rec'd some helpful info thought share-I t hink teleconfrence!

disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

Looking for information about cancer and work?
Cancer and Careers offers many ways to get it!

This Thursday's session features Joanna Morales, Director of the Cancer Legal Resource Center. In an extensive presentation, she will be covering the most commonly asked about legal and insurance issues. We will circulate the slides in advance of the session to those who register and there will also be time for questions.

If you missed Session 1, the program is archived on our website here.

Are you a nurse or social worker? Through ONS and NASW we are providing continuing education credit hours for attendence.

Register now!

April 7th, 2011 Legal and Insurance Issues To Consider
Speaker: Joanna L. Morales, Esq., Director, Cancer Legal Resource Center
May 12th, 2011 Re-entering the Workforce After Short and Long Absences
Speakers: Julie Jansen, Executive and Career Coach and Author
Laura Mosiello LCSW-R, Oncology Social Worker and Consultant