Shave it off or just let it come out?



  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Mine started coming out 14 days after first chemo, handfuls when I'd run my fingers thru it. That was a Thursday On Saturday I went and had it cut really short (a la Jamie Lee Curtis). By the following Tuesday everyone at work could see bald spots and told me to stop running my fingers thru it (as though that would help). The next day one of my co-workers brought his clippers and shaved it for me. He also did his own. By that Saturday I was wearing scarves.

    For my own experience, it was easier to get rid of it than having it falling out around me, but that's just me. Also, it gave me a sense of control in a very uncontrollable situation.

    Whatever you do, keep in mind, it will grow back.

  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member

    Mine started coming out 14 days after first chemo, handfuls when I'd run my fingers thru it. That was a Thursday On Saturday I went and had it cut really short (a la Jamie Lee Curtis). By the following Tuesday everyone at work could see bald spots and told me to stop running my fingers thru it (as though that would help). The next day one of my co-workers brought his clippers and shaved it for me. He also did his own. By that Saturday I was wearing scarves.

    For my own experience, it was easier to get rid of it than having it falling out around me, but that's just me. Also, it gave me a sense of control in a very uncontrollable situation.

    Whatever you do, keep in mind, it will grow back.


    As soon as hair was falling
    As soon as hair was falling into my bowl of Cheerio's (true story) I cried then called my daughter to buzz me and THEN felt great!
    I think I empowered myself....wasn't letting cancer tell me when my hair was going, I would decide that.

  • skipper54
    skipper54 Member Posts: 936 Member

    hair cut.
    I have a consult for chemotherapy on 4/26. I am part Native American and want to get a mowhawk prior to my hair falling out. I thought it would be a cool way to honor my ancestors and would also satisfy the fun loving part of my nature. The grandchildren will think it is cool too. They already know that thier grandmother is not ordinary, so it will not be a big shock to them. Some of them already know that I am going to joke my way through this illness rather than cry my way through it. I have had short hair for years but I think having a mowhawk will allow me to get used to the idea of baldness a bit more gradually.

    I also want to do this as a message to society that one should not judge a book by it's cover. I am a straight laced person who is quite the church attender. I think it will be good for others to think about the kind of thoughts they have based on what they see.

    dye it too
    Why not dye it pink while you're at it?! I heard that someone did that this past Oct. but I didn't have any hair to dye so will add a pink stripe next Oct., just for fun and to honor the pink sisters and promote awareness.
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358

    As soon as hair was falling
    As soon as hair was falling into my bowl of Cheerio's (true story) I cried then called my daughter to buzz me and THEN felt great!
    I think I empowered myself....wasn't letting cancer tell me when my hair was going, I would decide that.


    You guys are just full of
    You guys are just full of great and creative ideas! Thanks for the rest of them! The turban thing does sound fun.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    Katmy said:

    My mother in law shaved my
    My mother in law shaved my head down to 1/2 inch. Thank goodness! I am a weird one who has not lost all my hair! Unfortunately, every treatment causes irritation to the hair follicles which still hold hair and I developed folliculitis. My head is covered in itchy, painful bumps that must be "managed." If I had not shaved my head, I think dealing with the infection side effect would be even more uncomfortable.

    I never had chemo, but,
    I never had chemo, but, wanted to say good luck to you and to let you know that I will be praying for you.

    Hugs, Jan
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    skipper54 said:

    shaved it!
    Hey Nancy!

    You've heard this before but I'll say it again, we're all different. That being said, I shaved mine. I was told it would probably come out - 99.9% chance. The first thing I did was cancel my appointment for a perm and ask my stylist to come up with a short hair cut to prepare the way. On the morning of my 2nd treatment I "squeezed" the water out of my hair and came away with hair! (I was told it wouldn't happen until later.) I had a friend give me a buzz cut but just as some predicted, it HURT coming out. I soon tired of that and got in the shower with my shave gel and a mirror and shaved it all off. It felt good to be in charge and good not to have the pain of the fallout. I did all three - hats, scarves, and wig, but tried not to wear anything aroudn the house and to take really good care of my scalp. My hair started to come back in while I was still on the Taxotere (had already done 4 rounds of A/C cocktail.) It came back in just as thinck as it was before, a little bit darker, and wavy. I've had it trimmed once to even up the length and deal with the "fly-away" stuff. My stylist already has plans for a new style for me, shorter than before, but that's okay 'cause it's much easier to care for and dry now. It's your decision, so be comfortable with what you decide. I wouldn't change what I did, I wanted to be in control.

    I never had to make this
    I never had to make this choice, as, I didn't take chemo. I want to say good luck to you and I am sending you a big hug!

  • pattimc
    pattimc Member Posts: 431

    You guys are just full of
    You guys are just full of great and creative ideas! Thanks for the rest of them! The turban thing does sound fun.


    I went to JoAnne Fabrics and bought a bunch of material and a co-worker made scarves for me. Also bought scarves from re-sale shops, and

    Also, day 14 for me too..shaved it off!

    Last chemo Oct 9, 2009 and I have a FULL head of hair and get trims every 4 weeks! Came back in salt and pepper and very curly! Still is curly esp in humidity!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    My hair
    came out in clumps that left a lot of bald head showing. I wore a hat and went to my hairdressers and she shaved the rest off. I'm 4 months past chemo and hair is extremely short still!
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Noel
    Noel Member Posts: 3,095 Member

    Nancy, My husband shaved it off when my hair started to fall out. Never cried, but just said "Oh my gosh, I look like my father" (who is gone now, but he was always bald). That's all then move on. Now it's growing back and I look more like ME!:)

    You have already had such
    You have already had such great replies. Just saying good luck with whichever way you choose to go.
