your heart out. And then turn around and fill it with hope, love and
    compassion for yourself.


    new to crying
    I am crying finally I was diagnosed five months ago had the operation and now I will start my treatments but have been holding my tears "being strong for my family" thanks for your posts it finally gave me the freedom to let it go, it seems that it just hit me "I have cancer" but I feel not so alone now that I read the posts , I have a great family support they have been great but like I said wanted to be strong for them. Thanks for the posts it really helps.
  • 1acme
    1acme Member Posts: 77
    I am crying today.
    Well I cry when nobody see me as I do not want other people see me that way.
    I had been diagnosed this year with 4.5cm tumour, grade 3 of Triple Negative BC at age 37.

    It looks like all holidays I celebration different way.

    * Valentine day - I had a Lumpectomy (4,5cm), Centennial note (2cm) and 14 lymph notes removed.
    * Easter monday I started my 1st chemo scheduled for 16 weeks
    * Mother day my hair start falling out "over night"

    I had scheduled for this Tuesday very short hair cut, but now it will not be necessary. My hair was very long so I chop it off before first chemo to shoulder length and today this discovery made me so upset that I chop it off to my ears. Silly me, I even forget to take a picture "before". Chemo make me sick, but this issues are emotionally killing me all those changes happening with my body happening are too fast to absorb. Emotionally I am mess.
  • HootieGirl
    HootieGirl Member Posts: 85
    I feel like I have these
    I feel like I have these kind of days all the time! After I got diagnosed, I felt obligated to be strong. I didn't want anyone to see me as weak, so I pulled it all together and would laugh about the terrible situation. Sometimes it just gets too overwhelming. The one thing I pray for every night is to just be normal. I wish I could do normal things, feel normal, and have others treat me normal. The worst is when I am constantly reminded that I'm sick because I am so restricted and not able to do everything I want to because of my illness. At the same time I know that as much as cancer sucks, it gives me more compassion and a desire to help others.. But a lot of the time-All I want to do is cry.
  • deeb111
    deeb111 Member Posts: 141 Member
    yes cancer does suck and
    yes cancer does suck and what sucks more is it attacks u emotianaly and physicaly and the people who think they know you the best no longer do i have been there and continue to be in that place of not wanting anyone to see me cry for a number of reasons that is what brought me to this website finaly cause the only people who truly understand are those who experiance it alot of people think when the surgeries and treatments are done thats it you go back to buisness as usual physicaly yes emotionaly you relearn that as you go along and learn to appreciate what you have and not whats lost so my heart and prayers go out to all in times of need