Doctor appt this am

disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
AFter 4+ yrs no period (age 51) about 3 mths ago I started..saw gyno for test/ biospy all ok then oncolo all ok...then bleeding started up again...called oncolo-she said go to gyno-so back to gyno...same procedure today...says all looks good (no cancer etc) so assuming side effect of tamox...which I have been taken off since this all started...

I am not sure when I go back to oncolo if I want or will take any more post cancer meds-seems more side effects then proof of helping.. (have thickening of uterus and 2 D & C less then year..

just ranting more then anything...


  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 155
    your dr. appointment
    I have been following you, as I have been taken off of Tamoxifen also for a month. I don't have the thickening of the Uterous but have had ovarian cysts, and different pains. I wanted to make sure that the symptoms I had were not caused by the tamoxifen. I have had a lot of Abdominal pain, Bloating,swelling, burping, throbbing ovaries, back pain. I am not sure what it is, and I also know that the symptoms can't be Irritable Bowl syndrom which alot of times they diagnos the symptoms as. I had two Pelvic ultrasounds, and a CT scan that show cysts, The pain can be unbearable at times. I thought that Bleeding was not supposed to be a good thing. I had always heard that it is a sign of cancer. I hope not for you! I am waitng for the results of my second Ultrasound, and a CA125 test. My dr. went out of town, so know have to wait another 2 weeks. Frustrating when you dont' know what is going on. I am not sure if he will put me back on the Tamoxifen, or another, I am still premenopausal. Mary
  • BioAdoptMom
    BioAdoptMom Member Posts: 358
    I am so glad to hear its not
    I am so glad to hear its not cancer, but wow, how annoying to have all those uncomfortable and worrisome side effects! I am dreading Tamoxifen too. Please keep us updated.


  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member

    I am so glad to hear its not
    I am so glad to hear its not cancer, but wow, how annoying to have all those uncomfortable and worrisome side effects! I am dreading Tamoxifen too. Please keep us updated.



    I am sorry that this is
    I am sorry that this is happening to you again. But, it is very good news that it isn't cancer. So, congrats on that.

    Hugs, Debby
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    DebbyM said:

    I am sorry that this is
    I am sorry that this is happening to you again. But, it is very good news that it isn't cancer. So, congrats on that.

    Hugs, Debby

    I am very sorry that you are having a very difficult time. I understand your worries since I was on Tamoxifen for 15 months and have had biopsy too due to thickening. After biopsy the situation improved.
    According to my oncologist the first two years after treatment are the most important to prevent recurrence. You have tried your best and you are with NED. Wishing you fast recovery and that your bleeding will stop soon.
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    your dr. appointment
    I have been following you, as I have been taken off of Tamoxifen also for a month. I don't have the thickening of the Uterous but have had ovarian cysts, and different pains. I wanted to make sure that the symptoms I had were not caused by the tamoxifen. I have had a lot of Abdominal pain, Bloating,swelling, burping, throbbing ovaries, back pain. I am not sure what it is, and I also know that the symptoms can't be Irritable Bowl syndrom which alot of times they diagnos the symptoms as. I had two Pelvic ultrasounds, and a CT scan that show cysts, The pain can be unbearable at times. I thought that Bleeding was not supposed to be a good thing. I had always heard that it is a sign of cancer. I hope not for you! I am waitng for the results of my second Ultrasound, and a CA125 test. My dr. went out of town, so know have to wait another 2 weeks. Frustrating when you dont' know what is going on. I am not sure if he will put me back on the Tamoxifen, or another, I am still premenopausal. Mary

    I have ulcertive colitis (aka chrons -get annaul colonscopy for 19 yrs now) IT does sound intestinal related to me...19 yrs ago I panic-thought colon cancer..I have been on meds ever since...

    I have found out on my own...trail and error diet/ food has much to do with it..but not always..

    I cut out dairy..(get lactose free items) NO salad, raw veggies...sauces or spicy food...just if you want to give it try..

    when I have cramping or pain..i think back what I ate 2 days prior..usually can narrow it down..I HOPE THIS is helpful..but I THINK I would call a Gastro Dr for an appt...
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    I am very sorry that you are having a very difficult time. I understand your worries since I was on Tamoxifen for 15 months and have had biopsy too due to thickening. After biopsy the situation improved.
    According to my oncologist the first two years after treatment are the most important to prevent recurrence. You have tried your best and you are with NED. Wishing you fast recovery and that your bleeding will stop soon.

    Thanks for all the
    Thanks for all the replies.....