Had my 3rd Surgery in 2 yrs last week. 24 is too young for this.

I had surgery July 8th 2010 to remove a football sized malignant tumor, right ovary and fallopian tube, as well as a few other pieces. The pathology came back as mucinous adenocarcinoma, stage I.

I've had 7 ultrasounds since July, and I was referred to an gyn oncologist at the U of M. She did a CT scan and they couldnt see the masses that were on the ultrasounds. I had laproscopic surgery last Thurs. Apparently my last surgery caused my colon to adhere to my pelvic bone and remaining left ovary. They were twisting and strangling my ovary. Apparently what they were seeing in the ultrasounds was my colon and not tumors. The Prelim pathology was negative for cancer. Has anyone heard of scar tissue causing this??

I'm very relieved, but I'm having a very hard time dealing with all this. I'm experiencing serious depression because I never know what's going to happen. 3 weeks ago, my doctor was scheduling appointments for chemotherapy, and instead I had a less invasive surgery and no treatment. This rollercoaster is going to kill me. I'm terrified everytime my phone rings that it'll be the oncologist calling with bad news, because up until last Thurs, this is what I'm used to dealing with.


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    So sorry to hear you are going through this. But it's wonderful news that OVCA has been ruled out! Scar tissue/adhesions can cause problems, even pain sometimes. Endometriosis can also cause adhesions. I was diagnosed with Endo at age 18, even though I'd been having problems since 16 years of age. By 26 the bowel had been fused to the pelvic wall by adhesions, and there were several other areas as well. So, I do believe that they can cause problems. Adheisions/scar tissue forms naturally from previous surgeries as well, so I don't think there's any way around it.

    Celebrate life, Katie! Live each day to the fullest. No one ever knows when we will leave this earth. It's just that for those of us facing this horrible disease, it always seems to be patting us on the shoulder. But living in fear will steal your joy of the moment. Try not to think about the 'what ifs', it wastes precious time.

    Sending lots of prayers and hugs!
