SoCal lecture

New Flower
New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
Mark your calendar for the next Insights Into Cancer lecture on May 10, 2011:

Evolving Insights into the Rational Treatment of Breast Cancer 2011-

Sara Hurvitz, MD, UCLA Assistant Professor, medical oncologist and leader of the UCLA breast cancer clinical research program discusses important changes in our understanding of breast cancer subtypes and reviews current standards of care for breast cancer throughout the continuum; from diagnosis through treatment of early disease, and management of metastatic cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that is best treated with systemic interventions that prevent the recurrence of cancer after surgery and/or treat recurrence when it metastasizes to other organs. Traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and hormonal agents are described along with ground-breaking targeted biological agents that are being tested in clinical trials and emerging in the clinic.

For additional information contact us at or call (310)794-6644.