Your signs and symptoms



  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    Routine mammo. Suspicious microcalcifications.

  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    Nothing. I did a self
    Nothing. I did a self examination and found it. Thank God I checked!
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Looking back on hindsight,
    for the most part, I felt good. However, I did bruise a lot and there were a few bouts where all of a sudden, it was like I had the wind knocked out of me. It lasted about 1-2 minutes of extreme fatigue, then it was gone. Of course, I didn't put two and two together until well after I was diagnosed.

    I hope and pray you get a clean scan!


  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    I didn't have any symptoms
    I didn't have any symptoms as my BC was detected on a routine mammogram. I am praying that this is nothing serious. Please keep us updated.

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    My experience
    Initially, I felt a painless thickening a few inches above my left nipple. It did not feel at all like a cyst: no borders, immovable, just a thickened area under the skin. It slowly, slowly progressed in size. It turns out, I was feeling the "tail" of my tumor. It started under my nipple and spread out like a spider.

    When I had metastasis 2 decades later, I broke 3 ribs after lifting heavy boxes. The ribs hurt intermittently, but each time, the pain was worse in intensity and staying longer. It felt like I had an alien in my ribcage trying to break out.

    I felt nothing, no signs, no
    I felt nothing, no signs, no symptoms. Like many other sisters, mine was found thru the mammo and ultrasound.

  • ms.sunshine
    ms.sunshine Member Posts: 707 Member

    I didn't have any symptoms
    I didn't have any symptoms as my BC was detected on a routine mammogram. I am praying that this is nothing serious. Please keep us updated.


    Same as most women here
    Found the lump. Felt like I pulled a muscle. However; before lump appeared I was very fatigued. I couldn't stay awake, I wanted to sleep. My hair was very dry,brittle, and my skin was extra dry.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member

    My sign was pain after my grandson elbowed me when throwing a ball.I had a mammo in June 2008.It was fine.In Feb(2009 8 months later) was the accident.I went to my breast surgeon because of the pain. He couldn't feel anything but told me to wait till June for my annual mammo.I went in for the mammo in July. Since my doctor said he didn't feel anything I was comfortable.Then I was moving some furniture end of June and the pain came back after a time of no pain.

    I've had a cystic breast and 5 benign tumors before this on that side. Starting at Age 20.My Mom and niece had breast cancer.Mom lived 60 years.Niece is doing fine.I always knew if I ever got cancer it would be the left breast.I'm sure the accident triggered it.I read where injuries and blows don't cause bc but since my accident I've talked to 3 other people that had a blow to their breast that was later cancer.

    My niece was diagnosed at 30 and had a mascetomy.The next year her other breast was pre cancerous and they said she needed the other breast removed as a precaution.

    My tumor was only 1/2 centimeter so it had to be the accident.I am sure it wasn't there the day the doctor examined me(only 2 weeks after the incident) but it took a few months to develop.

    Will be thinking of you and hope everything will be fine.

    Lynn Smith

    My bc was found thru my
    My bc was found thru my mammo.